"Yukiko, just tell me, who is the murderer? How he killed Mr. Mikio Fujieda."

The police are still police, and they still can't understand such profound questions.

Not only was Yukiko not angry, but she said proudly:"Officer Megure, we just said that the deceased was threatened, so he raised his hand, but that is not the case. in this way.

Look, this book still has a label on it. Do you think a person who has been threatened still has time to insert a label?"

"this one……"Officer Megure hesitated slightly and said:"It seems so."

"That's right, so he should have been like this at that time. He was tired from reading, so he got up to take a rest and stretched, but someone drugged his coffee and made him dizzy, so he collapsed on the desk.

Then the man left the surveillance room with us, went downstairs to the second floor, and shot the deceased."

While speaking, Yukiko looked at Butler Ueki on the side.

Among these people, only Butler Ueki had enough time to kill the deceased.

Others also reacted and set their sights on Butler Ueki.

Butler Ueki also noticed everyone eyes, head lowered, not saying a word

"So, Yukiko, where is the evidence? Where is the evidence that he killed someone? Otherwise, even if what you say is reasonable, it will be useless."Officer Megure asked again.

"Of course I have the evidence. First of all, I asked Mr. Butler that the glass shattered a few seconds after the shot was fired, so I can be sure that the murderer must have used a silencer to fire. Yukiko said proudly

"Very good, brother Takagi, quickly investigate around the house to see if there is a silencer."

Officer Mu Mu waved his hand and quickly gave instructions.

"Got it, Officer Megure."

Officer Takagi was about to go out, but Yukiko interrupted directly:"No need, the silencer is on the murderer's body, isn't it? Butler Ueki"

"Sorry, could you let the police search you?"

Officer Memu took a step forward and wanted to search

"No need."

Butler Ueki interrupted Officer Megure, bent down, and took out a silencer from his sock.

"In order to kill him, I prepared for a long time, and even prepared an alibi. Unfortunately, I hired such a powerful detective for less than an hour."

Yukiko on the side raised her head proudly after listening to Butler Ueki's words, as if she was coming to praise me.

Conan kept despising Yukiko in his heart, but he didn't dare to say anything.

"Well, Butler Ueki, would you please let us, the police, pay a visit."

Officer Megure listened to Butler Ueki's reasons for killing as usual, and then took away Butler Ueki.

When leaving, Officer Megure smiled too hard."

"No, this is my debut performance, Fujimine Yukiko, how can I lose to others."

Yukiko stood up proudly, head held high and fierce.

Not long after, Officer Megure left with the murderer.

"What, it turned out to be him, I thought the murderer was that guy."

Mrs. Suhua glanced at Fujieda Shigeru dissatisfied.

"By the way, Mrs. Suhua, according to the agreement, you need to pay us 10 million yuan. Fei

Yingli also thought of something and reached out and took out a piece of paper.

"What, but you didn’t protect Dry Bear well?"

"Sorry, according to the agreement, we only need to find the murderer and have no obligation to protect the deceased. Of course, you don’t have to do it. We can only use legal enforcement."

······Asking for flowers·······

The lawyer concubine once again regained her domineering attitude as a queen, leaving Mrs. Suhua speechless.

In the end, Fei Yingli still received 10 million yen


The next day, everyone returned to the Maori Detective Agency

"Now, this is your reward. Don't be so careless in the future, otherwise Xiaolan will suffer."

"Thank you."

Mouri Kogoro excitedly took the money from Fei Yingli and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.


Xiaolan on the side looked happy and said quickly:"By the way, why don't mom and dad have a meal together to celebrate properly?""

"No, I have something else to do, so I’ll leave now. Let’s talk about the meal next time."

Fei Yingxiang didn't even want to refuse directly.

Maori Kogoro's face also darkened, as if someone owed him millions.

"If you don't want to eat, don't eat. No one forces you to eat."

Feiyingli didn't care what Mouri Kogoro thought, turned around and took Yukiko and left.

"Yukiko, let’s go. Didn’t you say we would go play together today? If you don't leave, you won't have time."

"OK, let's go together."

After that, Fei Yingli and Yukiko held hands and left the Mori Detective Agency together.

Xiaolan opened her mouth to speak, but in the end she didn't say anything.

"Detective Maori, Xiaolan, I won’t disturb you anymore."

Li Mu said hello to the two of them, and then left the Mori Detective Agency.

That night, Li Mu received Yukiko's thanks.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins with! _

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