"Damn it, look for me, Kaito Kidd must be around here, don’t miss it in any building or anywhere."

For a time, countless police officers rushed to the buildings on both sides, searching room after room.

I don't know how long it took, but after Li Mu walked out, a group of police officers came over.

"Sir, who are you? Can you show me your proof?"

Li Mu stretched out his hand, took out his driver's license and handed it to the police

"I'm a friend of the Suzuki family, and by the way, I'm not Kaitou Kidd. After saying that

, Li Mu reached out and grabbed his face.

Although it was embarrassing, it was better to do it yourself than to let the police grab it.

The police confirmed that Li Mu was fine, but still said:"Mr., can you? Let's go to the Suzuki Foundation to confirm. We……"

"I know."Li Mu nodded, looked at the police who were about to enter the women's restroom, and said quickly:"Wait, the wife of Suzuki Zai 097 is inside, you should wait a moment."

When the police heard this, they immediately stopped.

Otherwise, if they accidentally peeked at the wife of the Suzuki Consortium, they policemen would be in bad luck.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Suzuki Tomoko to come out, and the police also They took Li Mu and Li Mu away.

When they got downstairs, near the police car,

Officer Zhongsen confirmed the identities of the two people and complained:"Really, why did you two go there when you had nothing to do, causing me to waste my police force."

The corner of Li Mu's mouth twitched. Is it possible that I have to tell you this policeman?

Are the two of them such idiots?

Suzuki Tomoko's cheeks were slightly red, with a glory on her face.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see what Kaito (BGDF) Kid looked like, but I forgot to take the elevator, so I went to the bathroom."

"Okay, I won’t say any more. I’ll return your kindness and won’t be with you anymore."

Officer Zhongsen didn't say anything and ran away.

Xiaolan, Yuanzi and others also walked by..

"Mom, are you dressed up today? Why do I feel that you have become much younger?"

"No, this is not good maintenance. You should learn more and don't be crazy all day long like a silly girl."

"Mom, you are serious, I don’t need you to worry, I can do it myself."Yuanzi muttered dissatisfied.

Suzuki Tomoko sighed, and she was also worried about Yuanzi's future.

She was really afraid that Li Mu Yuanzi would be dumped by Li Mu one day, and she didn't know what to do then.

"Okay, I don't care about you, let's go to dinner now, there is a show tomorrow."

Then Tomoko Suzuki, Li Mu and others had a dinner together, and then separated.

In the evening of the next day, the area near the Suzuki Museum was once again crowded with people, but most of them were blocked out by Suzuki Jirokichi's people.

Everyone nearby The building is all rented by the Suzuki Consortium, and no one else is allowed, let alone Kaitou Kid.

Of course, all this has nothing to do with Li Mu.

Li Mu sat under the sun umbrella prepared in the garden early, opposite Li Mu , and the person sitting was Suzuki Tomoko.

Perhaps because she was fed by Li Mu yesterday, Suzuki Tomoko looked at Li Mu with eyes full of love, and she was reluctant to follow Li Mu.

"Okay, today we will definitely see Kaitou Kidd. I also specially booked such a good location, so I can’t go wrong."

Zonzi looked at the distance not far away with great interest.

Not far away, there was the place where Kaitou Kidd took his spacewalk yesterday.

"Well, it would be a good choice to play with Kaitou Kidd today."

Li Mu picked up the juice and looked around with interest while drinking it.

"By the way, Sonoko, what time is it now, and how long does it take for Kaito Kidd to get here?"

"this one? Let me see. Sonoko looked at her watch and said with a smile,"It won't be long. In another hour and a half, Kaito Kidd will appear.""

Li Mu staggered and almost fell to the ground.

There is still an hour and a half, but he actually said that he would arrive soon.

"By the way, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first. I'll be back in a while."

Tomoko Suzuki suddenly stood up and secretly blinked at Li Mu.

Li Mu left and understood.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Shogun of the Halberd Eater begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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