"Ding dong, ding dong."

Li Mu had just finished his indulgence when he heard the doorbell ringing.

Yukiko also heard the doorbell and hurriedly ran to the window.

When she looked over, she saw Conan holding a skateboard and waiting below.

"Li Mu, no, it’s Xiaoxin, mine....A relative of mine, please hide quickly."

Li Mu was unhurried and not worried at all about being discovered.

"Okay, Li Mu, you hide, I'll go see Xiaoxin."

Yukiko opened the door, walked downstairs, and let Conan in.

"Mom, why are you so slow? Is there something wrong? Also, why are you so anxious?"

Conan looked at Yukiko, who was breathing a little quickly and with a blush on her face, and couldn't help but question it.

"Ah, it's nothing, nothing happened, I was just in a hurry when I went downstairs."

Yukiko recovered immediately, with a smile on her face.

Conan looked at Yukiko questioningly, not believing Yukiko's explanation at all.

Although Yukiko's acting skills are very powerful, Conan's eyes are also very vicious, and he can tell the truth from the lies at a glance.

Conan His eyes lit up, and then he recovered and said calmly:"Mom, I have something to ask you for help. Let's go in and talk."


"What's wrong, Mom, won't you promise me? Or do you mean you don't want me anymore?"

"How is this possible, well let's get into it. Yukiko interrupted Conan, raised her feet and walked into the villa.

After entering the villa, Conan quickly glanced around.

The entire first floor was very empty, except for sofas and tables, there was nothing else, and there were few places to hide. Place.

Conan just paid attention and raised his feet to go to the second floor.

"Xiaoxin, what do you want to drink? Conan stopped and smiled:"Whatever, bring me a cup of coffee. I haven't drank coffee for a long time.""


Yukiko walked to the kitchen and made some coffee.

Conan quickly rushed to the second floor, flipping through things quickly, looking here and there from time to time.

In a room, Li Mu listened to the voice outside and shook his head helplessly. He shook his head and then disappeared directly.

Fortunately, this was Li Mu, otherwise others would definitely have been caught.

On the first floor, after Yukiko made coffee, there was no one in the building. She was startled and ran to the second floor quickly. As soon as she reached the second floor , Yukiko saw Conan who was flipping, and immediately became dissatisfied.

Yukiko took a step forward, grabbed Ke, and said dissatisfied:"Be careful, no one told you that you can't just rummage through a lady's room?""


Conan said something contemptuous in his heart, but did not dare to say anything more.

"Mom, let me ask you something. Is that man, the new man you found, here too? Yukiko blushed slightly and said quickly:"I don't know, no, he's not here. Why do you ask?""

"Not here. Conan was also a little dissatisfied and said with a dark face:"Mom, please don't lie to me. Don't think I don't know." Yukiko subconsciously touched her neck and looked at Conan with black lines on her head.

She now regretted whether she should really let Conan learn reasoning. She actually knew this kind of thing clearly.

Li Mu was also embarrassed in the room. Fortunately, he has the ability to be invisible.

Conan looked at the shocked Yukiko and said with a little pride:"Mom, tell me, I have already thought about it clearly. You are also a human being and you also need your own life, so I won't ask you. , but you have to tell me who that guy is, and I have to help you check it."

Yukiko looked at Conan speechlessly, but she still had no intention of speaking out.

"Xiaoxin, didn't you find him just now? Haven't you already read them all?"

Conan froze.

He had indeed turned over just now, but he didn't see anyone.

He was sure that the person was still here just now, but he couldn't find him.

Yukiko understood immediately and covered her mouth He snickered and said:"Xiao Xin, it seems that you have made a mistake, so I won't tell you. You should find your own way to find out. Aren't you a detective?"


"Okay, Xiaoxin, don’t you have something else to do? If you don't say anything, you should go back first. I want to have a good rest today. Conan had no choice but to say:"Well, I hope you can go to my house and help me disguise myself as the girl from last time.""

When talking about what happened last time, Yukiko suddenly reacted and looked at Conan with concern.

"How about it, Xiaoxin, you didn’t mess up what happened last time, and there won’t be any big problems."

"It doesn't matter, I have nothing wrong with you. Conan shook his head and said

"That's good. Yukiko breathed a sigh of relief, and then said:"I understand, so be it, I'll go in a while, you go back to (De Nuo Zhao) first"


Conan looked around reluctantly and left slowly.

However, when leaving, Conan dropped a small thing.

Seeing Conan leave, Yukiko hurriedly walked to the room, and Li Mu also walked out and directly Covered Yukiko's mouth


Li Mu said hello softly, secretly came to the sofa, picked up the things Conan dropped, threw them into the toilet and flushed them away.

"Li Mu, what is that? Yukiko said puzzledly

"That kid dropped the bug, so be careful in the future."

If Li Mu hadn't paid attention, his and Yukiko's affairs might have been eavesdropped.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Shokugeki Spirit begin!_Fei

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