Not long after, Li Mu, Fei Yingli and others entered the client's home.

After entering the home, a relatively fat middle-aged man walked out.

"What, is this the boring lawyer who accepted the commission? I didn’t expect that someone would accept the commission for such a small matter."

This middle-aged man is Mikio Fujieda, the head of the family.

Mikio Fujieda started mocking as soon as he came out.

After mocking, Mikio Fujieda didn't give Li Mu a chance to speak and turned around and left.

"Really, this guy actually spent 10 million on me."

Li Mu was stunned. This guy actually said that about himself as soon as he came out.

"Xiaolan, I finally know why someone wants to kill this guy. This guy must have offended a lot of people, and I want to kill him."

Xiaolan and the others smiled awkwardly, but no one refuted 16 Li Mu.

Because Mikio Fujieda is indeed too arrogant, and there are many people who want to kill him. Click, click, click...

Suddenly, a series of footsteps came. , upstairs, a young woman came down.

At first glance, it was clear that this woman must be a woman who was greedy for Fujieda Mikio's money. After the woman came out, she quickly smiled and said:"You guys are here on behalf of Detective Mori, right? It's so beautiful. If both of them were Gan Xiong's lovers, Suhua and I would definitely lose to them."

Listening to Fujieda Soka's words, Fei Yingli and Yukiko didn't feel happy for some reason.

"Who would fall in love with that kind of guy."

Li Mu complained in his heart.

"Okay, guys, come with me."

Fujieda Suhua walked in front and led Li Mu and others to a reception room.

"Guys, this is that person's threatening letter. Look, who wants to kill Gan Xiong?"

Li Mu took these letters and glanced at them briefly.

"This kind of letter is of no use. If the old guy was killed, we might be able to find clues to the murder. Otherwise, I guess this letter must have many people's fingerprints."

Fujieda Soka's mouth twitched, but she still said:"This...That's true. After Ganxiong received the threatening letter, he showed it to all the servants, so there were many people's fingerprints"

"You see, I said that the old guy would do this. I estimate that most of the people in this family want to kill him."

Li Mu lay down on the sofa with disdain.

Fei Yingli and others thought about Fujieda Mikio's appearance, and they also had similar expressions.

Li Mu did not continue to look at it, but instead looked towards the garden not far away.

"This house is nice and can be placed entirely in my yard."

In the yard!

Everyone's mouths twitched slightly and looked at Li Mu speechlessly.

How big should such a big house be if it is placed in the yard of the house?

"Okay, let's not talk about it anymore, let's go to the monitoring room and take a look. There should be a monitoring room here. Fei

Yingli interrupted Li Mu and pointed to the monitoring room on one side. As soon as she entered the home, Fei Yingli saw many cameras, almost in many places.

"Well, I'll take you there."

Fujieda Soka also felt particularly embarrassed, and quickly walked ahead to lead the way for Fei Yingli and others.

Soon, Fei Yingli and others entered a monitoring room

"Everyone, this is the monitoring room here. You can see the master's study, and you can see it from many other places."

Butler Ueki pointed to the screen on one side, then walked to the side without saying a word.

"How about it, Li Mu, what do you think? Is there anything fishy about it? Fei

Yingli just glanced at it and then focused on Li Mu.

She believed in Li Mu's strength, which was also because Li Mu had helped her win lawsuits many times.

"Wait, can you tell me, don't tell Yingli."

Yukiko suddenly grabbed Li Mu and winked at Li Mu playfully.

"Yukiko, what do you mean? Is it possible that you want to compete with me for this commission? I won't let it go to you."

At this moment, he completely forgot about the eight million that Mouri Kogoro owed. All he could think of was the scene where Li Mu was caught by Yukiko.

If possible, Li Mu really didn't want to leave.

But now the two women are jealous, if they don't separate If the two of them are accidentally exposed, they will definitely explode.

"Okay, you two, let’s take a look at the shooting scene. Although this old man is not lovable, he is still a life after all. We must protect him."

At this moment, Li 097 Mu seemed to have grown taller, and he looked at Mikio Fujieda in the picture righteously.

Although this old man is quite annoying, at least he has some use value.

"Yes, mom, please stop arguing. There are other people here watching."

Xiaolan also tried to dissuade her, her eyes still staring at Li Mu's arms.

She was not just jealous, but also jealous for her father.

Fei Yingli also reacted and quickly put down Li Mu while staring at Yukiko

"Back then, Princess Didan was still so gentle and could make people grow older."

Yukiko also noticed Conan's dead fish eyes. At the same time, she put down Li Mu and glared at Fei Yingli, refusing to be outdone.

"Yes, the queen back then was no exception. She had countless layers of heavy makeup on her face."

"No heavy makeup."

Li Mu muttered secretly in his heart.

Others don't know, but he is sure that both Yukiko and Fei Yingli are so charming, and there is no obstacle at all.

Of course, Li Mu will not tell such a thing.

Big The Invincible Fairy Tail of Nautical Concubine Begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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