At the police station, Li Mu and Yukiko were making statements. Outside, Fei Yingli and others rushed over.

As soon as they came over, Fei Yingli asked anxiously:"Yukiko, how are you? Are you okay?"

Although the two often compete, they still have a good relationship.

"It's okay. Thanks to Li Mu for saving me, nothing serious happened to me."

Yukiko had a smile on her face, no longer as scared as she was at the beginning.

Fei Yingli also breathed a sigh of relief,"Zero Nine Seven" then started chatting with Yukiko

"By the way, you guys chat while I go out for a walk."

Li Mu left the office and walked in the corridor outside.

Every time he arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department, there would be a lot of police 'welcoming' Li Mu, and this time was no exception.

After leaving the sight of the police, Li Mu walked towards I searched for the stairs at random.

However, neither Yumi nor Miwako was at the Metropolitan Police Department. Although I was sad, there was nothing I could do.

After returning to the office again, Li Mu left the Metropolitan Police Department with Fei Yingli and others.

Leaving the police station Behind the theater, in the car, Fei Yingli suddenly said:"Li Mu, what do you think? Let's go have a meal together to celebrate that Yukiko has nothing to do.""

"Of course, I want to have a meal with you too."

Yukiko also nodded quickly and agreed.

Naturally, Li Mu had no objection and drove to a nice coffee shop.

"Boss, bring me three portions of curry rice."

Li Mu ordered a meal and immediately waited at his seat. While waiting, Fei Yingli said:"By the way, Li Mu, do you know him too?"

"Yes, he saved me before, so we, and he is still a fan of mine, a fan of Yukiko Fujimine."

Yukiko clasped her hands together happily, proudly.

Li Mu's mouth twitched slightly, but didn't say anything.

After all, the two did meet like this, and they were her fans.

But seeing Yukiko so proud, Li Mu couldn't help but You need to give her a good lesson

"Yukiko, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so red? Are you okay?"

"Oh, it's nothing. Maybe it's too hot, or maybe I'm getting angry. It'll be fine after a while."

Yukiko waved her hand and explained quickly.

When Concubine Yingli was not paying attention, Yukiko glared at Li Mu with her beautiful eyes.

But that look was even more eye-catching, and it also aroused the anger in Li Mu's heart.

Yukiko's face became even redder, helpless. He wiped his forehead and said:"Really, I don't know what's wrong, is it so hot today? Why do I feel so hot in my body?......."

"Yeah?"Fei Yingli stretched out her hand, felt the void, and asked puzzledly:"Really? Is it really hot? Why don't I feel anything?"

"Really, maybe I'm wearing too much, but it's okay, let's continue."

Fei Yingli looked at Yukiko in confusion, and then looked at Yukiko's clothes. She obviously wore less than herself, but she said she had too much.

Fortunately, Fei Yingli didn't get too entangled.

After finishing the meal Afterwards, Li Mu drove his car and sent Fei Yingli and others back to their homes.

"By the way, I want to send Yukiko back, so you have to be careful"

"Okay, then you have to send her home in person, and 3.5 will help her solve the trouble at home."

Fei Yingli didn't doubt the two of them, she just gave the order worriedly.

"OK, I'll send her away."

Li Mu drove and took Yukiko back to his home.

At this moment, Li Mu had sent someone to change the lock and added a special security door to prevent this from happening again. The

Invincible Shoji of The Great Voyage's Beloved Concubine The spirit begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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