"Thank you, Brother Li, you are such a good person."

Xiaolan suddenly became excited.

In fact, what she wanted most was for Li Mu to go, but she was too embarrassed to say it, so she asked her father to go.

"So, I am no longer a good person?"

Moori Kogoro's face darkened and he was speechless.

"Well, we'll set off tomorrow."

Li Mu confirmed the time, and then quickly ate his dinner.


The next day, Li Mu didn't leave home until school was about to end in the evening. He drove to Didan High School, where Yuanzi had been waiting for a long time.

"Li Mu, you are here."

Conan and Xiaolan saw Li Mu's car, said hello, and then continued to wait.

Li Mu looked at Conan sitting next to him. Although he was very unhappy in his heart, he still had a smile on his face.

"Conan, did you go to school today? , do you want to know the importance of learning? Learning can make people progress, make people happy, and make you a useful person instead of a reasoning idiot"

"Yes, yes, brother Li Mu."

Conan was also very unhappy, but he didn't dare to refute anything and could only nod his head.

Li Mu glanced at Conan, raised the corners of his mouth, and continued:"Conan, you have to work hard and strive to become the same person as me. Except for giving birth, I can do everything, including washing and cooking, playing the piano and singing, and I am proficient in everything."

"Yes Yes Yes"

"Hee hee hee. Yuanzi suddenly thought of something, covered his mouth and snickered:"Li Mu, you may not know, this guy is a tone deaf person, he can't do anything except reasoning.""

Xiaolan next to me couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering.

"Damn it, these two bastards are really unhappy, I don’t know anything else, it’s none of your business."Conan complained in his heart.

Li Mu felt the unkindness in Conan's heart, his face changed slightly, and he stared at Conan with sharp eyes.

Conan suddenly shuddered and his body trembled slightly.

"It's so scary, this guy is still so scary."

Li Mu did not continue to look at Conan, and drove the car to a nearby parking lot.

After arriving at Didan High School, the students had already finished school, and there were only a few people in the whole school.

"Brother Li, please put your shoes in my shoe cabinet."

Xiaolan took out the slippers inside, and then put her own shoes in the shoe cabinet.

Li Mu glanced at Xiaolan, then at his own face, and said with black lines on his head:"Xiaolan, I don't seem to have any. Slippers, you can't walk barefoot."

Xiaolan also realized that there was always one slipper in her shoe cabinet, and naturally there was no one from Li Mu.

"Forget it, that's it, barefoot."

Li Mu took off his shoes and walked barefoot on the wooden floor.

Although it was uncomfortable to be barefoot, it was no problem.

If it hadn't just rained lightly outside, Li Mu would have just walked in the school wearing his shoes.

"Well, Brother Li, I’ll trouble you. '

Xiaolan smiled awkwardly, with a smile on her face

"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, are you here?"

In the distance, two women came.

After the two women came over, they walked straight in front of Li Mu and looked at Li Mu with both eyes.

"Hey, Xiaolan, this handsome guy is really cute. Is she your boyfriend? Is it Xiaolan's or yours Yuanzi?"

Xiaolan and Yuanzi blushed at the same time and shook their heads subconsciously.

"No...No, he is not my girlfriend."

Li Mu's face turned dark. When they needed him, he was their boyfriend. When they didn't need him, they dumped him like this.

The two female students also thought of something, raised the corners of their mouths, and slowly leaned on Li Mu. both sides of

"Since he is not Xiaolan and Yuanzi’s boyfriend, why not leave it to us?"

"Yes, he is so handsome, so how about the two of us working with him, we can make a lot of money."

Li Mu was very happy to hear this. He is so handsome. Whoever marries him will be their fate.

"Okay, no more talking, let's go."

The two women saw that Xiaolan and the others were getting angry, so they quickly waved their hands and left.

"By the way, let's go and investigate that supernatural incident."

Li Mu raised his feet and walked to a room not far away.

"Okay, let's go now."

Yuanzi waved his hands excitedly, raised his feet and walked away.

Li Mu and his party of four were walking in the aisle, and a person walked towards them from the opposite side.

Seeing this person, Li Mu was slightly startled, but then he realized that this person was not the same person. Not the Belmod he knew

"New doctor, is that you?"

Xiaolan and Yuanzi reacted and quickly took a step forward.

Conan was also stunned, and began to doubt in his heart whether this person was a new doctor or a Belmode

".Yes, I have come back. I am still planning to continue working as a doctor here and am not ready to leave."

Dr. Shinde walked towards Conan slowly, then squatted down and looked at Conan.

Conan subconsciously reached out his hand, grabbed Dr. Shinde's face, and then pulled hard


Conan's face changed slightly. He could clearly sense that the face of the new doctor was real, not a human skin mask.

"Conan, what are you doing? How can you be so rude and touch your elders?"

Li Mu took the lead and took a step forward, gently tapping Conan's head with his finger.

"Oh, it hurts so much."

Conan subconsciously covered his head and cried out in pain.

Although Li Mu's power didn't look big, it was actually very powerful. At least Conan couldn't bear it.

"Conan, are you okay?)?"

Xiaolan was about to scold Conan, but she immediately forgot when she saw that Conan's head looked painful.

Li Mu's eyes rolled around, and then he said sternly:"Xiaolan, this kid knows how to lie. I just tapped it lightly, and there was no sound. How could it hurt? This is just a deliberate act of cuteness."

"Yes, Xiaolan, this four-eyed little devil is too cunning, you can't trust him."

Xiaolan also stopped, thinking about Li Mu's actions just now, and saw Conan's head again, nothing happened at all.

"Conan, you are serious, how can you lie to others?"

"right...I'm sorry, I don't dare anymore."

Conan also knew that he couldn't defeat Li Mu and others, so he could only smile bitterly, with a look of pain on his face.

"Okay, let’s not talk anymore. Let’s set off. The target is a supernatural event."

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage, the Invincible Halberd-eating Spirit Begins to Be Giant!_

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