At night, Li Mu also stayed at Xiaolan's house for dinner.

At the dinner table, Mouri Kogoro said while eating his meal:"How about it, Xiaolan, what about that supernatural incident? Is there really a ghost?"

Xiaolan was shocked and looked at Li Mu angrily with her beautiful eyes.

When Xiaolan mentioned this matter, she remembered that this afternoon, Li Mu actually scared her and almost scared her to death.

"It's nothing, it's just someone's prank. There is no ghost at all. Dad, don't believe such unreliable things."

Moori Kogoro listened to Xiaolan's tone, his head was full of black lines, and his heart was very dissatisfied.

"Xiaolan, why are you talking? I told you before that there are no ghosts in this world. It’s because you don’t believe it. Now you are talking to me like this."

"Okay, Detective Maori, Xiaolan was just scared today, so don’t ask."Li Mu poured a glass of wine for Mouri Kogoro.

"scared?"Mouri Kogoro glanced at Xiaolan.

Xiaolan's face turned red and she said angrily:"Don't say it, or I will get angry."

Looking at Xiaolan who was showing her teeth and claws, Li Mu couldn't help but snicker.


Suddenly, everyone in the entire living room snickered.

This lasted for a while before everyone stopped smiling.

After taking a breath, Mouri Kogoro said:"Xiaolan, I recently won a seven-day vacation in a lottery, would you like to travel together?"

"Seven-day vacation?"As soon as Xiaolan heard about the holiday, she immediately became interested, nodded and said:"Okay, it just so happens that the school has a long holiday these seven days, and there is nothing else to do, so let's go together."

"Really? Then I'll go too."Li Mu suddenly said.

This is a good opportunity to capture Xiaolan. Find a good time and go all out to capture Xiaolan completely.

Well, it seems that Xiaolan's relatives have not been here these days.

"I'm going too, I'm going too."

Conan shouted as soon as he heard that Li Mu was going.

Li Mu's face changed slightly, and then he relaxed

"No, you still have to go to school, how can you take seven days off? Isn't studying important? When the time comes, you stay at Dr. Ali's house and let him take care of you."

Let this little devil go, how can Li Mu pursue Xiaolan and hit a home run?

Conan was about to say something else, but Xiaolan interrupted:"Yes, you have to study, and you must not miss class. Once, I will never allow you to go. When the time comes, I will tell Dr. Ali that if you dare to skip school, you will not live here again."

"Yes, little ghost head, you should give up. Don’t skip school in the end. Don’t live here in the future, lest your family say that I led you astray."

Mouri Kogoro also looked at Conan sharply.

Well, the three of them have said so. No matter what, they can only agree with a grimace. There is no other way. If you don't agree, you will not be able to live here in the future.

Li Mu looked at Conan who sighed. , felt very proud in his heart, but still said:"Okay, Conan, don't be sad, this is not for your own good. People, you have to study hard so that you can stand out in the future. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Conan, when I come back next time, we will bring you local specialties there."

Conan sighed as he listened to the two people singing and harmonizing.

"Got it, sister Xiaolan, brother Li Mu"


The next day, Li Mu drove Conan to Dr. A Li's home

"Dr. Ali, remember to keep an eye on Conan and don't take him to skip school casually. You are a grown man and you should know that children need to study hard and make progress every day.……"

After Li Mu sent Conan over, he said a lot of things, which made Dr. Ali very embarrassed.

After a long time, Li Mucai said:"Okay, Dr. Ali, I know you are soft-hearted, but you have to think about Conan, and you don't want Conan to have no common sense in life in the future."

Dr. Ali smiled awkwardly, if Conan doesn't have common sense in life, how many people in this world have common sense in life.

Conan on the other side looked at Li Mu with dead fish eyes and scolded Li Mu many times in his heart.

Not far away, Hui Yuan Ai was hiding in a corner and snickering.

Conan was bullied like this, but she was still very happy

"Okay, Dr. Ali, I'll leave, and Conan will take care of you."

Li Mu said goodbye and left.

Before leaving, Li Mu looked at Conan with a smile on his face.

Looking at this smile, Conan's face changed slightly, and he gritted his teeth, wishing to bite Li Mu to death.

".Damn it, this guy actually dares to let me live here. It’s so damn disgusting. I don’t want to live here. Dr. Ali

's face darkened and he said dissatisfied:"Xinyi, what do you mean? Isn't it good here?" Conan also reacted and smiled awkwardly:"I'm so sorry, Dr. Ali, I didn't mean that, you know.""

In the dark, Hui Yuan Ai walked out slowly and came to Conan's side.

"It seems that your reasoning ability is not as good as his, your appearance is not as good as his, and even your pursuit ability is not as good as his. Alas, it seems that you are not as good as him in anything."

Conan's head is full of black marks. So, he is really not as good as that guy Li Mu.

If you think about it carefully, Li Mu is indeed omnipotent in all aspects except giving birth to children. He is almost a bit hopeless.

"Damn it, it’s like this. I really can’t compare to him (De Nuo Zhao). No, I should have some merit. I must find this advantage."

Conan walked to the side, touched his head, and thought carefully.

Unfortunately, no matter how he thought, as long as it was not reasoning, his brain was very dull.

Haiyuan Ai looked at the distressed Conan, smiled slightly, and then looked Looking into the distance, there was jealousy in her eyes.

Although she was mocking Conan on the surface, she was also a little jealous on the inside. After all, her sweetheart actually went on vacation with other women. She was a little jealous no matter how much she thought about it.

"By the way, the medicine from last time, I think about it, Li Mu's medicine seems to be able to make people recover."

Hai Yuan Ai thought of the medicine she used to grow up last time, and her eyes were filled with joy. Her mind turned quickly, and there was a hint of expectation in her heart. She really wanted to grow up quickly."

The Invincible Food of the Concubine of the Great Voyage" The spirit begins to grow!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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