On this day, Li Mu was invited by Yuanzi to participate in a fishing competition invested and organized by the Suzuki Foundation.

Of course, going with Li Mu were Xiao Lan and the Death Detective Team.

What surprised Li Mu most was that Hui Yuan Ai also wanted to participate in the fishing competition.

He remembered that Haibara Ai would basically never participate in the Youth Detective Team activities if he could, but this time he actually participated.

But looking at the springy expression on Hui Yuan Ai's face, Li Mu immediately understood that Hui Yuan Ai definitely missed him.

After arriving at the fishing ground, Li Mu saw the garden

"Li Mu, Xiaolan, you are here."

Yuanzi waved her white hands, and then ran over quickly.

"Sister Yuanzi, I will trouble you during this time."

The three members of the Young Detective Team said hello respectfully.

"Hey, why did you three think of greeting me? This is not like you normally."Yuan 16zi came and said with interest.

"What else could it be? It must be a hug in advance. After all, if a certain Death God student comes, he will definitely disturb your activity."

Although Li Mu doesn't remember the plot, he can be sure that in this fishing competition, if not three or five people will die, at least two people will die.

Even if no one will die, at least one person will be seriously injured by others and on the verge of death.

"Hey, how can you say that about Conan? Conan is not a Shinigami elementary school student."

"Yes, Conan is a member of our boy detective team, not a Shinigami elementary school student."

"Yes, that's it."

The three Yuantas suddenly became dissatisfied.

But they guessed one thing right. Conan is indeed a primary school student of Death. Even if he is not, he is also the godson of Death. He will die wherever he goes.

"Hey, hey, how are you sure he is talking about me."

Conan complained in his heart.

But he also knew that Li Mu must be talking about him. He could feel that Li Mu's attitude towards him was not very good.

"Okay, let’s not talk anymore. I’ll take them to sign up. You guys wait here, the fishing competition will start soon."

Yuanzi interrupted Li Mu, and then took a few little ghosts to sign up.

Not long after the registration was completed, Hui Yuan Ai came over and patted Li Mu's thigh.

"Tell me, can you fish?"

"fishing?"Li Mu also recalled that he always caught fish in the One Piece world....What the hell is fishing for catching underwater creatures?

"I don’t know how to fish, but I have a lot of secret weapons. Just wait and see how I win the competition."

Li Mu grabbed his box and held his head high.

In order not to be embarrassed for this fishing competition, Li Mu had been preparing for a long time. Who asked him to say before coming that he had caught a lot of fish before?

"Somewhat skeptical."

Hui Yuan Ai looked at Lin Fei questioningly, then looked at the box in Lin Fei's hand, and started thinking.

"Okay, let's go, the fishing competition begins."

Li Mu picked up his fishing tools and walked to the lake on the side with great courage.

"No, I definitely can’t lose to him"

"That's right, I can't lose to anyone, but he actually said that we are the Death Detective Team."

Everyone in the Young Detective Team looked at Li Mu's back with fighting spirit in their eyes, which was even stronger than Li Mu's fighting spirit.

"Then let's set off, too. This time, we can't lose to three little devils."

Xiao Lan also picked up his fishing bag and followed Li Mu.

But halfway, Li Mu separated from the others.

Walking on the path by the river, Li Mu looked around from time to time, and then found He came to a place with bushes and grass.

Although he didn't fish much, he did some research before coming and knew that there were many fish hiding in this kind of place.

Not far from Li Mu, a man with a single ponytail tied up The beauties also noticed Li Mu

"Hello, are you also a contestant this time? Please give me some advice this time"

"Well, to be honest, this is my first time fishing in my life, but I have prepared a secret weapon. Miss Saori, don’t lose to me."

"First time fishing?"Miss Saori was also stunned, then smiled and said:"Then sir, you have to work hard, let me see what your secret weapon is."

"You'll see that later."

Li Mu took out a fishing bait from the box, smelled it, and then tied it on the fishing line.

This is Li Mu's secret weapon. The bait soaked in the food he made for a day still has a special smell on it.

These smells It's very fragrant. In order to test the effectiveness of this dish, Li Mu specially experimented it before coming here. Fish absolutely likes this dish.

"Miss Saori, I can definitely catch a fish in just three minutes, because my bait is very fragrant."

Li Mu boasted proudly and threw the fishing line in his hand into the water not far away.

"Really? I also want to see what kind of bait this is."

Miss Shazhi also became interested and looked at Li Mu with interest. As a fishing expert, she could naturally tell that Li Mu was not very good at throwing fishing lines and was obviously a novice.

When Li Mu threw down the fishing line, The fish in the water rushed towards Li Mu's bait as if they had taken gunpowder 097.

This bait was not only filled with the flavor of Li Mu's cuisine, but also Li Mu's special fish medicine, which was not only non-toxic, but also attracted Fish.

But the range is not particularly large. After all, Li Mu doesn’t want all the fish in the lake to rush over.

"Yes, I have fish."

Li Mu watched the bait move. He pulled the fishing line up without hesitation, then stretched out his hand and grabbed the fish directly.

"Caught? Ms. Shazhi was also stunned, and then she reacted and said quickly:"Mr. Li, don't pull the fish so hard, otherwise the fishing line will break easily and the fish will run away easily.""

"It doesn't matter. My fishing line is specially made and can withstand hundreds of kilograms. As for the fish? I can catch it."

As long as the fish flies into the sky and gets close to Li Mu, Li Mu can catch it.

Miss Shazhi didn't say anything more and focused all her eyes on her fishing line.

In the next ten minutes, Li Mu's fishing line was lowered As soon as I went, many fish rushed over and bit Li Mu's bait.

This profoundly taught Miss Shazhi what Jiang Taigong fishing is, and those who are willing to take the bait will take the bait.

The fish seemed to be crazy and delivered itself to the door.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Halberd-eating Spirit Begins!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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