At the Maori Detective Agency, after Li Mu arrived here for the first time, he came to the second floor and saw Maori Kogoro lying on the sofa, muttering incessantly.

It's a pity that no matter how much he murmurs now, he can't go back to the past, and Fei Yingli can't be his.

"Brother Li, you are here."

As soon as Xiaolan saw Li Mu, she was very happy.

However, compared to Xiaolan, Conan on the other side was not so welcoming. She wished that Li Mu would leave here immediately.

"Yes, I came over to see you, but Detective Mori is okay, right?"

Speaking of Mouri Kogoro, Xiaolan had a touch of red on her face and lowered her head shyly.

"Don't worry, dad, he's fine."

Li Mu saw that Xiaolan didn't say anything, so he didn't ask any more questions. He sat aside and waited.

Not long after, Fei Yingli and Yukiko also rushed over.

Seeing Yukiko, everyone present was stunned.

Not only Li Mu I, even Conan and Xiaolan were stunned.

"Shinichi's mother?"Xiaolan murmured to herself

"Hi Xiaolan."Yukiko waved her hand and said hello, and then looked at Conan with a complicated expression.

It was because of Conan that she got to this point, and now she also felt that she was a little sorry for Conan.

But this thought was fleeting.

"Okay, Xiaolan, what happened to this guy?"

Fei Yingli ran to the side of Mouri Kogoro. Her beautiful eyes glanced at the drunk Moori Kogoro with a look of disgust on her face.

"Ah, mom, dad, he keeps calling you to help him."Xiaolan was also anxious and quickly explained.

"Yes, did he really shout that? Yukiko became interested and walked to Mouri Kogoro's side, listening carefully to Mouri Kogoro's words.

"I can't eat anymore, I really can't eat anymore, Miss Yoko."


Concubine Yingli:"…………"

Conan, Xiaolan:"……"

If she could kill someone, Xiaolan would really want to slice up Kogoro Mori.

"By the way, mom, dad, he really wasn't like this just now, I can guarantee that."

Xiaolan quickly explained, otherwise it would be bad if it caused a big fuss.

"Yeah, I think that's the problem with this show."

Conan also quickly pointed to the TV on the side.

At this moment, the entire four-minute cooking time of Yoko Okino was displayed on the TV. Fei Yingli glanced at the TV and said calmly:"This is none of my business. I'm here to help you solve the problem. The rest has nothing to do with me. Okay, let's go.

"All right."

Although Xiaolan was worried, she saw the concubine's expression and did not continue to say anything.

"Okay, let's set off. Let's go there and take a look. I wanted to see what the case was, but I actually stumped this guy Kogoro."

Yukiko waved her hand, very excited, as if she wanted to go to her.

"He is really bad, if it was made by your family Yu……"Feieri was about to complain about Mouri Kogoro when she suddenly thought of something and said quickly:"I'm sorry, Yukiko, I didn't mean to mention this."

Feieri also suddenly remembered that Yukiko had divorced Yusaku.

"It doesn't matter, we are divorced anyway, and we will just be passers-by from now on."

Yukiko waved her hand nonchalantly, but the sadness in her eyes did not disappear.

However, this sadness was fleeting and disappeared in the blink of an eye. On the other hand, Conan hesitated, but in the end he did not ask.

Since Kudo Yu After Tsukuru was imprisoned, he didn't see Yukiko, and he calmed down during this period.

But when he met Yukiko today, Conan's thoughts were revived again.

Yukiko naturally noticed Conan and blinked. He blinked and signaled

"Okay, no more talking, let’s get going."

Fei Yingli didn't want to dwell too much on this matter, so she quickly interrupted everyone and left the Maori Detective Agency.


In a car, Fei Yingli drove, Conan sat in the passenger seat, and Li Mu, Yukiko and Xiaolan sat in the back.

As for Li Mu's car, he simply ignored it.

It's better to be in a car with a few beauties than to drive alone in boredom

"By the way, Xiaolan, what exactly is that case? I still don't know. Fei

Yingli asked while driving the car.

······Asking for flowers·······

"Oh, that's it. The client in the case said that someone in his family wanted to kill her husband and left threatening letters many times and placed them under her husband's pillow. The client hopes that we can find that person."

"That's it. Fei Yingli nodded, then closed her eyes and started thinking.

"By the way, Li Mu, you are also a detective, so do you know who did this case?"

Yukiko pushed Li Mu, her tone as if the two people didn't know each other at all.

"I don’t know this either. After all, I only know this little thing and I can’t solve the case at all."

Li Mu also pretended not to know Yukiko. After all, there are so many people here. It would be bad if the boat accidentally capsizes.


Although everyone was disappointed after hearing this, they didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, Li Mu was nothing, and it was impossible for him to do this.

"Okay, don’t think too much, we’ll talk about it when we get there, we don’t know what to think about now."

Fei Yingli interrupted everyone, then drove the car and soon arrived at the client's home.

After arriving at the client's home, an old housekeeper walked out. The housekeeper's name was Ueki.

"You guys are detectives, please come with me and I'll take you inside."

Butler Ueki led Li Mu and others into the courtyard.

There were green vegetation everywhere in the courtyard, which looked very big and luxurious.

"This hospital is really big"

"Yes, it is indeed big and beautiful."

Yukiko and Fei Yingli couldn't help but praise them.

"That was, this was our deceased lady’s favorite courtyard. Unfortunately, this courtyard will be demolished soon."

As he spoke, Butler Ueki's eyebrows showed a trace of sadness, and his eyes also exuded a faint murderous intent.

Although this murderous intent was very weak, Li Mu could feel it.


Li Mu couldn't help but snickered. It seemed that the killer already knew, and Li Mu just had to wait for things to happen.

Others did not notice the smile on Li Mu's lips and continued walking forward.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of the Great Voyage begins with! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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