Twenty minutes later, Li Mu stood up and separated from Fei Yingli.

In this way, after the two separated, Li Mu went home alone, while Fei Yingli drove to a restaurant not far away.

As soon as she arrived at the hotel, Fei Yingli spotted Mouri Kogoro and others, raised her feet and walked over

"Sorry, I'm late. Feiyingli looked at the nearby seats and had to sit next to Mouri Kogoro.

As soon as he sat down, Maori Kogoro stared at Feiyingli's feet very seriously.

"What's wrong, is there something wrong with my feet?"

Fei Yingli followed Mouri Kogoro's gaze, and her expression suddenly changed.

I saw a little white stain on her stockings at some point.

"Damn it, got caught."

Feiyingli understood what this was, and so did Mouri Kogoro.

At the same time, she also complained that when did Moori Kogoro become so observant, he discovered it all at once.

How did she know that although Moori Kogoro was unbearable, he was not a human being. Excellent detective, but still cares about someone very much

"Yingli, what is this? When did this appear on your socks? Not available yesterday?"

Although Mouri Kogoro's tone sounded a little cold, there was a trace of anger mixed in that cold tone.

Fei Yingli was shocked inside, but she was still very calm on the surface and said:"How do I know this? I don't know what this is. What?"

"Why don't you know? Isn't this the case?..."

Mouri Kogoro suddenly shouted, and everyone around him focused their attention on him.

"What's this? Say it?"

Fei Yingli also became angry and looked directly at Mouri Kogoro with her beautiful eyes.

Even if she was discovered, she must not admit it, especially at this time.

"Dad, Mom."

Xiaolan next to me exclaimed softly, but didn't know what to say.

Conan also felt that the atmosphere was very strange, and quickly said:"Uncle Maoli, Auntie, sister Xiaolan is hungry, why don't we eat something first?"

"OK, eat."

Mouri Kogoro also reacted, Xiaolan was still aside, stopped arguing, picked up the food and started eating.

Fei Yingli also stopped arguing and started eating.

The two of them were moving very fast, as if they wanted to vent their anger. on food

"Damn it, who is that bastard? As soon as I let him go, I'm going to cut him."

Moori Kogoro cursed in his heart while eating.

Fei Yingli also regretted why she didn't pay attention and was discovered by Moori Kogoro.

Although she didn't care at all, at least she and Maori Xiao Wulang separated, or let Xiaolan accept all this.

Now, it was discovered in advance.

Thinking of this, Fei Yingli couldn't help but complain.

"Damn Li Mu, he didn't know how to be careful, and he was discovered by this idiot."

Although she was very upset, Fei Yingli never showed it and ate her breakfast calmly.

Not long after, Fei Yingli finished her breakfast, put down the tableware, picked up her bag and left

"I have something else to do today, so I'll leave first."

Not long after, Mouri Kogoro also put down the tableware and secretly followed Fei Yingli.

"Xiao Guitou, I also have something to do, Xiaolan will leave it to you."

"What happened to mom and dad today? What's matter?"

Xiaolan turned to look at Conan, confused.

Conan was a little confused and didn't know how to answer.

Conan was just slightly confused and said quickly:"Sister Xiaolan, uncle and aunt may have gone to find the murderer. By the way, Looking for the lost memory for Sister Xiaolan"

"Really, but did they just quarrel?"Xiaolan asked doubtfully.


These days, people are not easy to fool, even a person who has lost his memory is not easy to fool.

"Ah, Sister Xiaolan, uncles and aunts usually like to quarrel. Maybe they just had a quarrel and I want to remind you of it."

"Yeah."Xiaolan nodded and didn't think too much.

Seeing that Xiaolan was no longer asking questions, Conan immediately breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he was also thinking about who Fei Yingli was with.

"Could it be Li Mu?"

The first thing Conan thought of was Li Mu.

After all, Li Mu was the closest person to Fei Yingli, and he had helped Fei Yingli solve the case many times, so he was the most suspicious. He had begun to suspect it before, but there was not enough evidence. Today (of Nuo Zhao) found something wrong with Fei Yingli.

"By the way, if Auntie is really with Li Mu, I won't have to worry about Xiaolan."

Somehow, Conan actually expected Li Mu and Fei Yingli to be together, so that no one could pursue Xiaolan.

Thinking about it, he was a little excited.

If Kogoro Mouri knew about it, Conan might be beaten to death.

On the other side, after Fei Yingli left, she felt a little anxious and quickly picked up the phone and dialed.

"That's the thing, he may find out, you have to be more careful in the future. Fei

Yingli and Li Mu exchanged a few words before hanging up the phone in their hands.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins!_Fei

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