That night, Li Mu and others had a very noisy dinner, and then stayed at the Maori Detective Agency.

Of course, Li Mu stayed in the office, while Fei Yingli stayed in Poirot's coffee shop below.

At night, the moon was three o'clock in the sky, the sky outside was very dark, and everyone had already fallen into a dream.

Next to the window sill, Li Mu stood there, looking at the dark moonlight below, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Under his perception, a person was hiding in the dark, observing him secretly.

You don't have to think twice to know that this person is the murderer Dr. Fuudo."Zero Nine Seven" passed like this for a long time. Doctor Fengdo outside seemed to feel that it was getting late and left quietly.

"Come on, I'll have a good time with you, but don't rush off first."

Li Mu murmured, then opened the door and walked to Poirot's coffee shop downstairs.

After entering the coffee shop, Li Mu looked at Fei Yingli who was sleeping on a seat on the side and walked over slowly.

Fei Yingli had just fallen asleep at this moment. She was smiling, with a teardrop in the corner of her eye.

She had obviously cried just now, and the tears had not dissipated.

As soon as Li Mu came over, Fei Yingli was startled and opened her eyes quickly. When she saw it was Li Mu, she felt relieved.

"It's you, it really scares me to death"

"Really, why are you crying today? It’s so sad. You don’t look good at all now."

Li Mu wiped the tears from the corner of Fei Yingli's eyes, with a distressed look on his face.

Fei Yingli was very moved in her heart, but when she thought about Xiaolan, she felt a sense of self-blame in her heart.

"It's all my fault. If it weren't for me, Xiaolan wouldn't have been hurt, and nothing would have happened to Officer Sato. It's all my fault....Woo woo woo……"

Li Mu looked at Fei Yingli who was crying sadly, grabbed Fei Yingli and put her into his arms.

"Yingli, what's your fault? Even if we don't do that today, Xiaolan will still go to the bathroom, and you can't follow her. After all, she has grown up."

Fei Yingli blushed after hearing this, and at the same time she blamed herself even more.

Xiaolan was so traumatized, and Li Mu was spending time in the bathroom under the moon

"But...if I……"

"No more. Li

Mu suddenly interrupted Fei Yingli and said domineeringly:"This is only a one-in-a-million possibility. You don't need to blame yourself. If you want to blame you, blame me. I forced you."

Fei Yingli felt moved in her heart, closed her eyes without saying anything, and fell into Li Mu's arms.

After a long time like this, Fei Yingli smiled happily and said:"Li Mu, thank you, you are such a good person."

"Right, good man."The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose.

In the early morning of the next day, the sun rose slowly.

On the street, the crowd was still very sparse. In Poirot's coffee shop, a ray of sun shone in.

On the other side, Mouri Kogoro upstairs woke up. , came to the living room, but did not see Li Mu

"Why is Li Mu not here? Is something wrong?"

Conan also walked out at this time. After listening to Mouri Kogoro's words, he said uncertainly:"There should be no place to rest. Xiaolan's place is definitely not suitable, and this place is not suitable for him........"


Mouri Kogoro took a look around, and it really didn't look like a place for rich people to sleep.

"By the way, I'll call her, and we'll have dinner together at Poirot's coffee shop. You go tell Xiaolan to get dressed, and then we'll go down immediately."


Not long after, Mouri Kogoro, Xiaolan and others got dressed and came to Poirot's coffee shop downstairs.

"Why isn't the door open? Isn't it open today?"Moori Kogoro said to himself curiously.

Conan took a step forward and looked at the paper stuck on the glass.

"Uncle Maori, it says we are closed today. It looks like we are going out to eat."

"Really? Then wait."Moori Kogoro walked to the door, stretched out his hand and knocked on the door.

"Hey, Yingli, are you up? We're going out to eat. Do you want to come with me?"

"I haven't gotten up yet. You go ahead. I'll be there later. You don't have to wait for 3.5 for me."

"Then I'll leave first, and you'll come over later."

Moori Kogoro had no doubts. After all, women take a long time to wash themselves up.

Fei Yingli felt that Moori Kogoro had left, and she breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time she patted Li Mu dissatisfied.

"Really, I almost got discovered"

"Really? If you dare to hit me, I will make you beg for mercy."

Li Mu grabbed Fei Yingli and suddenly started to exert force.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage Beloved Concubine begins!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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