The moonlight passed through the window and shone on Fei Yingli's face.

Upstairs, Mouri Kogoro was purring in his room, and downstairs, Fei Yingli was also very happy.

Until a long time later, Fei Yingli hugged Li Mu with a happy expression on her face

"Okay, Li Mu, I'm going to take a rest. You can also find a place to rest."

Li Mu didn't refuse. He ate some tofu and then got dressed and left.

At around twelve o'clock in the evening, Li Mu did not stay.

Xiaolan and Fei Yingli shared a room, so it was not convenient for Li Mu to stay, and Maoli In Kogoro's room, Li Mu expressed that he did not want to be with him.

As for the sofa, let alone how could Li Mu lie on the sofa alone.

In the end, Li Mu went home.

After arriving at home, Li Mu came to Illya In the room, looking at Ilia sleeping happily, he sat aside and started reading.

Even though Li Mu didn't spend much time with Ilia, Li Mu loved Ilia very much.

After all, no matter what, Illya is also his only daughter in this life, so she naturally needs to be loved and cared for.

Moreover, Illya has always maintained the body of a child. She looks very cute and cute, and it’s hard not to care about her.

Sitting next to her After staying with Ilia for a while, Li Mu went to take a bath, then lay down next to Ilia and rested with her.

Ilia also suddenly noticed the movement around her and couldn't help but open her eyes.

Just when she saw Li Mu, Ilia felt happy in her heart, and then closed her eyes again.

I don’t know how long it had been, but Ilia had never slept with Li Mu again, and she no longer knew her father’s warmth.

The next day, Li Mu woke up Finally, looking at Illya in his arms (bgdf) with a smile on his face, Li Mu couldn't help but sit next to him and watch.

Not long after, Illya also woke up, and then noticed Li Mu sitting beside him.

"Li Mu, why are you here? You did something bad while Ilia was asleep yesterday."

Li Mu was delighted. At this age, this guy actually knew what bad things Li Mu had done.

"Little girl, what do you know? Why don’t you get up? Today, your father and I will personally prepare delicious food for you."

"delicious."Illya's eyes lit up, a stream of saliva secreted from her mouth, and she said excitedly:"Okay, I want to eat, you can do it for me now,"


Li Mu didn't say anything more, got up and left. Who knows that Li Mu is his father now.

Not long after Li Mu finished making breakfast, Ilia also got dressed and waited patiently.

As soon as she saw Li Mu leaving Coming over, Illya quickly picked up the tableware and looked at Li Mu excitedly.

"Come, Illya, this is the breakfast I prepared for you. I also specially prepared a lunch box for you. You can eat it if you are hungry."

"Thank you."

Illya started eating with a charming smile on her face, which made Li Mu dumbfounded.

On the other hand, after Xiaolan woke up, she saw no one around her and couldn't help but murmur to herself. :"Brother Li, why isn't he here? Where did she go?"

While speaking, Fei Yingli also woke up and said quickly:"Xiaolan, it's great that you're awake."

"Mom, is that you? Xiaolan was also overjoyed and said quickly:"Mom, why are you here, and who sent me back yesterday.""

Maybe Xiaolan still has doubts in her heart. She doesn't know whether what happened yesterday is true or not. She is afraid that she just had a dream yesterday.

"I'm not worried about you. As for Mr. Li Muli, he sent you back yesterday and then left at night. What happened?"

As she spoke, Fei Yingli had a blush on her face. She thought of what happened yesterday evening in her mind, with a hint of shyness in her heart.

Xiaolan didn't notice this, she just thought that what happened yesterday was true, and secretly thought in her heart Secretly delighted

"Great, what happened yesterday is true."

Xiaolan murmured to herself, with the corners of her mouth raised, and a smile on her face. She looked as bright and moving as an angel.

Fei Yingli noticed Xiaolan's smile. Although she didn't know what Xiaolan was thinking, she still couldn't bear it. Zhu took a step forward and took Xiaolan into his arms.


Xiaolan looked at the worried Fei Yingli, and her heart felt warm.

This may be the so-called mother's love and father's love."

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage" begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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