Mihua City Hospital.

In the ward of the brain hospital, a male doctor took the film and watched it carefully.

Next to them, Mouri Kogoro and others looked at Xiaolan nervously.

After a long time, the doctor put down the film and said seriously:"I have seen the patient's brain picture, and there is not much of a problem. I guess she has a psychological problem, but it doesn't matter. She can slowly recover her memory in the future."

"So doctor, is there anything wrong with my daughter? Why does she remember some things but not many things? Fei Yingli asked anxiously

"Oh, I've heard about this too. He probably remembers everything related to this gentleman. You are also related to him, so you remember that other patients still don't know."

The doctor pointed at Li Mu, feeling a little surprised in his heart.

Everyone also focused on Li Mu, Conan's jealousy, Fei Yingli's doubts, and everyone's confusion.

Especially Fei Yingli's sharp gaze.Li Mu looked at the shy Xiao Lan again and seemed to realize something.

Li Mu naturally felt Fei Yingli's gaze, and secretly said something bad.

He had hidden it for so long before, but now Fei Yingli might find out

"So doctor, let's leave first."

Moori Kogoro didn't say much, said hello and left.

After everyone left, only Li Mu and Fei Yingli were left in the whole hospital.

"Mr. Li, I didn’t drive today, could you please give me a ride?"


Li Mu nodded and took Fei Yingli to his car.

After getting in the car, Fei Yingli said nothing and looked ahead. The whole car became very depressed.

"Yingli, are you going to your office or your home?"

Fei Yingli didn't answer immediately. She closed her eyes and remained silent.

"Go to my house."

After a long time, Fei Yingli replied.

"Damn what a talkative doctor."

Li Mu cursed secretly in his heart, wishing to cut the doctor into pieces.

He was hiding very well, but he didn't expect to be exposed by the doctor.

Not long after, Li Mu came to Fei Yingli's home. As soon as he got home , Li Mu took a step forward and opened the door for Fei Yingli.

After entering the house, Fei Yingli walked in front of Li Mu and stretched out her white hand.

"Yingli, what's wrong?"

"Give me the key, the key to my room, the key to my office, give me the key."

It's coming.

Li Mu looked at Fei Yingli with a gloomy face, but he was not too worried.

After all, he had already expected that this day would come, and it was just a matter of morning and evening.

".Yingli, if you have anything to say, just say it. Don't hold it in your heart. This will make me wonder how to answer you."

Now that we have reached this point, Li Mu will certainly not give in.

As long as Fei Yingli is dealt with, everything will be easier to handle in the future.

So at this time today (in Nuo Zhao), Fei Yingli must be dealt with, even if there is no excuse.

Fei Yingli also looked at Li Mu seriously and started to question directly.

That sharp gaze seemed to eat Li Mu.

Li Mu was very calm. No matter how angry Fei Yingli was, he could still deal with Fei Yingli.

At the same time, Li Mu He didn’t hide anything, he directly told what happened between himself and Xiaolan, and looked at Fei Yingli with burning eyes. The

Invincible Fairy Tail of the Great Voyage begins!

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