"Hahaha, Officer Megure, don’t say that. It should be said that this case is calling me, the famous detective Mouri Kogoro.

Officer Mumu's mouth twitched and he said speechlessly:"What about this time?" You were involved in the case because the case was calling you?"

Moori Kogoro froze, not knowing how to explain it.


Suddenly, the door opened, and Officer Chiba ran out, just in time to rescue Moori Kogoro.

"Officer Megure, we have investigated clearly. The thread of the steel bar was indeed cut. We can be sure that someone really wants to kill Detective Mori."

"Really, that would be troublesome, it would be difficult to find the murderer."

Officer Megure touched his head with a headache.

As a detective, Kogoro Mori used to be a policeman and arrested many criminals. He had many enemies.

"By the way, dad, this doesn’t seem to be your 16-year-old clothes?"

On the side, Xiaolan held the clothes and questioned

"What's not my clothes?"

Moori Kogoro took the clothes and looked at them carefully.

Although the clothes were similar to his, they had Kimura written on them. Obviously these were not Moori Kogoro's clothes.

Officer Megure also came over and picked up the clothes. I examined the clothes carefully.

"These are not your clothes, so is the target of the gangster this person named Kimura?"

"Yes, that must be the case, great, it seems like the murderer’s target is not me."

Mouri Kogoro patted his own chest and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the target is not him, what does other people have to do with him? At worst, he will find the murderer for him later.

Li Mu looked at Officer Megure's hands seriously clothes, I touched my chin with my right hand and thought about it.

"Officer Megure, how did the murderer confirm that Detective Mori was his target?"

"Of course, it’s through the words on the clothes. It doesn’t have the word Kimura on it."

Moori Kogoro pointed at the clothes, looking like this.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, took the clothes, looked at everyone and said:"This word is on the front. If you can see this word, I don't believe he will read it. For those who don’t think of Detective Mori, this Kimura is very similar to Detective Mori. Either the murderer is killing without purpose, or he is..."

"Or maybe the murderer deliberately diverted the attention of the police, but the purpose was Uncle Maori."Conan also came out and said

"That's it. It seems that it is true. At night, since you can pay attention to this word, it will definitely be easier to see Brother Maori's face clearly. Therefore, the purpose of killing people with a purpose is Brother Maori."

Officer Megure is not a fool, so he naturally understands all this.

Mouri Kogoro's face turned pale. When he heard that he was the murderer, his body shuddered subconsciously.

"Okay, Brother Maori, don’t worry, I will send someone to protect you. Brother Chiba, Officer Sato, please."


Officer Memu made arrangements and left.

It was really late, and it was hard for the police to go out to investigate at this time. They could only wait until daytime to investigate.

"Well, I am here tonight, Miwako, you are in the house, and Officer Chiba asks you to watch from the car to prevent any accidents."

Li Mu thought of Miwako staying, his eyes lit up, and he immediately decided to stay.

Looking at Li Mu who spoke righteously, Mouri Kogoro was moved in his heart, and his eyes moved and said:"Li Mu, you are such a good person, not only saved me , and he was actually prepared to protect me."

Looking at this excited uncle, Li Mu wanted to say that you were wrong, but after thinking about it, Li Mu decided to give him an expectation.

"Well, I'll leave first, and I'll leave it to you."

Officer Chiba didn't stay either. He said hello and left.

Miwako's face turned red and she lowered her head shyly, but she did not reject Li Mu's request.

"Okay, let’s not talk anymore. Everyone, go to bed. I’m going to buy two pajamas. Miwako and I will watch them today. You should have a good rest."

Li Mu clapped his hands, then left the Maori Detective Agency, went to a nearby mall that was still open, and bought two pairs of sleeping clothes.

One was from Li Mu and the other was from Miwako.

Returning to the Maori Detective Agency again, Xiaolan and others had already taken a shower and returned to their rooms to rest.

Miwako was the only one left in the living room.

When Miwako saw Li Mu coming in, she suddenly became nervous and kept jumping.

"Li Mu, you are here"

"Miwako, these are the pajamas I prepared for you. You will wear this today. You and I will share the same sofa."


Miwako nervously took out the pajamas from the bag.

"I'm going to take a shower. You should take a rest first."

Miwako blushed, hugged her pajamas, and ran into the bathroom on the side.


An hour later, after taking a shower, Li Mu walked out of the bathroom, then came to the sofa and sat across from Miwako.

The two talked for a while and then went to rest.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine and the Invincible Halberd-eating Spirit begins! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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