In the early morning, Li Mu waited until Ilia finished eating, then sent her to school, and then came to the Maori Detective Agency.

After arriving at the Maori Detective Agency, Li Mu saw Xiaolan, Fei Yingli and others sitting at the table eating.

As soon as she saw Li Mu arriving, Xiaolan said quickly:"Brother Li, you are here, do you want to have a meal together?"

"Yes, Li Mu, let’s eat together. Xiaolan made this herself and it’s delicious."

Moori Kogoro also smiled and welcomed Li Mu very much.

Not only did he lend him one billion yen, but he also helped him rescue Xiaolan. He didn't even know what to say.

Of course, if he knew Li Mu had sex with Fei Yingli yesterday evening. I wonder if the little Maori"Zero Nine Seven" Goro would welcome him so much.

"So thank you, Detective Mori."

Li Mu didn't refuse, and found a seat to sit down.

After sitting down, Li Mu looked at everyone, and of course he looked specifically at Fei Yingli.

Fei Yingli's face turned slightly red when Li Mu looked at her like this, but she did not look away, pretending to look at Li Mu calmly.

Fortunately, Li Mu just glanced at it and then looked away.

"Come, Li Mu, eat more, this fish is for you."

Mouri Kogoro politely picked up a fish and gave it to Li Mu.

The important thing is that this fish belongs to Conan, or was taken from Conan's bowl.

Looking at Conan's resentful dead fish eyes, Li Mu quickly picked up this fish The fish was picked up by several pairs of chopsticks and handed to Conan

"This fish should be given to Conan. He is still young and needs to develop. He probably can't even beat the girls in school."

"No, I can beat girls."Conan quickly defended himself.

It would be too embarrassing if a boy can't beat a girl.

"Oh, win the fight."Li Mu suddenly laughed, then sullenly said:"As a boy, you actually hit a girl, you are still not a man."

"Yes, Conan, you are a boy, how can you hit a girl?"Xiaolan also started to blame.

Conan's face turned dark. He seemed to have been tricked by Li Mu.

Looking at the reproachful eyes nearby, it was useless to explain. He needed to find a way to divert his attention.

Conan He rolled his eyes, and then said quickly:"By the way, didn't Brother Hattori come here today? Why haven't you seen anyone else yet?"

"Hattori?"Xiao Lan also reacted and said uncertainly:"Indeed, he said he would be there at six o'clock today. It's almost eight o'clock now, and he hasn't come yet."

"Yes, he did say that he would come today a few days ago. Mouri Kogoro also remembered that this happened.

However, because Xiaolan was kidnapped, they were all focused on Xiaolan and subconsciously forgot about Hattori Heiji.

Seeing that his eyes had shifted, Conan said,"Why don't we go look for him? It would be bad if something happens to Hattori-san.""

"We really should look for them. There has been some unrest recently. It would be bad if something happens to them."

Xiaolan thought about her kidnapping and began to worry.

"Well, let's go take a look later and we'll know everything then."

Mouri Kogoro wanted to refuse, but he was also worried about Hattori Heiji, so he nodded and agreed.

After finishing the meal, Mouri Kogoro walked aside, picked up the phone and made a call. After the call, Mouri Kogoro called again. The phone.

Not long after, Mouri Kogoro hung up the phone and came over and said:"I have already asked his family. He seems to be working on some case. He has already arrived. At the same time, I have also asked relevant people. That boy Hattori is looking for someone." People are here"

"Really, Uncle Maori, how about we go and have a look?"

"Yes, dad, let's go look for it together."

"ah……"Mouri Kogoro looked ugly, but he still said:"Okay, I understand, let's go now......."

After saying that, Mouri Kogoro left absentmindedly.

"By the way, Brother Li, are you going?"Xiaolan suddenly asked

"No, I have to take a rest today, Hattori and the others will trouble you."Li Mu shook his head and refused.

"I'm not going either, I have something to do today."

Fei Yingli shook her head and refused without waiting for Xiaolan's answer.

"Really? Then we leave first."

Xiaolan didn't force it, she just felt a little regretful, then turned around and left.

Seeing Xiaolan leave, Fei Yingli picked up the side table and walked to the bathroom on the side.

Half an hour later, Fei Yingli blushed Face walked out of the kitchen, packed up his things and left.

Li Mu naturally went back downstairs to inspect his coffee shop.

As soon as he arrived at Poirot's coffee shop, Azusa Enomoto came over and said politely :"Boss, you’re here, would you like something to eat?"

"Have a cup of coffee."

Li Mu casually ordered a cup of coffee, and then found a place to sit down.

After Li Mu bought Poirot's coffee shop, he handed it over to Azusa Enomoto, who became the store manager here.

And Li Mu Treat this place as one of your strongholds. If you have anything to do, go to the Mori Detective Agency to find Xiao 3.5lan.

"Boss, your coffee."

Enomoto Azusa took out a cup of coffee and handed it to Li Mu

"How's it going, Xiaozi? Is the business here pretty good?"

"Not bad, thanks to the boss, there are still quite a lot of customers."

Enomoto Azusa showed a charming smile. It can be seen that the business here is good.

After all, as the manager of a coffee shop, the business here is good and her salary is also very good.

Then Li Mu sat directly in Poirot's coffee shop to polish Time, until noon, when Xiaolan came back, she brought a very bad news to Li Mu.

Heye was missing.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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