Conan saw that Li Mu and Ye were having an affair, but he didn't say anything and just pretended not to know anything.

After all, he didn't know what to say to Hattori Heiji.

You can't directly say that your girlfriend likes someone else. If you say that, he will probably get beaten up.


Tropical Ocean Park, as the largest amusement park in Tokyo, has a large flow of people.

As soon as Li Mucheng entered the Ocean Park, he found a lot of people, many of whom were couples or adults with children.

"Xiaolan, and Ye-, let's go."

Li Mu walked in front, clearing the way for the two women.

He Ye did not refuse, pulling Xiaolan and following Li Mu. Behind a few people, a figure followed Li Mu secretly, but did not make a move.

It was obvious that he made a move in broad daylight. It's so stupid that it's easy to be discovered. Dr. Fuudo is certainly not stupid either.

"Brother Li, here, here."

He Ye excitedly pulled Li Mudong and ran around, looking very happy.

Li Mu did not refuse, and followed Xiaolan and Ye, relaxing together happily.

Only Hattori Heiji behind them As if he had eaten Xiang, his face turned livid

"Little devil, I want to kill him"

"Me too."

Hattori Heiji and the two sang together, with strong 'killing intent' in their eyes.

However, the two of them were just talking, how could they actually kill people.

After a whole day like this, Li Mu was very happy. , and Hattori Heiji and the two were angry all day long.

Until night, Hattori Heiji looked at the moon in the sky, and hurriedly came over and said:"Kazuha, I think it's getting late, how about we go back?""

"go back? He Ye looked at the moon in the sky, flicked his ponytails and said,"No, I don't want to go back. If you want to go back, you can go back on your own.""

After saying that, Kazuye took Li Mu's arm and pressed Li Mu's arm into her vagina, squeezing her vagina even more.

Hattori Heiji's eyes widened and he looked at Li Mu jealously, wishing he could have sex with Li Mu. Change position

"No, we can't go on like this."

Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth and reached out to pat Conan on the back of the head.

Conan reacted immediately and said quickly:"Sister Xiaolan, it's getting late, how about we go back?"

"Ah, go back?"Xiaolan looked at Conan, who had longing eyes, and then at the two of them, Ye Limu.

After weighing it in her mind, Xiaolan said,"How about we play for a while longer, and let's go back later."


Conan was about to say something, but Heye pulled Xiaolan and ran away quickly.

"We're leaving first, you can do whatever you want"

"Oh, don't run."

Hattori Heiji and the two were in a hurry, and quickly followed Kazuya, quickly chasing Kazuha.

In the secret, Feng Tosheng, who had been waiting for a long time, also found an opportunity, and the fast Xiaolan.

On the other side, in a place with sparse crowds, Li Mu and Xiaolan hid in the dark, avoiding Hattori Heiji.

Li Mu was about to say something, when he felt a murderous intention, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and there was a smile in his eyes.

"Xiaolan, be careful."

Li Mu listened to the sound of piercing the air, quickly grabbed Xiaolan, and quickly dodged aside.

The yellow bullet hit the ground, leaving a bullet hole

"He Ye, the killer is here. Go call the police. I will take Xiaolan and she will run away first."

Li Mu gave an order and then took Xiaolan away.

Dr. Fengdo only hesitated for a moment, then gave up on He Ye and quickly followed Xiaolan.

"Xiaolan, Brother Li."

He Ye also reacted and shouted.

After a while, He Ye saw no one answered, remembered Li Mu's words, and ran away quickly.

On the other hand, Li Mu was running in front, and Xiaolan grabbed Li Mu with one hand , eyes looking at Li Mu's back, unable to recover for a long time

"Brother Li."

Xiao Lan murmured to herself, recalling Li Mu's figure in her mind.

Figures about Li Mu kept appearing in her mind, including the incident of detonating the skyscraper, the incident of her kidnapping, and the incident of the fourteen targets.

Every time she was in danger, Li Mu would always appear by her side for the first month, protecting her, comforting her, and letting her feel Li Mu's warmth.

Before long, many things about Li Mu appeared in Xiaolan's mind. figure

"Brother Li"

······Asking for flowers·······

Xiaolan murmured, which immediately attracted Li Mu's attention.

"Xiaolan, do you remember me?"

"Well, I think about it a little bit. There are only memories about you, not other people's memories."

As she spoke, Xiaolan's beautiful eyes had a hint of spring, and her cheeks also had a touch of red.

Obviously, Xiaolan thought of many embarrassing things between her and Li Mu.

"Do you only think of me?"

Li Mu murmured, still a little happy in his heart.

If he can't think of Kudo Shinichi, it would be very good. Only in this way can he completely cut off the relationship with Kudo Shinichi.

Although he does not think that Kudo Shinichi has Qualification competes with him for Xiaolan, but it would be nice to be less threatening.


"Xiaolan, hold on tight, I'm going to run away with you."

Li Mu looked at a small boat below, hugged Xiaolan, and then jumped onto the small boat.

"plum...Brother Li, your hand."

Xiaolan felt the warmth on her body, blushed, and lowered her head shyly.

Li Mu also reacted, saw that he had grabbed the white rabbit's hand, and quickly put down Xiaolan.

"Sorry, Xiaolan, I subconsciously caught it"

"'s okay, I won't care."

Xiaolan lowered her head and said shyly.

Li Mu looked at Xiaolan's cheek and subconsciously forgot that they were being hunted.


Suddenly a gunshot rang out, and Li Mu suddenly realized that they seemed to be being hunted.

Li Mu waved his hand without hesitation, caught the flying bullet, and then continued to row the boat, rushing forward quickly.

Dr. Fengdo above was stunned.

His bullet should have hit Xiaolan, why? It might have missed.

If he could have slowed down a hundred times just now, maybe he could have seen his bullet caught by Li Mu's hand.

On Li Mu's side, after dodging Doctor Fudo's attack, Li Mu reached out and took the bullet. Crushed completely into pieces and thrown into the river

"Brother Li, were you okay just now?"

Xiao Lan also reacted from the shock, and quickly reached out her hand and kept touching Li Mu's body. The

Invincible Fairy Tail of The Concubine of the Great Voyage began with!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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