Maori Detective Agency.

When Li Mu arrived at the office, he saw Xiaolan holding a letter and muttering something.

Looking at this letter, the first thing Li Mu thought of was the letter written by Belmod, which was exactly the same.

After Xiaolan saw Li Mu, she quickly said:"Brother Li, you are here. Please read this letter. You want us to attend the Halloween party. Have you received this letter?""

"So what if I receive it? I don’t want to go. It’s just a waste of time. It’s better not to go."

Mouri Kogoro watched the TV and complained silently.

Li Mu's eyes lit up, and then nodded in agreement:"Yes, Detective Mouri, I think you should not go. Your temperament is not suitable for dressing up. Instead of dressing up, It’s better to have a good rest at home and take on more work"

"I think so too, and by the way, Ms. Yoko’s TV has started."

Mouri Kogoro ignored other things, turned on the TV, and shouted excitedly.

Xiaolan shook her head helplessly and complained:"Really, Dad, you are really too lazy, forget it, no Just don’t go."

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

Xiaolan agreed so diligently. Most likely, she didn't want to participate.

After all, there will be so many monsters and ghosts at that time, how could Xiaolan go to participate?

"Aren't you going? Then Li Mu, let’s go."

Yuanzi on the sofa was a little disappointed, and then excitedly pulled Li Mu's arm.

"this...Okay, let's go take a look then and pass the time."

"Great, I'll go get ready now."

Yuanzi ran out immediately.


A few days later, Yuanzi and Li Mu came to the Halloween party together wearing light makeup.

Li Mu painted a faint vampire look, while Yuanzi dressed up as a witch.

After arriving at the party, Li Mu and Yuanzi signed a name and then walked into the boat.

After a while, the ship slowly sailed out of the port.

In the boat, Li Mucheng was chatting with Yuanzi, and a figure slowly walked over.

"Sorry to bother you, are you also here for this costume party?"

Li Mu looked at the woman dressed as Medusa walking out in front of him, and his eyes flashed.

Others couldn't tell, but Li Mu could tell that this Medusa-like woman was none other than Yukiko.

"Yes, I also attended this party, but I came here to kill some time."

"Me too."Yukiko smiled slightly and peeked at a bandaged person on the side from time to time.

Coincidentally, Hattori Heiji was also there.

Li Mu looked at that person, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

For such a party, so many people came, and there were A few Li Muran knew each other and could form a mahjong table.

However, if the organizer saw Li Mu and others playing mahjong, they would be very angry. After a few people chatted for a while, Yukiko suddenly said: Come on, I'm going to the bathroom, you guys Let's talk slowly by ourselves."

Not long after Yukiko left, Li Mu also took a step forward and said:"Sonoko, I'm going to the bathroom too. You can stroll around here and have some drinks when you have time."


Sonoko watched Li Mu leave, but did not follow Li Mu.

When he came to the bathroom, Li Mu saw no one around, so he followed Yukiko directly into a bathroom.

Although Yukiko knew it was Li Mu, she still said:"I don't know what you are going to do. Am I a lady?"

Li Mu stretched out his hand, hugged Yukiko, and took Yukiko into his arms.

"Yukiko, don’t you know who I am? Could it be that you want to reject me?"

"Did you recognize me?"

Yukiko was also surprised, and then she held Li Mu's arm and hugged Li Mu.

"Of course, how could I forget? By the way, don’t you have to go to the bathroom? Come on, I'll watch it for you here"

"look...Watch. Yukiko

's face turned red. After hesitating for a moment, she slowly unzipped her pants and sat on the toilet.

After hearing the sound of the trickling water disappearing, Li Mu took out a piece of tissue and handed it to her. Gave it to Yukiko.

Yukiko blushed, but still lowered her head and wiped it gently.

Li Mu waited until Yukiko was done, then hugged Yukiko and let Yukiko sit on him.

Yukiko blushed slightly, thinking of it Regarding the situation here, Yukiko quickly said:"Don't...Don't do this, it's easy to be discovered"

"Right. Li Mu nodded, and then said secretly:"How about you do this.""

Yukiko's face turned slightly red, but she still nodded in agreement.


On the other side, Yuanzi waited for a long time, but still did not see Li Mu. Helpless, Yuanzi had to go to the bathroom to look for Li Mu.

".Li Mu, are you there? Why don't you come out yet?"

In the bathroom, Yukiko trembled and froze when she heard Sonoko's voice.

At this moment, Li Mu was sitting there with his feet slightly spread, and Yukiko was squatting there, swallowing and spitting something..

Li Mu reached out and patted Yukiko, comforted her, then coughed and said:"Sonoko, my stomach hurts a little, you go and wait, prepare some hot water for me by the way, I will drink the hot water later."

"Okay, then be careful."

Sonoko didn't have any doubts and left directly.

Li Mu patted Yukiko's head, and Yukiko understood immediately and continued to swallow and spit.

After a long time, Yukiko's throat trembled, and then a white stain sprayed on her face.

Yukiko blushed and stretched out her hand to wipe her face, wiping off all the makeup on her face.


((Denuo Zhao) Yukiko was about to speak when Li Mu reached out to cover her mouth and pointed outside.

The sound of two people talking could also be heard outside.

Yukiko stopped immediately and remained silent.

After a while, Li Mu whispered something in Yukiko's ear, which made Yukiko blush.

But Yukiko didn't refuse. She nodded slightly, then opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue to clean up the dirty things.

After everything was done, Li Mu made sure there was no one outside and came out with Yukiko.

As soon as Yukiko came out, she complained:"You really did mess up my appearance, and I still have to touch up my makeup."

After saying that, Yukiko took out a makeup box from her pocket, and was about to take a look at it. I saw the mirror was broken

"Really, the mirrors are broken, and I don’t know who did it."

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Halberd-eating Spirit Begins!_

Fei Lu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection and Recommendation

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