The next day, Li Mu tidied up and left Yukiko's villa.

After leaving, Li Mu drove the car on the street

"Yingli?"Li Mu suddenly saw a Fei Law Firm, and quickly turned around and arrived at an underground parking lot.

Then Li Mu came directly to the Fei Law Firm. At this moment, Fei Yingli had already gone to work. When Li Mu came over, he happened to see When we arrived at Kuriyama Green,

Kuriyama Green’s eyes lit up, but he didn’t say anything.

"Good morning, Miss Kuriyama."Li Mu said hello and then entered Fei Yingli's office.

Fei Yingli also noticed Li Mu, her cheeks were slightly red, and she said shyly:"Li Mu, why are you here? What's the matter?"

"What's wrong, can't I come?"

"Of course not, it’s just that I have guests today, so I’m afraid I can’t do that."

"Okay, come on, let me help you handle the case."

Li Mu picked up Fei Yingli, and then sat on the chair.

Fei Yingli blushed and said shyly:"Li Mu, how can you help me, how can I still work."

Jingle Bell...Jingle Bell...

Suddenly, the phone rang. Fei Yingli was startled and quickly picked up the phone.

"Hello...Phew, who are you? What's matter?"

"Oh, it’s you, Xiaolan, what’s the matter?"

After a long time, Fei Yingli hung up the phone and knocked on Li Mu's shoulder.

"Li Mu, you are serious, don’t move around just now, I was almost discovered by Xiaolan"

"So what, she can't see it anyway, so what can she guess? By the way, why is she calling you, and does she want to create a chance for you to get back together?"

"That's not the case, it's Mouri Kogoro." Fei Yingli shook her head and said with a tone of hatred:"That guy owes more than eight million, the case has not been solved, Xiaolan is busy.

After saying that, Feiying thought about something and said,"By the way, don't be here. I'm just helping Xiaolan and have nothing to do with that guy Mouri Kogoro.""

Seeing Fei Yingli's slightly anxious expression, Li Mu reached out and tapped Fei Yingli's nose.

"Okay, Yingli, I don't mind, you don't, because I believe in you."

After saying that, Li Mu's hands became restless again.

After a long time, Fei Yingli pushed Li Mu away and said with a blushing face:"Okay, Li Mu, I still need to help Xiaolan, so don't do this."

"Okay, I'll leave first, and I'll be there when the time comes. You wait for me."

Not long after Li Mu left, Yukiko came to Fei Yingli's office.

"Yingli, I'm here, how are you?"

"Yukiko, are you here?

Fei Yingli looked at the sudden appearance of Yukiko and was slightly stunned.

Then Fei Yingli reacted immediately and quickly threw the tissue in her hand into the trash can.

After Yukiko came in, she sniffed and said in confusion:" Yingli, by the way, do you have something here that smells so weird? Fei

Yingli blushed and said quickly:"It's nothing. By the way, do you have anything to do with me?""

".Ah, by the way, I remembered. I've been very bored recently, so I came over to hang out with you. It seems like we haven't gone out for a long time, right?"

"I'm afraid this won't work. Xiaolan asked me to do something today, and I can't leave with you. Fei Yingli said apologetically.

"Xiaolan. Yukiko was stunned for a moment, then winked and said,"I know, it's your troublesome husband. Is he in any trouble again?""

"Yes, something happened to him again, that’s right, he……"

Fei Yingli reluctantly told the story about Mouri Kogoro.

Yukiko was stunned after hearing this, and exclaimed:"What the hell, he has already spent eight million, he can spend too much, right?""

"Yes, so I have to go over and help now, otherwise what should I do if something goes wrong."

Fei Yingli was also helpless, and then picked up the documents and packed her backpack.

"By the way, I'll go with you. I also want to see how you solve the case. Let's have dinner together then."

Yukiko raised her little hands, with an excited face, and she seemed to be very happy.

Fei Yingli was also helpless, but did not refuse, and allowed Yukiko to follow her.

The Great Voyage: The Invincible Fairy Tail of the Concubine Begins!_

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