"No, I can't stay here, otherwise I won't be able to catch a single fish today."

Miss Shazhi looked at Li Mu's fishing ability as fast as dumplings, quickly picked up the fishing rod and ran away.

If she hadn't left, she might not be able to catch a fish until the evening.

After leaving, she didn't catch a fish. It didn't take long for Miss Shazhi to catch her first fish, which also solidified her idea of ​​staying away from Li Mu.

While Li Mu was"laying dumplings," the young detective team not far away didn't catch a single fish.

"No, I'll go see if anyone else has caught it."

Bumi waved her little hand, and then sneaked closer to Li Mu.

Li Mu felt Bumi's figure behind him, and said with a smile:"Stop being sneaky, come here if you have something to do, there is no need to hide."

After hearing this, Bumi did not continue to hide. She rushed out and came to Li Mu's side.

"Wow, big brother, how did you catch so many fish? Can you tell me?"

Li Mu looked at Bumi with big eyes and sparkling eyes. He waved his right hand and a fish bait came out.

"Try using this. As long as you have this and your superb skills, you will definitely catch it."

"Really? Thank you, big brother."

Bumi picked up the bait excitedly and ran away as fast as 097.

Li Mu looked at Bumi running away with a smile in his eyes.

If there were no Conan and the Young Detective Team, Li Mu would definitely give Bumi special bait.

But now that he has those little ghosts, Li Mu can only deceive Bumi and prevent Conan and the others from being proud.

After Bumi went back, he used Li Mu's bait to fish for a while.

But even after a long time, Bumi still didn't catch any fish. Any fish.

After a long time like this, it was almost evening. Hui Yuan Ai looked at the empty bucket and left with the bucket.

Hui Yuan Ai came to Li Mu and looked at the water in Li Mu's bucket. Fish, pour it into your own bucket without hesitation

"Hey, Xiao Ai, you are too domineering. How could you do this? This is my fish."

"So what, if I like it, it’s mine. What, do you have any opinion?"

Haiyuan Ai's beautiful eyes looked directly at Li Mu, her eyes full of evil spirit.

Li Mu looked at the 'ferocious' Huiyuan Ai and thought she was very cute and couldn't help but hug her.

"you...What are you doing (bgdf), you pervert, stay away from me quickly, or I will get angry."

Hui Yuan Ai danced with both hands and kept kicking.

Li Mu glanced around to confirm that there was no one else, and then whispered:"Xiao Ai, it's not impossible for you to want my fish, but how can you You have to give me a reward, right?"

Hui Yuan Ai glanced at Li Mu and understood what Li Mu was thinking.

"No, your fish is my fish, I will reward you, absolutely no"

"Really, in that case, then I can only take back what belongs to me."

The corners of Li Mu's mouth raised, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Hui Yuan Ai suddenly became anxious and quickly said:"Li Mu, you have to think clearly, I am still a child. That is more than three years, and the maximum penalty is death."

"Yo, is that right? Do you know another sentence?"

Li Mu remembered a joke from his previous life and couldn't help but joked.

"What words?"

Hui Yuan Ai stared at Li Mu closely, and suddenly felt a very bad feeling in his heart.

"That's three years of bloody profit, and the death penalty is not a loss."

Hai Yuan Ai was suddenly attacked by Li Mu. Her face turned red and she covered her face with her little hands.

"Okay, I'll give you a bucket of fish, otherwise you'll be embarrassed and embarrassed by the schoolboy who is the god of death."

"snort."Hui Yuan Ai kicked the bucket with her little foot, and suddenly thought of something, and said arrogantly:"If you don't pick up the bucket for me quickly, and help me take it back, otherwise I will kick your bucket away and let your All the fish swim away"

"Okay, I'll take it back for you later."

Li Mu didn't refuse. If he didn't take such a big bucket back, Hui Yuan Ai would definitely not be able to carry it, not to mention it's still so far away.

"Okay, let's go back now."

Hui Yuan Ai took his fishing rod, and then stood aside and looked at Li Mu.

Li Mu did not continue fishing, cleaned up, and left with Hui Yuan Ai.

More than ten minutes later, Li Mu and Hai Yuan Ai People came back early

"Li Mu, Xiao Ai, you are here."

Xiaolan and Yuanzi ran over immediately.

"Li Mu, it’s great that you caught so many fish. I think you will be the champion today."

"No matter where I am, I am nothing more than this, and there is also something Xiao Ai caught here."Li Mu said politely.

Xiao Ai didn't care and raised her head proudly, as if she had caught all these fish.

"Okay, let’s not talk anymore. Let’s weigh these fish to see how much they weigh. There should be quite a few."

Yuanzi also excitedly picked up the fishing rod for Li Mu.

Li Mu is her man. She has caught so many fish, so she will naturally be very proud.

"Huiyuan Ai, a total of 1,500 grams"

"Li Mu, a total of fourteen kilograms."

Even if a small bucket was given away by Haiyuan Ai, Li Mu still has more than 10,000 grams, which is currently the best result. The second is Miss Shazhi, with a total of about 11 kilograms, ranking second.

Li Mu and Hui After Yuan Ai said yes, she patiently waited for the rest of the Young Detective Team. It was not until the evening, when the sun set, that Conan and the others arrived belatedly.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi walked over quickly and looked at them worriedly. two people

"Why did you come back so late? I'm a little worried about you."

"Okay, no more talking, let’s take your fish over and weigh it."



Several members of the Young Detective Team turned around in embarrassment, hesitating and saying nothing.

Lan and Lan were stunned for a moment, then thought of something.

"Hey, you two haven't caught a single fish, so you two are a little shy, right?"

Yuanzi said, covering his mouth, and he would laugh at any time.

The members of the Young Detective Team didn't say a word, but they were even more embarrassed.

"Hahaha...You guys haven't caught a single fish."

Finally, Yuanzi couldn't help it and burst into laughter.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Halberd-eating Spirit begin!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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