The teacup fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

The sound was like a roar in summer.

Li Mu was shocked and quickly sat up on the sofa on the other side.

Miwako also reacted, quickly adjusted her clothes, and then quickly stood up.

"What's up? Did something happen?"

Conan in the room was also awakened by the loud noise for the first time, and then ran out of the room without even bothering to put on his clothes.

Chiba, who was watching downstairs, also realized that he quickly got out of the car and quickly came to San. Floor.

In addition to the sleeping Mouri Kogoro, even Xiaolan also came out of the room.

Miwako looked at the nervous Conan and others, touched the back of her head, and said shyly:"I'm sorry to disturb you, I accidentally Touched the tea cup"

"As long as it's okay, I'll go down first."

Officer Chiba breathed a sigh of relief and then left.

Conan looked at Miwako suspiciously, but he didn't have much doubt. After all, Miwako was definitely not the murderer.

"Let me clean up. 097 Miwako, you can rest."

Li Mu also pretended to have just woken up, walked to the side with sleepy eyes, picked up the broom and vacuum cleaner, and cleaned up

"Okay, it's getting late, everyone, let's go to bed."

After cleaning up, Li Mu lay down on the sofa and prepared to rest.

Miwako didn't hesitate and lay down directly to rest.

Conan just glanced at the two of them, then entered the room, leaned against the door, and listened secretly for a long time.

Conan did not go to sleep until he confirmed that Li Mu was asleep.

The night passed like this. The next day, when Li Mu woke up, the others had not gotten up yet, so Li Mu went to wash up. While

Li Mu was washing up, the others They also got up one after another and changed their clothes.

In the living room, Xiaolan prepared the meal, and Li Mu and his party sat at the dining table and started eating.

"Okay, everyone, let's eat quickly. After eating, we will go find the murderer. He actually dares to target me. I must catch him."

Mauri Kogoro shouted excitedly.

At this moment, Maori Kogoro no longer had the fear of yesterday, but had a fighting spirit on his face.

Li Mu and others shook their heads and ate breakfast quietly.

After eating, Li Mu drove everyone We arrived at the place where Mouri Kogoro had eaten yesterday.

Before going in, Li Mu took the lead and said: Detective Li, be careful later. This boss may also be your enemy. Don't be careless."

"boss? Maori Kogoro thought for a moment, then shook his head and said:"Impossible, how could this boss be my enemy? Don't joke, you don't know him.""

Li Mu looked at the silly Mouri Kogoro and patted his shoulder.

"Maori Detective, there is one thing in this world called plastic surgery."

Moori Kogoro thought about it. He had gone to the boss for plastic surgery, so he would definitely know him.

"I understand, don't worry."

Li Mu and others didn't say anything and went straight into talking to the boss.

With Conan, Li Mu didn't have to ask anything, just listened.

After all, although Conan is not very good, he is still very good at reasoning, so he should ask , at least I asked.

After leaving the izakaya, Li Mu touched his chin and thought.

Next to him, Miwako looked at Li Mu and asked doubtfully:"How about it, Li Mu, do you have any clues? Is that boss a murderer?"

Others also focused their attention on Li Mu (bgdf)

"I think it's very possible. The boss said his fingers were burned, but he probably destroyed the fingerprints to prevent the police from investigating.

Therefore, Miwako, I suggest that the police investigate the prisoners caught by the Mori detectives. Those who have been released from prison but have no news about them are the most likely."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

Miwako quickly walked aside, picked up the phone, and informed Officer Megure

"Yes, I think so too, but unfortunately there is not much evidence. What should I do?"

Conan also touched his chin and thought carefully.

However, the evidence was obviously too little, and he only suspected the boss. There was no definite evidence, let alone arresting him.

Not long after, Miwako left, leaving only Li Mu, Maori Kogoro and others were walking on the street together.

As they were walking, a truck suddenly rushed in front of them.

Seeing the movement of the truck, the first thing Li Mu and Maori Kogoro thought of was the murderer.

"Xiaolan, be careful."

Li Mu rushed out first, jumped to the side with Xiaolan in his arms, and avoided the impact of the truck.

Not to mention Mouri Kogoro, he directly kicked Conan away, and Kazuya avoided the truck in embarrassment.

The driver of the truck saw him His skill failed, and there was anger in his eyes.

But he did not lose his mind, but was very sober.

The murderer did not hesitate, opened the car door, and quickly ran away into the distance.

"Detective Mori, are you okay?"

Police Officer Chiba, who was following in secret, quickly came up and looked at Li Mu and others with concern.

"Damn it, Officer Chiba, let’s chase him together."

Moori Kogoro was angry. It would be fine if he killed him. Now he actually wants to harm innocent people, especially his daughter. He cannot accept it.


Chief Officer Chiba confirmed that Li Mu and Xiaolan were okay, quickly picked up the phone, and while making a call, he quickly followed Mouri Kogoro.

Of course, Conan also ran away together.

Li Mu did not intend to chase, but looked at Xiang Xiaolan said:"How about it, Xiaolan, are you okay? Do you want me to check it for you? Xiaolan

's face suddenly turned red and she said angrily:"Brother Li, you are so bad, I will ignore you.""

"Hahaha, Xiaolan, I’m just kidding, let’s not talk anymore, let’s go home, we can’t catch up now."

Xiaolan hesitated for a moment, then agreed.

The Great Voyage: The Invincible Spirit of the Halberd-eating Concubine begins!

_Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection, Recommendation

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