"Okay, Xiaolan, don't be shy. What's our relationship? Do we still have to worry about this?"

Li Mu walked behind Xiaolan, took Xiaolan's arm, then pulled Xiaolan to the sofa and pressed her gently.

"Okay, Xiaolan, let me massage you and let you stretch your body and mind."

Xiaolan didn't refuse either.

"How are you, Xiaolan, how is your body? Do you have any special feeling?"

"I...I feel that my health is quite good. Brother Li, did you specialize in this before?"

Li Mu's face suddenly darkened.

What does it mean to specialize in this? Is he that kind of person? Although this job is not shameful, does Li Mu have the skills to do it?

He just learned martial arts in Qinshi Mingyue World 097 , knows the eight extraordinary meridians, has also learned some medical skills, and is slightly involved in this aspect.

"Xiaolan, I am a writer and a capitalist. You can also say that I am a writer or something like that, but this job……"

Xiaolan reacted immediately, blushed and said,"I'm sorry, I forgot."

After an unknown amount of time, Xiaolan glanced at Li Mu again.

Of course, Li Mu also noticed Xiaolan's expression, with a faint smile on his lips.

"Xiaolan, how about you do me a favor? What do you think?"

"Brother Li, you said, no matter what you do, I am willing to help you."

Xiao Lan said righteously.

Of course she would not refuse Li Mu.

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth slightly, approached Xiao Lan and said something in a loud voice.

Xiao Lan's face turned red for a moment, and she looked at Li Mu shyly.

She was confused. After a while, Xiaolan finally ignored Li Mu's request and slowly bent down.


An hour later, in the room upstairs, Conan, who had been knocked unconscious by Li Mu, gradually woke up.

As soon as he woke up, Conan subconsciously reached out and touched the back of his head.

Although he was awake, he was still so confused, his head was still groggy, and his hands were still a little cold.

But after a while, Ke (bgdf) Nan gradually recovered and turned to look around.

"I feel so dizzy, what is going on, what happened, why am I here."

Conan looked around confusedly, his mind was still a little dizzy and he didn't know what to think.

"By the way, didn’t I follow Xiaolan? Then it seemed that he was knocked unconscious by someone else, by the way, Xiaolan."

Conan suddenly remembered that he seemed to be worried that Xiaolan and Li Mu had some unusual relationship, so he followed secretly, but was later knocked unconscious by an unknown person.

After thinking clearly, Conan quickly sat up and wanted to go Looking for Xiaolan.

But the next moment, Conan suddenly stopped and looked at the familiar decorations around him, and he was completely stunned.

"Isn't this my room? Why am I here? Is it possible for me...Was I knocked unconscious by Li Mu?"

Conan's first suspicion was Li Mu. This was definitely not a kidnapping, it must have been done by an acquaintance.

And among these people, the most suspicious was Li Mu.

After all, only Li Mu had this ability, and only Li Mu would let him go. In this room.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Halberd-eating Spirit begin!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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