The next day, Suzuki Jirokichi published a newspaper and challenged Kaitou Kidd.

And that night, Kaitou Kidd replied and accepted the challenge.

For a time, countless fans of Kaitou Kidd flocked outside the Suzuki Museum, looking forward to meeting Kaitou Kidd.

Li Mu, Yuanzi and others were naturally invited to go.

Outside the Suzuki Museum, countless people surrounded the place, but most of them were kept out by the police mobile team.

Among the police officers, Officer Zhongmori was holding a phone, leaning on a police car, and kept shouting

"Don't let anyone suspicious in. Yes, pull his face, no, you should grab his face, that's it."

After giving the instructions, Officer Zhongmori looked up at the helicopter in the sky with an impatient look on his face.

"Where did this helicopter come from? It’s so annoying."

It's a pity that the helicopter can't obey him.

Not far from Officer Zhongsen, Li Mu, Xiaolan and others arrived here together

"Xiaolan, let us 16 go in directly, there is no point in looking here at all."

Li Mu took Xiaolan and led them directly into the center of the Suzuki Museum under the leadership of the Suzuki family.

"Li Mu, you are here. I haven’t seen you for a long time."

Outside a RV, a beautiful woman wearing very hot clothes leaned on the door of the RV and raised one foot.

Li Mu looked at this young woman and his eyes lit up.

"Mrs. Suzuki, I haven’t seen you for a long time. You are getting more and more beautiful. I feel a little...I think you are really special and radiant."

The person who came was none other than the wife of the Suzuki family, Tomoko Suzuki, the mother of Suzuki Sonoko.

"Where, your little mouth is so sweet, you are worthy of being a famous person."

Suzuki Tomoko looked at Li Mu with a touch of spring in her eyes and a blush on her cheeks.

If it weren't for the crowds all around, Li Mu would definitely have a fight with Suzuki Tomoko.

"By the way, Madam is here today. Is it possible that she is also interested in Kaitou Kidd?"Li Mu laughed.

"Of course, I was also particularly interested in that particular person and came here to have a look."

Suzuki Tomoko stared at Li Mu closely. Only Li Mu understood the meaning. Others thought Suzuki Tomoko was talking about Kaitou Kidd.

"Here it comes, Kaitou Kidd is here."

Li Mu was talking to Suzuki Tomoko. In the RV, Conan suddenly pointed at the screen and shouted.

Officer Zhongmori, who had been watching, was anxious and quickly closed the screen carefully.

On the screen, he saw a white figure flying in the sky. This person was not The other person was none other than Kaitou Kidd.

After Kaitou Kidd flew over, he happened to fall into the building and disappeared for a while.

When he reappeared, there were lurking figures on both sides of the Kaitou Building out of thin air.

"How is this possible? How can a person stand in the air out of thin air and violate the law of gravity?"Conan shouted in surprise.

Although the others didn't say anything, there were shocks in their eyes, and they couldn't speak for a long time.

Li Mu looked at Kaitou Kidd's figure, the corners of his mouth raised, and he saw through Kaitou Kidd's trick at a glance.

Next to him, Suzuki Tomoko also noticed the smile on the corner of Li Mu's mouth, and smiled:"How about it, Li Mu, do you already know this principle, can you tell me?"

Others immediately focused their attention on Li Mu.

"No, how is this possible? How could I see Kaitou Kidd's tactics at a glance?"

Li Mu refused without hesitation.

Why did he want to capture Kaitou Kidd? If such a good 'toy' were gone, there would be less fun in the future.

"Damn it, let's go take a look. He must be hanging in the air on a wire. Let's go take a look now."

Officer Zhongmori ran out immediately, and then walked towards the building on one side, while Conan walked towards the building on the other side.

Li Mu glanced at the two of them, smiled and said,"Mrs. Suzuki, go and have a look if you want. Maybe we can catch Kaitou Kidd"

"Okay, go check it out now."

Suzuki Tomoko nodded, and then strolled behind Li Mu.

After the two entered the building, Suzuki Tomoko took the lead on the stairs.

After walking a few floors, Li Mu suddenly asked:"By the way, Mrs. Suzuki, we Why take the stairs? This is dozens of floors. It seems too tiring to take the stairs, right?"

"that is because……"Tomoko Suzuki paused for a moment, then grabbed Li Mu, pulled him to the side forcefully, raised one foot, and blocked Li Mu's way.

"Li Mu, you should have seen Kaitou Kidd's tactics, right?"

Tomoko Suzuki looked at Li Mu seriously.

Li Mu also smiled, with the corners of his mouth raised.

"This matter is actually not important. 097"

At the same time, on the other side, Conan ran to the roof of the building, looked at the walls on both sides, and frowned slightly.

"What's going on, why is there no hook, and how does he float in the air?"

This is completely inconsistent with Newton's theory.

It is estimated that if Newton knew, he would definitely climb out of the coffin.

Kaitou Kidd did not return to Conan, but walked directly towards the blue miracle in the distance.

Along the way, there were still There was a clicking sound of footsteps.

Below, Suzuki Jirokichi looked at Kaitou Kid who was getting closer and closer, frowning slightly

"Consultant Suzuki, do you want to use that device?"

Suzuki Jirokichi thought for a while, then nodded and said,"Okay, start that device."

The staff immediately started the device, and the blue miracle was taken back to the museum.

Kaitou Kid looked at the disappeared blue miracle, and grinned at the corner of his mouth.

"Everyone, that’s it for today’s performance. I will officially take away the Blue Miracle tomorrow."

After saying this, Kaitou Kidd disappeared out of thin air into the sky.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Halberd-Eating Spirit begin!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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