Time passed like this unknowingly. Li Mu and Haiyuan Ai were fighting and fussing from time to time until they finished their dinner and started to sleep.

Of course, neither Li Mu nor Hui Yuan Ai fell asleep.

It's late at night, and the night is getting dark.

Li Mu was lying down to rest, suddenly opened his eyes, secretly came to Hui Yuan Ai's room, and then came to Hui Yuan Ai's side.

Hui Yuan Ai was also shocked and sat up quickly.

After seeing that the person coming was Li Mu, Hui Yuan Ai breathed a sigh of relief, but then became shy.

"What are you doing here? You don't want to do anything bad. I'm very young now, so it's impossible for me to do that."

While speaking, Hui Yuan Ai took a step back, still holding the quilt with her little hands, feeling very nervous.

"Okay, am I that kind of person? Am I worse than a beast?"Li Mu patted himself and said righteously.

"Who are you."

Li Mu:"...……"

"Okay, you actually said that I am worse than a beast, now I am worse than a beast and show you."

Li Mu suddenly pounced on Hui Yuan Ai.

Of course, Li Mu was just scaring Hui Yuan Ai and had no intention of taking action.

Hui Yuan Ai also saw it, but still pretended to be shocked and quickly stepped back.

"No, don't do this.

The two of them fought like this for a while. Li Mu stopped, took out a glass of water and said,"Okay, are you thirsty?" Do you want a glass of water?"


Hui Yuan Ai didn't have any doubts. She picked up the water and took a sip.

"By the way, Xiao Ai, there is something I want to tell you. The water you just drank contains the antidote I researched, and you will become bigger in no time."

Li Mu will naturally not forget that he is a doctor, and he is also a cheating doctor. It is easy to research an antidote.

So Li Mu also researched the antidote for Hui Yuan Ai and planted a one-time one. After all, it is not Hui Yuan Ai's Hui. Yuan Ai, is it still His Highness Ai?

"What did you say? you say……"

Hui Yuan Ai's face changed slightly. Just as he was about to say something, he felt as if he had a fever.

Three minutes later, a hot beauty appeared in front of Li Mu.

This beauty is none other than Haihara Ai.

After Hui Yuan Ai recovered, she took a breath, then sat up and kept breathing.

"Wait, this is me...Getting bigger?"

Hui Yuan Ai looked at her hands with a look of disbelief.

She had been researching for so long, but there was still no antidote, and Li Mu actually had an antidote, which made her feel frustrated.

"That's right, you've grown up, and it has no side effects and won't affect cells. The only drawback is that it only lasts for an hour and can only be used a few times a year."

Of course Li Mu can make a real antidote, but he doesn't intend to let Hui Yuan Ai recover yet.

······Asking for flowers·······

Who made Haihara Ai so cute when she was a child?

"so smart?"

Hui Yuan Ai looked at his hands and then at his body.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth slightly with a smile on his face.

As soon as he left the room, Li Mu saw Ilia standing in the corridor to one side.

Li Mu's heart Although he was shocked, he still pretended to be calm and said:"Illya, why are you here."

At the same time, Li Mu is still reviewing himself.


It seemed that Li Mu had been stable for so long that he forgot to be vigilant at all times and did not even sense that Ilia was still outside.

Illya glanced at Li Mu, then glanced at Hui Yuan Ai's room, with a hint of playfulness in her big shining eyes.

"Li Mu, why are you in Xiao Ai's room? Are you interested in her?"

Somehow, I always feel uncomfortable hearing these words from Ilia's mouth.

"Illya, you have grown up now and are disobedient. You need me, your father, to teach you a lesson."

Li Mu grabbed Ilia and walked into her room.

"It's getting late. Let's go to bed early."

Li Mu didn't bully Ilia too much. He rubbed her head, sent her back to the room, and covered her with a quilt.

After Ilia fell asleep, Li Mu left her room.

The Great Voyage The spirit of the invincible halberd-eating concubine begins with!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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