"Who are you? Why save me?"

Belmod asked directly when he heard that the call was connected.

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth and smiled:"Dear Belmode, it seems that you are fine, so I am relieved. I am always thinking about you."

"It's you?"

Belmode will never forget this familiar voice.

It was the owner of this voice who took away the first time she had kept for decades in her home.

You know, even her boss also He didn't get her.

When he thought that Li Mu sent someone to save him, Belmod felt a little moved in his heart, but then he was overtaken by murderous intent.

"It's you, why did you send someone to rescue me?"

"I……"Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile:"You are my woman, how could I let that guy Akai Shuichi kill you."

Belmod bit his lip, feeling a little moved in his heart.

But it is simply impossible to impress Belmode with these.

"Hum, I can escape even if I don't need you. Li

Mu didn't care and said with a smile:"Okay, Belmode, I have something else to do. I'll ask my men to give you the medicine. I'm afraid you have to take out the bullet yourself.""

"No need for you to worry."

Belmod shouted angrily, hung up the phone, and threw it aside.

Li Mu's men didn't say much, picked up some tools, and threw them to Belmode.

This subordinate was conquered by Li Mu. After all, there is a world The richest man, if he does everything himself, the price is too low.

After taking the medicine and surgical tools, Belmode picked up a knife, gritted his teeth, and took out the bullet stuck in his thigh.

"It really hurts. Is there no painkiller here?"

Belmode complained, but then he found a bottle with painkillers written on it.

Then he opened the cork and poured the medicine inside into his wound.

Suddenly, a cool feeling came on his legs. The pain disappears

"this...How can this be."

Belmod looked at her thigh in surprise.

She saw that the original scars on her thigh had disappeared, and it was impossible to tell that she had been injured.

This was also a special medicine prepared by Li Mu thinking that she would be injured.

It was also at that time that Li Mu remembered that he seemed to be a eugenic

"Humph, this guy has some conscience."

Belmode thought this was some kind of top-notch medicine that was not available on the market, and he felt a little touched in his heart.

On the other side, Li Mu hung up the phone and rushed to wait again, and saw Hattori Heiji standing proudly above him, looking at him proudly. Myself.

Look, I have already solved the case before you.

Li Mu seemed to see the pride in Hattori Heiji’s eyes.

"Wait, I'll fuck He Ye a few times when I get back to see if you're still unhappy in the future."

Hattori Heiji didn't see what Li Mu was thinking, and he was still so proud.

Li Mu walked to Sonoko and others and said:"Okay, Detective Mori, the matter has been solved. Let's go back. There is no need to waste time here."

"Okay, by the way, Li Mu, aren't you sad? This time, you didn't solve the case. Yuanzi said worriedly.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a small case, there's no need to fuss with a little brat, and I'm here to relax this time, so why should I ask for trouble?"

Li Mu is very calm and not sad at all.

His goal is not to be the world's best detective. That kind of title is not important at all. He might as well relax.

"Yes, then let's go."

Yuanzi followed Li Mu and left the scene together.

Yukiko looked at Yuanzi and the two, touched her chin, and thought carefully.

A few hours later, Li Mu and others got off the boat and drove away.

Send Yuanzi off After arriving home, Li Mu drove Yukiko back again.

Along the way, Yukiko didn't say a word, just sat there silently, with a look of sadness on her face.

".Yukiko, here you are, you’re home. Yukiko sat for a while and then said:"Li Mu, can you go back with me? I want you to accompany me.""

"Okay, I'll go back with you, but you go up first and I'll park the car."

After Yukiko got out of the car, she slowly walked into the villa.

Li Mu looked at Yukiko's back, shook his head and said,"It's so unlucky. I didn't expect you to be guessed."

After parking the car, Li Mu tidied up his clothes and came to Yukiko's home.

As soon as he entered the room, Yukiko suddenly appeared and hugged Li Mu from behind.

"Li Mu, what is your relationship with that garden?"

Li Mu turned around, grabbed Yukiko's hands, and looked at Yukiko affectionately.

"Yukiko, my feelings for you are absolutely true."(of Nuozhao)


"You go back, my mind is very confused right now and I need some quiet time, so that's it for today."

Li Mu felt Yuxizi's heart and did not disturb her.

"Yukiko, one day you will find that I am sincere to you. You have a good rest now. I will come to you in two days."

"You go first, I want to rest."

Yukiko waved her hands, feeling reluctant to give up.

How much she hoped that Li Mu and Sonoko had nothing to do with each other, but the two had a relationship, and Li Mu didn't lie to her.

After leaving, Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and smiled:"It seems like Yukiko still likes her. I just can't pass that level in my heart, so it's up to me."

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Halberd-eating Spirit Begins!_

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