"Now, Yukiko, take this mirror."

Li Mu took out a mirror from the space ring and handed it to Yukiko


Yukiko didn't hesitate, picked up the ring and started to touch up her makeup.

While Yukiko was touching up her makeup, Li Mu secretly patted her buttocks.

"Yukiko, you are here to touch up your makeup, I will leave first."


In the following hours, Li Mu, Yukiko and others participated in the activities on the cruise ship.

Unfortunately, another murder occurred. The person in charge of the rolling was killed with a crossbow and hung on the net.

The whole thing Everyone on the cruise ship helplessly began to look for the murderer


On the other side, at Dr. Ali's house, Haihara Ai could only lie at home because of illness.

At the same time, Conan and Conan had a dispute because of the black organization.

Conan insisted on tracking the black organization, but Haihara Ai did not want to fight the black organization.

After all, her sister has nothing to do. If she fights with the black organization, she might offend the black organization and expose herself. This is not cost-effective at all.

But in the end, Conan had the upper hand because he had paralyzed Haibara Ai.

At night, Conan 097 had already transformed into Haibara Ai and was waiting patiently at home.

Dr. A Li has long disappeared.

Suddenly, the doorbell of Dr. Ali's house rang, and Conan, who had transformed into Haibara Ai, walked over and opened the door a crack.

When he saw Teacher Judy outside, Conan pretended to be shocked and subconsciously closed the door.

But Teacher Judy was faster, grabbed the door directly, and then pulled it in towards the outside.

"Girl1, Dr. Xinchu is busy recently, so I came here on his behalf. Can you please let me send you there? Don’t worry, I will definitely send you safely."

Conan was just pretending, how could he let Teacher Judy leave.

Therefore, Conan hesitated for a moment, then opened the door and let Teacher Judy in.

Teacher Judy was overjoyed, and the smile on her face became even brighter.

"How about it, little girl, let me take you to Dr. Shinde, okay?"


Conan nodded in agreement, let Teacher Judy hold his hand, and got into Teacher Judy's car.

Teacher Judy raised the corners of her mouth and drove away.

Just as she left, Bellmore ( bgdf) The new doctor pretending to be a doctor also arrived in his car.

When Bermod saw 'Haihara Ai' being taken away by Teacher Judy, he did not hesitate and followed Teacher Judy directly.

The two drove one after the other. Suddenly, something happened.

But both Teacher Judy and Conan knew that it was the calm before the storm.

After a long time, there was a calm and deserted place, with darkness on both sides, and only a few weak lights shining on the roadside.

Suddenly, Teacher Judy, who was driving in front, suddenly stopped and then slowly opened the car door.

Belmode did not hesitate, opened it and came to the opposite side of Teacher Judy.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and Teacher Judy suddenly said:"Let me ask you a question, what is your relationship with Sharon Wynyard."

Belmod just smiled and did not return.

Teacher Judy didn't care and continued to ask:"Then can I ask you another question? What is your purpose this time? Does this little girl have anything to do with you?"

Belmod glanced at 'Haihara Ai', with a hint of murderous intent in her eyes.

Whether it was her parents Miyano Hiroshi or herself, she hated anyone who studied that kind of medicine.

"It seems that you still refuse to tell me, so I can only take you back."

Bang bang bang!

The two of them took out their guns at the same time, and a series of gunshots rang out.

Belmod and Teacher Judy took a step back at the same time, dodging their respective attacks.

"The net is closed."

Teacher Judy suddenly shouted, but the next moment, Teacher Judy fell down with a blood mark on her leg.

"What? Anyone else?"

Not only was Teacher Judy shocked, but even Conan was shocked.

There was a sniper secretly, which was a big obstacle to them.

Although Teacher Judy was shocked, she still hid in the sniper's blind spot.

Conan He didn't do anything casually, he also hid in the car.

"So, are you surprised? The corner of Belmod's mouth raised, and he said proudly:"Just before I came here, I had already pretended to be you and told the others that nothing was wrong today, so they all went back, and now only my people are left here.""

After saying that, Belmode looked at Conan in the car and walked over slowly.

As soon as he arrived near the car door, a ball was kicked over. Belmode was startled and hurriedly avoided it.

"you...Who are you……"

Conan tore off his human skin mask and slowly walked out of the car.

However, when getting out of the car, Conan carefully avoided the sniper's attack. He still held a watch-shaped tranquilizer gun in one hand and pointed it at Belmod.

"Very good, that's it now, you'd better not move, otherwise I will do it."

Belmod's face was extremely gloomy.

If she continues like this, she will definitely be caught.

At this time, somehow, the figure of Li Mu suddenly came to mind in Belmod's mind.

Just when Conan thought he had a chance to win, not far away , a car stopped here, and a petite figure stepped out of the car


Conan was suddenly shocked, because this person was Haibara Ai, with tracking glasses on his face. A cold light flashed in Belmod's eyes, and then he suddenly rushed out, grabbed Conan's arm, and bent it hard.

Conan subconsciously pressed the button, and an anesthetic needle was inserted into his body.

Poor Conan, this time finally felt the pain of Mouri Kogoro.

After finishing Conan, Belmode looked at Haibara Ai, holding in his hand Holding a gun and pointing it at Haiyuan Ai

"Very good, little girl, you'd better come here quickly and let me deal with you as soon as possible."

Haihara Ai also secretly said something bad. If she had known that Conan had the upper hand, she wouldn't have come to join in the fun. Now she got herself in.


Suddenly, a huge sound sounded, and the trunk of Teacher Judy's car suddenly opened, A figure rushed out from inside and rushed straight towards Haiyuan Ai.


Belmode's pupils shrank. She didn't expect that the person arriving this time was actually Xiaolan, a person she recognized as an angel.

Bang bang bang!

In the distance, the sniper did not recognize Xiaolan, and a series of gunshots rang out.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Halberd-eating Spirit Begins!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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