In Poirot's coffee shop, Li Mu was drinking coffee and thinking carefully.

"Xiaolan, I can't find He Ye with just such a few clues. Are there any clues?"

Although Li Mu remembers many plots, there are also many plots that Li Mu has almost forgotten. For example, Li Mu can't remember this incident very clearly.

"What should I do? I can't find He Ye. Will something happen?"

Xiaolan was a little worried after hearing this and didn't know what to say.

Next to her, Mouri Kogoro said calmly:"It's okay, nothing will happen to that little devil. Don't worry."

As he said that, Mouri Kogoro was still drinking coffee leisurely, very calmly.

Ding-ding-ding... ding-ding-ding...

Suddenly, the ringtone of his cell phone came to mind. Moori Kogoro took the phone and took a quick look.

"Okay, there's nothing wrong with that kid. Look, didn't he send a text message specifically?"

"Really? Let me take a look."

Conan was about to read it, but Li Mu grabbed it and looked at it. On the screen of the mobile phone, there were a large number of Arabic numerals and letters, many lines in a row, and it was impossible to distinguish them for a while.

Conan on the side also copied them down, and then began to think deeply..

Not long after, an idea flashed in Li Mu's mind, and he said quickly:"By the way, Detective Maori, have you ever thought about the scale or people or things related to the scale."

Conan also had a flash of inspiration and said quickly:"Uncle Maori, the badge on the lawyer's mouth today is the scale badge, which symbolizes the lawyer's justice."

"Indeed, but what's the matter? Is there anything going on?"

As the world's number one elm-brained person, Mouri Kogoro's brain is not bright except for his friends and family at other times.

Li Mu was also speechless, covered his head and said:"Detective Maori, please take me there. , that kid might have been kidnapped, let’s go rescue them."

"Ah, kidnapped?"

Moori Kogoro was also shocked. Before he could say anything, he was taken away by Xiaolan.

Not long after, Li Mu came to a high-rise building not far from lawyer Fujimisari's house.

In the high-rise building, Li Mu picked up a Using the telescope, I looked through the window and saw Hattori Heiji and Kazuha tied together.

"Detective Maori, it looks like they were indeed caught. This was too careless."

"Yeah, let's go call the police."

Mouri Kogoro also saw Hattori Heiji and the two of them, and he had already taken out the phone in his hand.

After Moori Kogoro finished the call, he said:"Okay, Detective Mouri, let's go there together. When the time comes,..."

"okay, I get it."

The three of them arrived at the door of the lawyer's house. Li Mu came to the gate alone, while Mouri and Kogoro hid.

Ding dong...

Li Mu pressed the doorbell, and the lawyer inside walked slowly past.

Through the peephole, the lawyer saw Li Mu's figure. After confirming that Li Mu was the only one, he opened the door.

"who are you? What do you want from me?"

"This is your express delivery. Please sign for it."

As Li Mu spoke, he suddenly rushed out and hit the lawyer in the abdomen with his right hand.

The lawyer immediately fell down, rolled his eyes, and fainted.

Li Mu supported the lawyer, then walked to the stairs, and a He pinched his throat with his hands

"It's nothing, just watch those two brats."

Li Mu can naturally change his voice. If Kogoro Mori hadn't been outside, Li Mu could have turned into the lawyer directly. The two people above had no doubts and continued to look at Hattori Heiji and the two. After confirming that nothing happened, Li Mu slowly walked up the stairs, then jumped to the ceiling

"who are you, you..."

One of the gangsters was about to say something, but Li Mu suddenly rushed out, punched one of them, and the two of them immediately fell to the ground.

"It's you?"When Hattori Heiji saw Li Mu, he immediately became dissatisfied. He originally hoped that Kogoro Mori or Conan would come to save him, but who knew that the person he hated the most came?

"Yes, that's me."

Li Mu walked up to the two of them, forcefully opened the handcuffs holding them, and squeezed He Ye's small hands at the same time. He Ye's face was slightly red, and he said a little shyly:"Brother Li, it's you, why are you here? Here, thank you very much this time"

".There's nothing to thank him for, it's not like we asked him to come."

Hattori Heiji looked at Li Mu with some jealousy.

Every time he saw Kazu Ye treating Li Mu so well, he felt very jealous and wished he could replace Li Mu.

If he knew that Li Mu had eaten Kazu Ye, he didn't know what he would feel in his heart. What do you think?

Li Mu directly ignored Hattori Heiji and explained:"We have read the text message you sent to Detective Mori, so we came to find them. Now they are outside"

"Really, Brother Li, you are really great."

He and I looked at Li Mu with admiration, with golden light shining in our eyes.

"Okay, let's get out of here."

Hattori Heiji felt even more dissatisfied, and stretched out his foot to push the man who was lying on the ground.

"Okay, you get up, everything is fine"

"Cough cough cough..."The seemingly dead man coughed, then laughed, and said thankfully: (Deno Zhao)"As expected of a detective's friend, I just have a way, and finally everything is fine."

After that, the man and Hattori Heiji came together Go on

"Heye, are you okay? Why haven't you come down yet?"

Down below, Hattori Heiji saw that Kazuha couldn't come down, and he suddenly became dissatisfied and shouted.

"Oh, I'll be down soon."

He Ye quickly pushed Li Mu away, and then hurriedly walked down.

Li Mu also wiped his mouth, and then walked down the stairs, followed by He Ye.

After arriving downstairs, Hattori Heiji looked at Li Mu warily. Looking at Kazuya with both eyes

"He Ye, why did you come down now?"

"I've been kneeling for a long time, so my legs feel a little uncomfortable."

Or he has been with Li Mu for a long time, and He Ye has also begun to learn to lie.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Fairy Tail begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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