The sunny beach may not have reached the vacation season, so there are not so many people here.

But there were a lot of people, and there were beautiful women all around.

After Li Mu arrived at the beach, he quickly glanced at the beauties nearby, and then became serious.

With someone like Xiaolan by his side, how could Li Mu possibly hook up with other women? Moreover, Li Mu had not forgotten the purpose of coming here.

He hooked up with Xiaolan, pushed Xiaolan, and ate Xiaolan.

That's right, everything - target Xiaolan

"It's great, it's a beach vacation, so many beauties."

When Mouri Kogoro saw so many beauties, he lost his soul and shouted happily.

"No, detective……"

Mouri Kogoro's shout also attracted the attention of countless people.

When those beauties saw Li Mu and the others, their eyes lit up and they hurried over.

"Yes, I am the legendary handsome detective……"

"Li Mu, isn’t this Li Mu?"

Before Mouri Kogoro finished speaking, a nearby girl pounced on Li Mu.

"Li Mu, this is great, I always like your novels"

"Yeah, sign it for me."

A large number of beautiful eldest daughters with various styles surrounded Li Mu.

A very beautiful girl even picked up a black pen and pointed at the strap on her sign.

"Li Mu, can you sign here?"

"I want it too, I want it too."

The beauties all around were pointing at him.

Li Mu had a dark face, but he didn't refuse.

"Okay, okay, come one by one."

In order to maintain his good image, Li Mu always smiled and signed the names of various beauties.

"Damn it, why did you bring this guy here?"

Mouri Kogoro looked at Li Mu surrounded by beauties and felt jealous.

This should have been his position.

"Yes, you shouldn't be here."

Xiaolan also regretted it very much, with a shy face and jealousy in her heart.

"What's wrong? Are you jealous? our great detective"

"Huh, what else can I do? I must be jealous."

Suddenly, a warm voice came. Maori Kogoro turned his head and saw two beautiful beauties standing behind him.

Maori Kogoro was stunned and said in surprise:"Yuki and Eri, what are you two doing? it's here."

The visitors are none other than Youzi and Yingli.

"Humph, I also want to ask you, why are you here?"

Fei Yingli snorted coldly, her eyes filled with joy.

At the same time, Fei Yingli's beautiful eyes glanced at Li Mu, with a hint of jealousy.

Not only Fei Yingli, but also Yukiko secretly looked at Li Mu, gritting her teeth, wanting to go up and teach him a lesson. Li Mu

"I'm on vacation, it's you, wait a minute..."Mouri Kogoro suddenly paused, looked at Xiaolan and said:"Xiaolan, you called me mysteriously yesterday, could it be you who informed me?"

Xiaolan froze, waved his hand quickly and said:"This is absolutely Impossible, I didn't do that."

Looking at Xiaolan's expression, Maori Kogoro and others didn't know that this was Xiaolan's doing.

On the other hand, after Li Mu got rid of everyone, he saw Fei Yingli and Fei Yingli when he came back.

"Eri, Yukiko, when did they come?"

Li Mu's face changed slightly. These two people are here. This does not mean that this time the plan will be delayed again.

But think about it, Yukiko and the two are still very good. It would be good to use them to vent the anger in his heart.

"Yukiko, concubine lawyer, long time no see. Yukiko looked at Li Mu and said with a smile:"Mr. Li has not been seen for a long time. It seems that he is very popular with female college students.""

"Yes, there are so many female college students who are really good. I really envy you young ones."Fei Yingli also laughed.

But Li Mu could tell that there was something in their words. They were clearly jealous.

"Wherever, that's all."

Li Mu smiled, thinking about how he should teach the two of them a lesson.

"Okay, let’s not talk anymore. I’m going to take a rest. Such a vacation has been ruined."

······Asking for flowers·······

Mouri Kogoro ran away dissatisfied.

Fei Yingli looked at Mouri Kogoro running away, her face darkened, and at the same time she firmly decided not to be with Moori Kogoro.

"Okay, let's go play beach volleyball. We'll be in pairs, Yukiko and I, and Li Mu, you and Xiaolan."

Although Fei Yingli plans to team up with Li Mu, it's not easy to show it, and she also plans to give Xiaolan a chance.

"OK, let's play volleyball."

Li Mu and his party of four came to the volleyball court and then formed groups of two.

"You two, here I go."

Li Mu suddenly jumped up, picked up the volleyball, and patted it gently.


The volleyball flew out immediately and rushed towards Fei Yingli.

He didn't use any force, for fear of accidentally knocking Fei Yingli away.

"I'm here, you wait."

Fei Yingli suddenly waved her hand, slapped it on the volleyball, and sent the volleyball flying over.

"Brother Li, I'm coming."

Xiaolan jumped forward, swayed her body, and hit the volleyball hard with her right hand.

On the other side, Yukiko also jumped up and also knocked the volleyball back.

After a long time, Fei Yingli wiped the volleyball on her forehead. Cold sweat, dropped the volleyball aside

"Okay, that's it, we are tired too, let's go and have a good rest."

"Okay, let's go and have a rest together."

Li Mu and the others didn't call Maori Kogoro, they came to the restaurant not far away, and then found a place to eat.


In the restaurant, Yukiko took the menu and said proudly:"There is a rich man here today. I must have a good meal."

After saying that, Yukiko ordered a lot of expensive dishes.

"Yes, I think so too."

Fei Yingli was still jealous, so she picked up the menu and ordered a lot more

"Really, then I should order some of my favorite dishes too."

Xiaolan hesitated for a moment, also picked up the menu and ordered some dishes.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Halberd-eating Spirit began with!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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