Lin Fei walked on the aisle, raised his feet and walked slowly towards the front.

Xiaolan and others also reacted and quickly followed Li Mu

"A supernatural event? Then I'll go too."

The new doctor also became interested and followed Conan, secretly talking to Conan as he walked.

Li Mu and others first came to the physical education classroom.

After arriving in the physical education classroom, Li Mu looked at the table in front of him , corners of mouth raised

"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, is this the desk in the supernatural incident you mentioned?"

"Yes, this is that desk and chair. I don’t know when, this desk and chair will mysteriously appear outside. Yuanzi suddenly said in a sinister voice.

Li Mu looked at Yuanzi who was deliberately pretending to be frightened, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

But looking at the scared Xiaolan next to him, Li Mu's mouth corners rose, with a smile in his eyes.

"Yuanzi, Xiaolan, I already understand the truth of this series of confusing events."

"real...Really? Is what you said true? Xiaolan said excitedly

"Of course, this matter..."Li Mu paused, then suddenly turned around with a terrifying expression and said:"It is an evil spirit that is causing trouble. I can already feel the terror of this evil spirit. The cold breath makes even me feel scared.""


Xiaolan screamed and subconsciously rushed towards Li Mu.

Li Mu quickly hugged Xiaolan and pulled her into his arms

"Xiaolan, don't be afraid, nothing will happen. I am a famous Onmyoji. According to legend, Ampei Qingming is my apprentice. Hungry ghosts dare not come here."



New doctor:"……"

Conan was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing, and quickly stepped forward and said,"Sister Xiaolan, don't think so casually. How can there be ghosts in this world? This must be fake. Li Mu lied to you.""

"No ghost? Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, pointed to one side and said,"Then take a look."...what is that? Conan subconsciously turned his head and looked at where Li Mu was pointing.

Li Mu quickly walked to Conan's side and said coldly:"Wow, there is a ghost." Conan was startled and said with a dark face:"Brother Li, how could you scare me like this? People can be scary.""

"Yeah? I think so too, I think it must be other people who are scary, but in fact there is nothing wrong with it."

There must be ghosts, but Li Mu doesn't believe in ghosts in this world.

Xiaolan next to him also reacted and said quickly:"Brother Li, you are serious, how could you scare me so much?"

"Okay, Xiaolan, don't be afraid. I will definitely protect you."

Li Mu touched Xiaolan's head, which made Xiaolan's face turn red and she lowered her head shyly.

"Okay, let’s not talk about it anymore. Let’s return it and look elsewhere. Maybe we can find clues."

Li Mu didn't say anything more, raised his feet and left.

"Okay, Li Mu, let me show you the place. Yuanzi became interested and quickly walked to the other side and came to the entrance.

After arriving at the stairwell, Yuanzi walked in the stairwell and said gloomily:"Xiaolan, do you know?" There are often other people in this place, and they saw a lot of water stains in the stairwell. Others said...These are the tears of the deceased classmate Hideaki Hosaka."

Yuanzi's tone was very gloomy and sounded very scary.

If Yuanzi tells horror novels, he will definitely be very popular.

Xiaolan was frightened when she heard this person's nonsense and hurriedly hid behind Li Mu , grabbed Li Mu's arm, and leaned against Li Mu's arm.

The soft feeling reminded Li Mu of what happened yesterday, and it was very comfortable.

Xiaolan didn't know what Li Mu was thinking, but she was still very happy. Afraid, he pressed Li Mu's arm tightly.


While he was talking in the garden, the door on one side suddenly opened, and a boy walked out of it. He said dissatisfiedly:"Hey, can you please stop being so loud? I still have to finish the painting." Homework, you guys, how can I finish it."

This shout also interrupted the terrifying atmosphere, and Xiaolan no longer had the fear at the beginning.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

Xiaolan and Yuanzi apologized quickly.

The student didn't say anything, closed the door and entered the art room again.

······Asking for flowers·······

On the other side of the door, I didn't notice that there was a solemn look in this student's eyes.

"Okay, Sonoko, let's go. It's really scary when you say it's so scary. It's getting late. Let's go home."

"I'm afraid we can't leave for the time being. It's raining heavily outside. At least it needs to stop so that we can leave."

Xiaolan and the others listened to Li Mu's words and turned to look outside.

At this moment, it was already dusk outside, and it started to rain, and the rain was very heavy.

"There is no other way, so we can only stay in the school for a while, Xiaolan, let's go look elsewhere, maybe there are any clues."Yuanzi said helplessly.


"Okay, let's go."

Xiaolan nodded and left with Yuanzi.

Li Mu followed boredly. If Xiaolan and Yuanzi hadn't been there, how could he have investigated such a boring prank?

"By the way, Xiaolan, are you still investigating that supernatural incident?"

In the distance, a girl with exquisite short hair came.

After the girl came over, she said hello

"Sister Shumei, I'm sorry, I must have disturbed you."Xiaolan said slightly apologetically.

"It's okay, I don't care. And Xiaolan, if you really want to investigate, you can go to the principal's office and ask. I just saw the principal standing outside with an umbrella. They might have seen something."

"Really? That's great. Yuanzi became excited, pulled Xiaolan and ran away.

"Alas, they are really lively two people."

Li Mu sighed and quickly followed Yuanzi.

Conan and the new doctor were even more different. They didn't say a word and just followed Li Mu and the others.

Sister Shumei glanced at Li Mu and the others. He shook his head and left.

After arriving at the principal's office, Li Mu stood outside the principal's office.

"Okay, you guys go in, I don’t need to go in, I don’t want to see the teacher or anything like that."

I don't know how many years have passed. Li Mu has never been to school again, and he is still a little scared when he sees the teacher.

The Invincible Spirit of the Halberd-eating Concubine of the Great Voyage begins with!_

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