At night the next day, outside Yukiko’s villa, a figure slowly approached and then secretly opened the door.

As soon as this person entered Yukiko's home, he found Yukiko directly, knocked Yukiko unconscious with an electric shock baton, and then tied Yukiko up.

I don’t know how long it took, Yukiko slowly woke up, and then she felt that she was restrained and unable to move.

"What's going on? Why can't I move? What happened?"

Yukiko struggled with her hands, but then she stopped and looked to the side with a look of fear. Next to her, she saw a person who was rummaging through boxes and cabinets stopped and turned to look at Yukiko.

This look looked very... The coldness made Yukiko's body tremble slightly.

"You must be very rich if you live in such a wealthy home. Why do you only have so little money?"

The kidnapper gently shook the stack of yen in his hand, with a fierce look in his eyes.

Yukiko's body trembled slightly, and she said with a hint of fear:"I...I only have so much money, it was all given to me by others"

"It's for you, so hurry up and call him to borrow money. Your friend must be very rich, right?"

"he...What's his phone number?……"

Yukiko tremblingly spoke out Li Mu's mobile phone number.

The robber took out Yukiko's phone, called Li Mu, and then handed it to Yukiko

"Hey, you know what to say, right?"

"I...I know. Yukiko nodded, and then said to the phone:"Li...Li Mu, it's me, and I need some money. Can you lend me some money?"

On the other side, Li Mu held the phone in confusion. He always felt that there was something wrong with Yukiko's voice.

"I understand, just wait for me."

Li Mu hung up the phone, picked up a suitcase, and drove away.

When he arrived at Yukiko's house, Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile,"It's true, even God helped me. I'm so lucky."

Li Mu could naturally sense that besides Xizi, there were other people inside.

At the same time, he also sighed. He had just prepared to be a hero to save the beauty, but this opportunity came to his door.

Li Mu did not hesitate and rang the doorbell directly.

Inside, When the robber heard the doorbell, he felt happy. He quickly picked up a baseball bat and walked behind the door.

Yukiko suddenly became anxious and regretted why he wanted to involve Li Mu in this matter.

But it was too late to regret now. Yukiko just hoped that he could escape this disaster safely.

After the robber opened the door, Li Mu went straight there, not caring what attack the robber would use.

As soon as he entered, the robber hit Li Mu on the head with a baseball bat..

But the next moment, the robber was stunned. Nothing happened, but he looked at him calmly.

"you...How is this possible? How can you do nothing?"

"What do you think?"

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth, raised his hand, and punched the confused robber.

The robber was instantly solved by Li Mu.

"Yukiko, are you okay?"

Li Mu quickly rushed to Yukiko, untied the rope from Yukiko, and then hugged Yukiko firmly into his arms.

"Li Mu. Yukiko hugged Li Mu tightly, tears streaming from her eyes, and then burst into tears.

Although this period of time was short, Yukiko was very panicked, fearing that she would have to say goodbye to Li Mu forever.

"Yukiko, don't be afraid, I will protect you. I will always be with you and never be separated."

Yukiko is very fragile now. Naturally, Li Mu will not give up such a good opportunity.

······Asking for flowers·······

Yukiko also felt warm in her heart, nodded and said:"Well, I will not separate from you. You can never abandon me no matter what in the future, otherwise I will not let you go."

She also thought about it now. , although the time she was tied up was short, she knew that she could no longer leave Li Mu.

She now realizes that she doesn't care if Li Mu has someone else, she only cares if she still has Li Mu

"Yukiko, we will never be separated for the rest of our lives."

"Of course, we will never be separated in this life."


Yukiko also hugged Li Mu tightly, for fear that she and Li Mu would be separated.

Just like that, the two of them embraced each other completely

"Li Mu, thank you. If it weren’t for you, I might have been killed by this robber."

"You're welcome. It's my duty to protect you."

"etc? Yukiko suddenly stopped Li Mu and said quickly:"Did we forget something? There is a very important matter?""

"It seems true. Li Mu suddenly thought of something and said quickly:"I've left the kidnapper at the door. I'll tie him up and call the police.""


After Li Mu came to the living room, he still saw the robber lying there.

Perhaps Li Mu used too much force, and the robber was still unconscious with no sign of waking up. He took out a rope from the cabinet on one side and tied up the robber. Li Mu got up.

Then Li Mu waited for a while, until Yukiko almost made the call, Li Mu called the police.

The police came very quickly, and within fifteen minutes, Officer Mumu arrived and took the robber away.

Of course, Li Mu also came to the police station with Officer Mu Mu and made a record.

The Spirit of the Invincible Halberd Eater of The Great Voyage begins with!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Novel

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