After returning to the second floor again, Li Mu looked at several happy little devils and helplessly covered his head.

"Okay, little devil, let's go. Today I will take you to see the stars."

"OK, let’s go."

The young detective team waved their hands happily and left in a hurry.

Li Mu sighed and left helplessly with a few people.

Along the way, a few little ghosts were running in front, and Li Mu was holding a telescope, slowly Walking slowly.

After a long time, Li Mu stopped

"How are you? How are you? Why don't you go up?"

"I'll wait for you, otherwise we'll go up first"

"Yes, it’s a shame that you’re still a big man, so you’re so slow."

Li Mu's face darkened.

He was just helping a few people get things, and a few people didn't thank him, but they still said that to him.

The most important thing is that Li Mu looked at these people and felt very unhappy.

"Little Guitou, I'm here to accompany you, not to play with you, I'm here to relax, and I want to rest."

Li Mu put down the box of the telescope and sat on the stone on the side.

"Well, in that case, let's take a break together."

Hui Yuan Ai also saw Li Mu's displeasure and quickly spoke to Li Mu.

The Young Detective Team didn't say anything and also sat next to Li Mu.

Bumi looked at the stones on the ground and searched around.


Ayumi saw something that looked like a stone and quickly reached out and picked it up.

But after picking it up, Ayumi was stunned because what she saw in front of her was not a stone, but a dead man's bone.


Ayumi suddenly shouted loudly, and Conan's expression changed and he ran over quickly.

Li Mu listened to this somewhat familiar voice, touched his head and said,"Really, why do I feel like something happened again? Could it be a corpse or something?"

Hui Yuan Ai didn't speak, but just looked around. The dead man's bones in Conan's hands in the distance

"It seems that what you said is true. This is indeed a murder case, but just think of it as enriching your knowledge. You have to write a novel anyway."


Li Mu helplessly covered his head and walked towards the body on the ground.

After arriving, Li Mu looked at the body, then at the stone next to him, and turned the stone over.

The stone was low, hiding a ring and several more. A cigarette butt.

Li Mu picked up the ring and took a look at it.

"It seems that this is the person they were talking about, named Kono Asato. Unexpectedly, he is dead."

"Yes, and it should be a murder case. Xiong was injured. These cigarette butts are the death messages left by the deceased."Conan also echoed.

"Murder? How did you know

"Yes, maybe he committed suicide."

Li Mu directly ignored the two little devils, but Conan still patiently explained to them.

"That's it, but who killed him?"

The young detective team touched their chins and said in confusion.

Li Mu knew who the murderer was without even thinking about it. According to Conan's law, it must be those people in the hotel.

"Okay, no matter who it is, let's call the police and let the police handle it. Li Mu, you go make the call. Conan said.

Li Mu:"……"

Conan's tone seemed to treat him as his younger brother

"Conan, you seem to have forgotten my identity, and yours. I'm not stupid. Your brother, do you want me to recall it for you? Conan

's body trembled, and he remembered that Li Mu was not something he could order.

In an instant, Conan turned around quickly, touched his head and said,"I'm sorry, brother Li Mu, can you please call the police? We still have to call the police here." Let the police come."

Li Mu looked directly at Conan with cold eyes, put his right hand into his pocket and touched it.

"Sorry, I seem to have forgotten my mobile phone. I'm really sorry."

Li Mu naturally couldn't have forgotten to bring his mobile phone, but Conan's tone made Li Mu very unhappy.

"I'll call the police."

Conan reluctantly picked up his phone, but there was no signal on the phone, let alone calling the police.

"Okay, let's go call the police at the hotel."

Secretly, Boss Tiantu, who had been waiting for a while, came out, pretending to be surprised:"Call the police, did you say call the police? What happened?"

While speaking, Boss Tiantu took a peek behind him.

When he saw the corpse on the ground, Boss Tiantu said in fear:"Corpse....Corpses, there are corpses here."

With a shout, Boss Tiantu ran away in fear.

"Okay, let's go to the hotel, but it looks like we're in trouble again this time."

Li Mu helplessly touched his head and walked slowly towards the hotel.

Conan sighed, feeling equally helpless inside.

".Okay, everyone, let's go back. Remember not to talk nonsense. The murderer is probably one of them."


After returning to the hotel, Li Mu saw the panicked people. It was obvious that everyone knew about the body.

Nonomiya Etsuko pounced directly on Li Mu and grabbed Li Mu's collar.

"Is what Tiantu Academy said true? Did you really find Asao's body? Could it be a fake? Maybe it wasn't Asao at all. Li

Mu looked at Nonomiya Etsuko, who had been deceiving herself, and said,"That person has a ring for you. In addition, his upper front teeth are broken."

Nonomiya Etsuko shuddered, then smiled and said:"I knew it, I knew it was not Asao. Although Asao had cavities, his cavities were the lower front teeth, not the upper ones at all.""

As soon as (De Nozhao) finished speaking, everyone in the Young Detective Team fell silent.

Looking at the silent people, Nonomiya Etsuko suddenly felt a very bad feeling in her heart.

"How...What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Hui Yuan Ai took a step forward and whispered:"I'm so sorry, we just lied to you. The corpse's cavities were also the lower front teeth. We lied to you because we were afraid that you would lie to us on purpose."

"How is this possible? How is this possible?"

Etsuko Nomiya was paralyzed on the ground, with depression and sadness in her eyes.

Conan glanced at her, then looked at everyone and said,"By the way, are you all invited by Kono Asao?"

"Yes, I was indeed invited here by him, but I have never met him"

"Yes, but the editor-in-chief and I don’t know him, let alone kill him."

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Halberd-eating Spirit Begins!_

Fei Lu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection and Recommendation

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