"By the way, Li Mu, why did you come here today? Don't you need a job? Yukiko suddenly said

"It's nothing, I just came here to have fun."

Li Mu said while eating the food.

Yukiko didn't say anything, but looked at Li Mu and Fei Yingli suspiciously, feeling very bad in her heart.

This is also a woman's unique ability, her vision is very vicious.

She saw through Li Mu and Sonoko last time Because of the relationship, this time he saw through the relationship between Li Mu and Fei Yingli.

Of course, this is because Yuanzi didn't hide it, Fei Yingli didn't hide it secretly enough.

Li Mu also noticed Yukiko's gaze, and 16 secretly said something bad.

But fortunately Yukiko has already taken care of it. , at most, just coax her, and then everything will be fine.

The two of them were eating, and Mouri Kogoro came back and said dissatisfied:"Really, you guys have all eaten, why didn't you inform me"

"Huh, aren't you looking for those beautiful female college students? Why should I notify you?"

Feiyingli was a little dissatisfied and felt very unhappy.

For some reason, Feiyingli felt a little unhappy every time she saw Mouri Kogoro.

"Well, you can also find those young men."

Mouri Kogoro also snorted coldly.

After hearing this, Fei Yingli's face changed, she suddenly became excited, and said angrily:"What do you mean, are you talking about me? Okay, I'll find another man right now."

After saying that, Fei Yingli ran away.

In fact, Maori Kogoro also regretted it very much, but he was very thin-skinned and was embarrassed to retain Fei Yingli. He only hoped that someone could help him.

Fortunately, Xiaolan didn't need him to say anything, and directly He stood up and said:"Dad, you are serious too, Mom, wait for me."

Xiaolan hurriedly chased Fei Yingli.

Yukiko looked at Fei Yingli who was so excited, and she became more suspicious.

Could it be that she really cheated?

This doubt surrounded her heart. She couldn't know anything, she could only ask relevant questions. People.

Thinking of this, Yukiko looked at Li Mu

"Li Mu, let’s go together to see Yingli. We can’t let anything happen to her."


Li Mu didn't refuse. He also knew that Yukiko wanted to ask him something.

Mouri Kogoro looked at the three people who were about to leave, but in the end he didn't say a word.

After walking out of the eating place, Yukiko suddenly pulled Li Mu and came We arrived at an inaccessible place.

Finally, Yukiko looked at a small forest and quickly pulled Li Mu into it.

After entering the small forest, Li Mu looked at Yukiko and said,"Yukiko, what's wrong? Didn't you say you were looking for the concubine's lawyer? How did you bring me here?"

Yukiko turned her back to Li Mu, suddenly turned around, and gently pushed Li Mu

"Li Mu, tell me, what is your relationship with Yingli?

Li Mu no longer hesitated and nodded directly:"That's right.""

Yukiko looked at Li Mu with shining eyes without saying a word.

"What's wrong, Yukiko, aren't you angry?"Li Mu asked curiously.

He originally thought that Youxizi would cry, make trouble, and hang herself. But in the end, not only did she not cry, but she was very calm.

"What's the use of me being angry? 097, I've seen clearly what you are like."

Li Mu was happy, but Yukiko was not angry. It was obvious that the matter last time was settled.

Now it seems that except for Miwako, everyone else basically accepts that Li Mu has many women.

"Yukiko, don’t worry, I will definitely be with you well. Yukiko was overjoyed, but she still said,"Humph, don't be so happy. If you dare to lie to me in the future, I will expose everything about you and make you a big star.""

When talking about big stars, Yukiko even emphasized her tone,

"Okay, I will listen to you, and I will definitely love you well in the future."

Of course Li Mu wouldn't say anything, and nodded in agreement without hesitation.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Halberd-Eating Spirit begin!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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