Near the abandoned warehouse, Li Mu slowly walked outside the warehouse where Yumi was detained.

After arriving here, Li Mu walked in without hesitation.

As soon as he entered, Li Mu was discovered by the kidnappers.

"Boy, who are you? Why are you here?"

As the kidnapper spoke, he slowly approached Li Mu, holding a knife in his hand.

Yumi felt happy when she saw Li Mu arriving, and she shed tears of excitement in her eyes.

She didn't expect that Li Mu would come in person.

"Everyone, JD Express, can anyone sign for it?"

"Boy, are you kidding me? I will teach you a lesson."

One of the burly men's face darkened, and he suddenly rushed towards Li Mu.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the burly man flew out directly and hit the wall of the warehouse.

The big man's body trembled slightly. His eyes turned white, he foamed at the mouth, and he fainted.

The others were stunned and looked at Li Mu in shock.

Then everyone's eyes were filled with fear.

After all, he could weigh a person weighing more than two kilograms and nearly two pounds. A 100-pound man was kicked more than ten meters away. This is not something a normal person can do.

"cut...Hack him to death."

The middle-aged man shouted angrily, and the others rushed forward.

Bang bang bang!

Suddenly there were several loud noises, and the others also flew out and hit the wall.


The middle-aged man was startled and abandoned his men without moral integrity.

Li Mu didn't even look at this man. After this man left, Li Mu walked towards Yumi

"Li Mu, that’s great, I can’t return the favor."

As soon as Yumi was let go, she threw herself excitedly at Li Mu's.

Woo hoo hoo...

The girl who was tied up on one side saw that Li Mu and the others were ignoring her, and she quickly screamed.

"By the way, let her go quickly."

Yumi reacted and quickly let go of Li Mu.

Li Mu walked over and let the girl go.

"Okay, Yumi, let's go out. I've called the police, but they don't know this is here."


Not long after, the police arrived and took away the kidnappers. The remaining kidnappers were also arrested soon after.

Yumi's home

"Come on, Li Mu, I made you a bowl of fish noodle soup. Come and try it."

"Thank you."

Li Mu thanked him, took the noodles and started eating them.

"Well, it's delicious. Yumi, your cooking is really good."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Yumi smiled awkwardly. She could tell Li Mu that she could only make fish soup noodles because she was lazy.

······Asking for flowers·······

While Li Mu was eating, Yumei sat on the side, holding her chin with both hands, watching Li Mu silently.

Not long after, after Li Mu finished eating, he looked at Yumi who was giggling, stretched out his hand, and pinched Yumi's face.

"Disgusting, Li Mu, what are you going to do? I don’t like you anymore."

Yumi patted Li Mu's hand with a smile on her face.

"I just think you are cute."


Yumi felt happy after hearing this, and the smile on her face became even brighter.

Yumi looked at Li Mu who was eating and didn't know what was going on. She couldn't help but take another look at Li Mu.

At the same time, Yumi missed Li Mu very much.

Especially today, Li Mu rescued her in front of so many people.

Not only that, when she heard that she had been kidnapped, Li Mu did not hesitate to spend 100 million to ransom her, which moved her very much.

Yumi looked at Li Mu and suddenly realized that she actually liked Li Mu.

It's a pity that Li Mu and Hui Yuan Ai have a close relationship.

But, even so, you can become a very good friend. Yumei looked at Li Mu seriously and made up her mind.

Even if they can't be together, it doesn't mean that they can't be friends.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of the Great Voyage begins with! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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