"I...I'm fine, just a little tired."

Li Mu rolled his eyes, then leaned on Xiaolan and reached out to cover his head.

"Brother Li, are you okay? Don't scare me."

Xiaolan looked at the weak Li Mu and immediately became anxious. She hugged Li Mu and moved nervously on Li Mu's body.

After a long time, Xiaolan found nothing and worriedly said:"Brother Li, where are you? Why can't I see it?"

After saying that, Xiaolan continued to look at Li Mu, as if she was afraid that she had missed it.

But no matter how hard she looked, she could not see any wounds.

Li Mu did not continue to pretend, touched his head and said:" I fell asleep very late yesterday, so I was a little tired. This time I went back and I must have a good rest."

Xiaolan was stunned, and then looked at the smile on Li Mu's lips. She still didn't understand that she had been deceived by Li Mu.

"Brother Li, you are so bad."

Xiao Lanjiao shouted, pushed away Li Mu in her arms, turned her head arrogantly, and turned her back to Li Mu.

Just when the two were silent, the boat reached the end point, and Li Mu quickly picked up Xiao Lan and quickly Jumped onto the shore.

After Li Mu took a few steps, Dr. Fengdo, who followed Li Mu, also arrived and shot Li Mu from time to time.

Bang bang bang!

A series of gunshots rang out and countless bullets came.

Li Mu held the baby in his arms. Lan, narrowly dodged Doctor Futo's attack, and then jumped behind a rock on the side.

"Futo Kyousuke, if my guess is correct, the murderer of that serial murder case is you."

Doctor Fengdo paused, raised the corners of his mouth, and sneered:"How do you know? I remember that I didn't show any big flaws."

"Oh, a person told me. His name is Gosho Aoyama. I wonder if you recognize him?"

"Qingshan Gangchang?"

Li Mu suddenly smiled. When Dr. Fenghu was stunned, he suddenly rushed out. In the blink of an eye, he came behind Dr. Fenghu and punched him.


Doctor Fenghu spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground. He fell to the ground, his body twitching non-stop.

"Damn it, is it really okay to bother me so many times?"

Li Mu cursed secretly, turned around and left.

"Brother Li, are you okay?"

Xiaolan ran out quickly, walked to Li Mu, and looked carefully

"Don't worry, Xiaolan, I'm fine"

"Xiaolan, Brother Li, you are okay.

Suddenly, the voices of He Ye and others came. Xiaolan quickly pushed away and then straightened her clothes.

"Xiaolan, it’s great that you are okay."

After Kazuye saw Li Mu and others, he hurriedly came over.

Seeing that Li Mu and Xiaolan were fine, he was immediately relieved. Hattori

Heiji and Conan walked to the side of Dr. Fuido.

"Is it this guy? How is it possible, how is he the murderer?"

Conan was completely stunned when he saw Dr. Fudo.

He didn't investigate too much and naturally didn't know so many things, so he was stunned.

"This is not the point. The point is how pitiful this guy is. He will die if he doesn't call an ambulance."

Hattori Heiji pointed at Dr. Fuudo's abdomen with a look of pity.

Conan also looked at Dr. Fuudo, his face suddenly darkened.

He saw a fist mark appeared on Dr. Fuudo's abdomen, and his abdomen was directly deflated.

"I'll call an ambulance."

Conan, who had a strong sense of justice, ran out immediately. Hattori Heiji hesitated, but finally did not leave.

"Heye, I'm fine, don't worry."

Xiaolan looked at the worried He Ye with a smile on her face.

He Ye also noticed Xiaolan's smile, was stunned for a moment, and then said excitedly:"Xiaolan, you can't...Don't you think of me?"

"Well, you...Brother Li, I remember my parents."

Xiaolan nodded, and all the figures of Li Mu were in her mind.

And she also remembered those figures who had direct contact with Li Mu.

It can be said that Xiaolan indirectly remembered most of them........

"Great, Xiaolan, I'm so happy."

He Ye rushed towards Xiaolan excitedly, stretched out his hand and held her little hand in his arms

"Remember? Hattori Heiji was also stunned and asked quickly:"What about Kudo?" Do you remember that Kudo guy?"

"Kudo? Xiaolan was stunned and said in confusion:"Who is Kudo?" Is he my friend too?"

"What? Don’t you know who Kudo is? Is it Kudo Shinichi, your childhood sweetheart?"

Hattori Heiji couldn't help but exclaimed

"Kudo Shinichi? Childhood sweetheart? Xiaolan muttered to herself, then shook her head and said:"I don't remember. Maybe our relationship is not very good, so I can't remember.""

After hearing this, Li Mu didn't seem to have anything on the surface, but he was very happy inside.

If something wasn't wrong, Li Mu might even have a banquet to celebrate.

"Wait, if you think about it carefully, you might be able to think of that guy Kudo Shinichi."

"Hey, Hattori, what are you worried about? Does this matter concern you? You'd better take good care of yourself."

Kazuha looked at the anxious Hattori Heiji and suddenly became dissatisfied. He glared at Hattori Heiji and then pulled Xiaolan away.

"Yes, this is Kudo's business and none of my business."

Hattori Heiji also reacted 3.5, and he seemed to have acted too hastily.

Poor Conan still didn't know that his beloved Xiaolan had forgotten Kudou Shinichi.

Not long after, the police arrived, and the ambulance also arrived.

Dr. Fengdo was also taken away in an ambulance, but Li Mu could see the anger of the police. After all,

Dr. Fengdo not only provoked them, but also injured their policewoman Miwako. It was good that he was not killed.

"Okay, Xiaolan, Heye, let's go to the police station and make a record., it’s getting so late, I’ll treat you to a meal then"


Xiaolan and Ye nodded, and left chatting and laughing with Li Mu. The

Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins!

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