An hour later, Li Mu returned to the area near the abandoned factory, found a place and waited.

Because one billion yen is not a small amount, the transaction started in the evening, and Li Mu naturally needed to kill some time.

In this way, it was not until the afternoon that a van left the abandoned factory.

Li Mu quickly looked around and found that there were only three men inside, and there was no Xiaolan or the woman in black.

"The game should be over."

Li Mu murmured, and then slowly walked into the abandoned factory and came to the side of the man in black.

Because of his invisibility, even if Li Mu came next to the woman in black, the woman in black didn't feel anything at all.

Confirmed something After what happened, Li Mu slowly raised his hand, placed it on the back of the woman in black, and knocked lightly.


The woman in black suddenly became dizzy and fell directly to the ground.

Solving the problem in black After the woman, Li Mu quickly walked over and untied Xiaolan.and tape

"Xiaolan, are you okay? Did they do anything to you."

As soon as Xiaolan heard Li Mu's familiar voice, and then looked at Li Mu's face that was engraved in her heart, there was a warm current in her heart, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Brother Li, this is so great. I thought I wouldn’t be able to leave alive this time."

Li Mu also hugged Xiaolan and slowly picked her up. The princess carried her and walked outside.

Xiaolan's face turned red, but she did not refuse. She let Li Mu hold her and rested her head on Li Mu's arms..

Not long after, Li Mu came to the car, put Xiaolan in the car, and then returned to the Maori Detective Agency.

On the other side, Officer Memu answered the phone, feeling happy and said quickly:"That's great. Brother Maori, Mr. Li has found Xiaolan and rescued her, and is rushing back now"

"Really, that's great, my Xiaolan."

Moori Kogoro suddenly became excited, tears streaming down his eyes, just like a child.

Fei Yingli and Conan on the other side also relaxed inside.

They were very worried all day today, for fear that Xiaolan would die. what is the problem

"Okay, brother Maori, let us arrest the prisoner now, and we must avenge brother Maori well."Officer Memu waved his hand and shouted domineeringly.

"Well, I must take revenge this time."

Mouri Kogoro nodded in the same way, with a fleeting cold light in his eyes.

If he dared to kidnap his Moori Kogoro's daughter, he would get a set package.

On the other side, Li Mu, when he finished the phone call, had already In the detective agency. On the third floor of the agency, Li Mu put down the child, covered her with a quilt, and sat next to her.

"Brother Li, can you stay? I have a lot to say to you. Li

Mu looked at Xiaolan who was a little hesitant, nodded slightly and said,"Xiaolan, just say what you have to say, I'm here to listen.""

Xiaolan hesitated again, and then said:"Brother Li, if it weren't for you this time, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to come back.

On this day, I always think of you, and your figure is all in my mind. From last time, every time I encounter danger, you are always by my side.

I have been wondering if you are the one I am destined to be, and childhood sweethearts will always be just childhood sweethearts, and you are the only one in my life.

So, I want to ask you, when you are with Yuanzi, are you pursuing me for fun, or do you really like us and want to be with us forever?"

Li Mu listened to this almost confession, and his heart was filled with joy.

This means that Xiaolan has basically crossed this hurdle, and there is only a fence left in his heart that can be crossed in one step.

Li Mu did not hesitate, stretched out his hand, He gently took Xiaolan's hand and held it in his palm.

"Lan, I have always liked you very much"

"I understand, Brother Li, can I take a break?"

"Of course, you should have a good rest."

Li Mu naturally knew that Xiaolan had already agreed in his heart, so he didn't say anything more. He just sat next to Xiaolan and waited patiently. As time passed, Xiaolan closed her eyes and fell asleep in the blink of an eye.

"Xiaolan, are you okay?"

I don't know when, Mouri Kogoro and others hurried back.

As soon as they entered the room, they saw Xiaolan and Li Mu resting.

"Hush, let's let them rest for a while. They are probably exhausted all day today."

Fei Yingli interrupted Maori Kogoro and looked at Xiaolan and Li Mu with a tender look.

Maori Kogoro didn't notice this, nodded and said:"Okay, let's go out and give them two some space. rest."

When Fei Yingli finally left, she looked at the quilt on one side, picked it up, and put it on Li Mu's back.

After Fei Yingli and others left, Li Mu opened his eyes and peeked outside.

But for a moment After that, Li Mu continued to rest.

Outside, Fei Yingli looked at Mouri Kogoro and said,"I'm sleeping with Xiaolan tonight. I'm a little worried about her.""


Mouri Kogoro didn't think too much. He just thought that Fei Yingli was worried about Xiaolan, so he nodded and agreed.

Then Fei Yingli ordered some outside and ate with a few people. Maori Kogoro, maybe because he was happy, started to drink heavily. After drinking,

Fei Yingli didn’t stop her and finished her meal in silence.

After finishing the meal, Fei Yingli tidied up, then came to Xiaolan’s room, picked up the quilt, and made a floor mat.

And Li Mu sat on Fei Yingli’s room. Next to Eri, he put his head on Xiaolan's bed and rested like this.

Until night, the sky became very dark, Conan and others had already rested, and Mouri Kogoro also fell asleep drunk.

I don't know. At some point, Li Mu suddenly opened his eyes and took a peek at Fei Yingli behind him. The

Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Novel

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