Yumi did not refuse and reached out to take the business card.

"I have agreed that if anything happens to me in the future, I will definitely take responsibility for you."

Yumi is cheerful by nature and has no worries.

However, Li Mu can see the sadness in the corners of Yumei's eyes. No matter how hard he hides it, Li Mu can see it clearly.

"Don't worry, I will be responsible"

"Huh, that's a human saying."

Yumi snorted coldly and turned her head arrogantly.

In this way, Li Mu stayed with Yumi all day long. It was not until night that Yumi recovered and left the hotel.

After leaving the hotel, Yumi looked at Li Mu's back on the other side and sighed. in one breath

"Alas, what a good man, such an outstanding son-in-law, but it’s a pity that he is Miwako’s favorite, otherwise I would have to fight for it."

After leaving the hotel, Yumi walked on a street with few people, walking alone.

097 This is the street where she went home. There were quite a lot of people when she was nearby, but it is already late now, and there are not many people. many

"Help, help."

Suddenly, a faint cry for help came. Yumi was startled and ran forward quickly.

After walking into the alley, Yumi saw several burly men tying up a woman and getting into a car.


Yumi's sense of justice suddenly exploded, and she shouted sternly:"Stop, put her down."

After saying that, Yumi rushed forward.


A big man directly held down Yumi and stuffed Yumi into the car.

"Go, kidnapped her too"

"Got it, brother."

Everyone didn't hesitate and kidnapped Yumei and another woman directly.


Half an hour later, in a dilapidated warehouse.

A middle-aged man with a ferocious face (bgdf) and a beard said angrily:"Damn, what a shame, I didn't expect to catch a policeman"

"Boss, what do you think, do you want to kill her too?"

Yumi heard the two talking about each other, their bodies, and their eyes with fear.

Yumi was not only afraid at the moment, but also regretful.

Why not have a good heart-to-heart moment before coming?

"Boss, wait a minute, here is a business card from that famous writer, maybe we can make a fortune."

One of the gangsters picked up a business card and handed it to the young man.

The middle-aged man took the business card and his eyes lit up.

"Call this person, and if he gives you money, keep this woman temporarily. If he doesn't give you money, do it again."

Although the middle-aged man is not sure whether Li Mu will give him money, he plans to give it a try. As long as Li Mu agrees to give him money, he will make a lot of money.

"Got it, boss."

The man took out a phone and dialed.

Not long after, the call was connected. As soon as the call was connected, the kidnapper said sternly:"Boy, do you know a policewoman named Miyamoto Yumi?"

On the other side, Li Mu was stunned. He called him casually and asked him if he knew Yumi.

But although he was confused, Li Mu still said quickly:"I know you. What's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

"Well, let me tell you, Miyamoto Yumi was kidnapped by us. If you are wise, give us 100 million yen, or else you can collect her body."

Li Mu was speechless. Another kidnapping case happened.

Last time it was Xiaolan who was kidnapped. This time it's Yumi's turn. Is he just so related to the kidnapping case?

Or is he so rich that even God is looking down on him? Unhappy.

On the opposite side, the kidnappers became nervous when they saw that Li Mu was silent.

Yumi, in particular, felt even more nervous and expectant.

She hoped that Li Mu could save her instead of giving up her for 100 million yen.

"I understand. I will prepare 100 million yen, but it will take a day. Also, I want to listen to Yumi."

The kidnapper was overjoyed, and without hesitation, handed the phone to Yumi.

Compared to the kidnapper, Yumi was even happier.

Being able to pay 100 million yen for a woman who only had a one-night stand shows that Li Mu is a good man.

"Li Mu, I am Yumei"

"Yumi, does the other party have a gun?"

Yumi was stunned. Why didn't she follow the routine? Shouldn't she care about her first and then ask her where she is.

Although she was confused, Yumi quickly said:"They only have knives and no guns."

"What are you talking about? Shut up now."

The kidnapper was furious and hung up the phone.

"Yep, I'm seeking death, but that's fine, give me the chance to be a hero and save the beauty. Is this an opportunity given to me by God?"

Li Mu murmured to himself, with disdain in his heart.

Li Mu was not even afraid of people with guns, let alone a group of unarmed people. Li Mu was sure to make them doubt their lives.

Then Li Mu directly called the police and started searching. Yumi's journey.

Although there are disadvantages in calling the police, Li Mu is confident that he will have found Yumi when the police have a clue.

No, Li Mu has already felt Yumi's aura.

On the other hand, Officer Mu Mu received the police call from Li Mu After that, he suddenly became furious.

He actually dared to kidnap them, the police, and he didn't take them seriously at all.

For a time, countless police cars were dispatched."

The Invincible Fairy Tail of the Great Voyage" begins!_Please read the ununderlined version of the novel Download Feilu novel

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