In the end, Kaitou Kidd escaped, but he did not steal the blue miracle.

Near the Suzuki Museum, Li Mu leaned against the car and said goodbye to Yuanzi and others.

"Sonoko, Mrs. Suzuki, I will leave first. You must be careful."

"Li Mu, you have to be careful yourself and come over more often when you have time. You are still welcome at the Suzuki family."

Tomoko Suzuki blushed and smiled.

"Okay, that's it, let's go, goodbye in the garden."

Li Mu drove the car and left with Xiao Lan and others.

In the car, Li Mu said:"Conan, how are you? Did you catch Kaitou Kidd? Could it be that you let him run away again? Conan

's face darkened and he said dissatisfied:"I defeated him and forced him to run. Even the blue miracle was put down by him.""

Li Mu did not continue to tease Conan and looked at the car intently.

Downstairs of the Maori Detective Office, Li Mu stopped the car and said:"Xiaolan, Conan, we're here, you can get out of the car."

"I'm really troubling you today, Brother Li."

Xiaolan thanked her, and then got out of the car.

Conan had already gotten off the car first. Li Mu looked at no one around, stretched out his hand, and patted Xiaolan gently.

Xiaolan blushed, and stared shyly. Li Mu glanced at her.

Li Mu ignored Xiaolan and said with a smile:"Xiaolan, I will come over tomorrow, goodbye."

Conan was immediately attracted after listening to Li Mu's words and quickly approached Xiaolan.

"Sister Xiaolan, will Brother Li come over tomorrow? What's the matter with him coming over?"

Xiaolan blushed again, thinking of Li Mu's figure in her mind, and said shyly:"Why do you ask about this? Just leave it alone."

After that, Xiaolan ran into the Maori Detective Agency.

Conan was even more curious, don't you know?


The next day, Li Mu packed up his clothes early in the morning and went to the Maori Detective Agency.

After arriving upstairs, Li Mu opened the door and walked in directly.

"Xiaolan, where is Detective Maori?"Li Zhouxian said.

When Xiaolan saw Li Mu, she immediately became shy and said with a blushing face:"He went out today, so he won't be here. Conan will go to school soon."

As he spoke, Conan came from the room on the side. walked out.

After Conan came out, he held a backpack and stared at Li Mu with dead eyes, wishing he could eat Li Mu.

Li Mu ignored Conan, touched his head and said:"Conan, remember to go to school well and don't skip class. If you skip class, I will teach you a lesson.""


Conan glared at Li Mu and walked away.

However, after leaving the Maori Detective Agency, Conan did not go to school. Instead, he hid in the nearby streets and secretly looked in the direction of the Maori Detective Agency.

"Damn it, I want to see what your plans are, and I will never give up Xiaolan to you."

On the other side, in the detective agency, Li Mu and Xiaolan faced each other without saying a word.

After a long time, Xiaolan lowered her head and said with a blushing face:"Li Mu...Brother Li, everyone else is gone, you...When do you want to start, I...I have nothing to do today?"

"Xiaolan, wait a minute, I'll go out and I'll be right back."

Li Mu felt Conan eavesdropping outside the door and slowly approached.

Conan also heard Li Mu's words and left quickly.

After Li Mu went out, his figure flashed behind Conan, and then hit Conan's hand with one hand. There was a huge lump on his neck.

Conan's head was dizzy and he fainted.

Li Mu took advantage of the fact that no one was around and put Conan in his room on the third floor, letting him have a good rest.

"Okay, no one else is bothering me, I'll take care of the rest."

Li Mu came to the second floor, entered the office on the second floor, then closed the door, pulled off his clothes, and threw them aside.

This scene looked like what Li Mu was going to do to Xiaolan.

"Xiaolan, it’s your turn."

Li Mu lay down on the sofa on the side and patted his back.

Xiaolan blushed. Although she was shy, she slowly approached Li Mu and massaged him.

The Invincible Spirit of the Invincible Halberd-Eating Concubine of the Great Voyage began.!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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