Standing outside the principal's office, Li Mu looked out the window boredly, passing the time.

Outside, in the heavy rain, an umbrella was held there, as if someone was holding an umbrella.

However, sensing the table under the umbrella, Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth, picked up a camera, and started filming

"What? I didn’t expect it to be so simple. I thought it would take a while, but it looks like it can be done now."

Although he only knows one umbrella, Li Mu can find the murderer through this umbrella, who makes Li Mu cheat.

After waiting like this for a long time, the heavy rain in the sky suddenly stopped, and the owner of the umbrella pulled the umbrella hard. , the umbrella flew out immediately.

Li Mu jumped out quickly, his body flashing quickly, looking for the person holding the umbrella.

After secretly taking a photo, Li Mu took back the camera, and was very surprised. He calmly returned to the second floor and stood waiting outside the principal's office.

Not long after, Xiaolan and others came out. When

Li Mu saw Xiaolan sighing, the corners of his mouth raised, and a good idea came to his mind.

"Xiaolan, me...I may have seen the soul of Hideaki Hosaka, he...He just came here"

"Varied...What? is this real? Brother Li."

Xiaolan was startled, and her body was trembling slightly.

Looking at Li Mu's frightened eyes, Xiaolan believed Li Mu's words directly.

Conan's face darkened and he said speechlessly:"Brother Li, how is this possible, in this world? , how could there be a ghost? It must be you who scared Xiaolan."

"I...I didn't lie to you, don't believe me...You look outside."

Several people walked outside the window and saw a desk and chair standing alone outside.

"this...This is the desk and chair of Senior Hideaki Hosaka. Why is he here? Is it possible that the soul of Senior Hideaki Hosaka is really here?"

Xiaolan was suddenly startled, her hands were trembling, and her eyes were filled with fear and uneasiness.

Conan and Dr. Shinde ran over quickly and looked there carefully.

"Sister Xiaolan, this is not a soul at all. There are still footprints here. This should be man-made."

Xiaolan also saw the footprints there, her face was relieved, but then she became nervous again.

"No, no, the footprints here are incomplete. There are no footprints at all near the desks and chairs."

Conan also noticed it at this time. Looking along the footprints, he saw that the footprints went straight to the window of the principal's office.

Li Mu's mouth twitched slightly, pointed to his feet and said,"I'm sorry, this is what I left just now. It scares you."

Others also looked down and saw that Li Mu's socks had become dirty and covered with mud.

"Brother Li, what's going on? Why did your socks become like this? What happened to you just now"

"What's wrong."Li Mu lowered his head, with a gloomy face and said in a solemn tone:"Just now, I saw an umbrella here. Suddenly, the umbrella flew out, revealing the bottom. Conan reacted and explained:"It turns out that someone is holding an umbrella secretly. As long as the umbrella is pulled, the table below will be exposed. It's very simple. All you need to do is find the owner of the umbrella.""

Xiaolan also breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it was what Conan said.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and continued:"At first, I did it too, so I jumped down from the building in an attempt to catch the prankster...."

"Knot...What was the result? Did you catch it?"

When Xiaolan and Xiaolan saw that Li Mu was silent, their bodies began to tremble, with fear in their eyes.

"result...When I got married, I caught the umbrella, but there was no trace of the thin strings on it. There was no one in the direction the umbrella flew, just like an invisible ghost."

Ahhh... a sharp scream came. Xiaolan and Yuanzi hugged each other, their eyes full of fear.

"Real or fake, is this really the case?"

Conan looked at Li Mu suspiciously, not believing Li Mu's words at all.

Even the new doctor on the side had some doubts.

Are there really ghosts in this world?

"Xiaolan."Li Mu suddenly spoke again, and said grimly:"What I just said is all...Fake, they are all lies to you, hahaha……"

Xiaolan, Yuanzi:"……"

Conan, the new doctor:"……"

"Brother Li, really, how could you scare me like this?......."

"Yes, this is really scary. I almost died of fright just now."

After Xiaolan and the two knew that they had been cheated, they immediately became dissatisfied and muttered, which was very cute.

Li Mu looked at the dissatisfied two people, touched the back of his head and said,"I'm really sorry, who made Xiaolan and Yuanzi look so scared? It was so cute that I couldn't help but tell a ghost story. Xiaolan and Yuanzi blushed after hearing this and were extremely shy.

"Brother Li, you……"

"Okay, no more talking, let me show you something."

Li Mu took out a camera and handed it to Xiaolan.

"Xiaolan, I took pictures of everything just now. If you take it over and take a look, you will know who did it. Conan was instantly attracted to Li Mu and asked in confusion:"Brother Li Mu, how did you do it? Why didn't I see your camera? Where did you take it out?""

"Yeah, I didn't see what was going on either."

The new doctor also looked at Li Mu curiously.

Li Mu had black lines all over his head. Is this matter so important? Isn't the most important thing to find the murderer?

"Ahem, ahem, didn’t I tell you? I am also a magician, how can I tell you with such little skills?"

Conan was immediately attracted by Li Mu's magical methods, and he already knew the incident on 3.5 just now, and there was no need to continue to understand.

And Li Mu's methods attracted his attention even more

"Okay, Xiaolan, I'll leave this matter to you, find the prankster, and I'll drive. Speaking of which, the parking lot is quite far from here."

Li Mu ran away directly, otherwise it would be bad if he was asked all kinds of questions. You can't say that I have a storage ring.

"Okay, Xiaolan, let's go find the murderer now."

Yuanzi became energetic and picked up the camera to watch the video inside.

"So it turned out to be him."

Xiaolan and others suddenly realized, and ran away with the camera.

Half an hour later, everyone met at the school gate, and then Li Mu left with a few people.

The Great Voyage of the Beloved Concubine and the Invincible Halberd-Shiking Spirit begins!

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