"Princess and Queen? Xiaolan asked with some confusion:"Mom, what is this title?""

"Princess is Yukiko’s title when she was in Teidan High School, and Queen is my original title. Fei Yingli explained.

Li Mu looked at Fei Yingli and the two of them and couldn't help but touch his chin and look at them carefully.

Queen and princess, he seemed to have them all.

"By the way, I remembered. I heard Yuanzi say that there was a beauty pageant in Didan High School, and it was said that it shocked the whole of Didan."

An idea flashed in Xiaolan's mind and she said


"Wait, look, Master, he raised his hand."

Suddenly, Butler Ueki interrupted everyone.

Everyone reacted and quickly looked at the screen.

On the screen, Mikio Fujieda stretched out his hand and put his hands on his head, as if he was threatened by someone.

"How is this possible? Could it be that someone has already entered? Yukiko exclaimed

"I don’t know, why not go and take a look, we will know when the time comes. Butler Ueki, go and get the key."

Fei Yingli also became anxious.

Housekeeper Ueki didn't say anything more and ran out quickly.

"Wait, what happened to him? Why did he fall to the ground?"

Xiaolan looked at Mikio Fujieda lying on the table on the screen and exclaimed.

"Let's go and see."

Fei Yingli hurriedly ran out, walked to the door of Mikio Fujieda's study, and put her hand on the door handle.

"Wait, I'm standing in front, the murderer may not have left."

Li Mu naturally knew that there was no one inside, so he stood at the front without hesitation.

Fei Yingli and others were moved after hearing this, and their hearts were full of warmth.

Bang! Bang!


While they were waiting anxiously, the room Suddenly there were two gunshots, accompanied by the sound of breaking glass.

"Get out of your way and leave this place to me."

Li Mu walked to the door and kicked the study door open with all his strength.

Then Li Mu walked in, and the smell of blood came.

Looking up, he saw Mikio Fujieda lying on the ground, with a large amount of liquid flowing out of his body. blood

"This guy is dead, you can call the police."

Li Mu put his hand on Fujieda Mikio and shook his head.

Three shots, hitting the body. This guy wants to die.

"I know, I'll report it right away." Yukiko ran out quickly.

Fifteen minutes later, the police arrived. The leader was naturally Officer Megure.

As soon as Officer Megure arrived, he saw Li Mu and others and said hello quickly." Mr. Li, Lawyer Fei, and Yukiko, you are all here, and you are here too this time."

As he spoke, Officer Megure turned to look at Conan.

Every time someone died, Conan would be there.

Conan also noticed Officer Megure's gaze, and his face darkened, but he did not explain anything.

"By the way, Mr. Li, how are you? Do you have any clues now?"Officer Mu Mu looked at Li Mu.

Li Mu did not hesitate and directly ordered,"First of all, go check to see if these bullets are the same as those used to threaten Mr. Fujieda, then look around for any murder weapons, and then check everyone's oral confession"

"I see."Officer Megure nodded, then looked to the side and said:"Officer Takagi, Officer Chiba, I leave this matter to you."

"So, let's go out and have a look too."

Fei Yingli also took Xiaolan and asked other people nearby.

Seeing that no one noticed her, Yukiko secretly blinked at Li Mu and then gestured outside.

Li Mu understood instantly and left the room calmly (bgdf).

The two walked one after another into an empty room.

As soon as they entered the room, Yukiko threw herself into Li Mu's arms, wrapping her hands around Li Mu, her eyes twinkling.

"Li Mu, how are you? Do you know who the murderer is? can you tell me"

"this one? So, if I tell you, will you do me any good?"

"I'm all yours, what else do you want?"

"No, I want benefits"

"this..."Yukiko rolled her eyes, then stood on tiptoes, leaned against Li Mu's ear, and whispered something.

Li Mu's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he nodded quickly and said,"Okay, I'll let you out today, and I'll tell you who the murderer is."

After that, Li Mu whispered the reasoning process.

Yukiko's face suddenly turned red, but she did not resist. She carefully watched Li Mu's reasoning process.

"Great, I'll tell Officer Megure right now."

After Yukiko heard the reasoning process, she pushed Li Mu away immediately, winked at Li Mu, and left the room.

Li Mu shook his head, said nothing, and followed Yukiko.

On the other side, Officer Megure and others were still thinking. Still, no clues were found, and they were in a stalemate for a while.

Suddenly, all the lights in the living room were turned off, and the whole room became extremely dark.

"Everyone, it seems that you haven't thought of it yet, so this matter can only be left to me, the most beautiful actress, Yukiko Fujimine, to make her debut."

In the dark night, a ray of light suddenly appeared. Yukiko stood under the light, stretched out her hand to pull the hair tie from her hair, and then gently threw it away.

This bitch pretended to be very shiny.

"Is it possible that mom knows?"

Conan was wondering when he suddenly saw Li Mu behind Yukiko and immediately understood.

"Yukiko? Is it possible that you already know? Fei Yingli said doubtfully.

"Yes, I already knew that."Yukiko nodded confidently, then looked at Officer Megure and said:"Officer Megure, why don't you let me solve the case for you?"


Although I am confused as to why it is not Li Mu who helps solve the case this time, Officer Mumu is used to other people helping the police, so he does not care who solves the case.

"Okay, first of all, let’s start with the victim. When we saw him, he was raising his hands and seemed to be being threatened by others, but is this really the case?"

There was a glimmer of light in Yukiko's eyes, and she looked very proud.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins!

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