Conan looked at the two people in front of him, then glanced at Etsuko Nonomiya next to him, thinking in his heart.

He was not sure who the murderer was, but he was certain that one of these people must be the murderer.

While thinking, Conan noticed Li Mu's smile and felt a little inwardly.

No, we must find the murderer before him.

Hui Yuan Ai also noticed Li Mu and reached out to gently pull Li Mu's trousers.

Li Mu put a hand on Hui Yuan Ai's head and rubbed it gently, but did not say who the murderer was.

"By the way, I just saw six cigarettes of different lengths there. What does that mean?"Boss Tiantu suddenly said

"Cigarettes of different lengths? Mr. Futakawa couldn't help but said:"Isn't that a death message?""

Death message!

Everyone was shocked and became nervous.

"Okay, I think everyone should not go out tonight, but stay in the room until the police are called tomorrow morning - then it will be easier to handle."

Conan asked, and then while thinking, he walked up to the second floor.

Everyone did not take Conan's words to heart, and left alone.

After returning to their respective rooms, everyone was thinking Regarding the matter of smoking six cigarettes, his face was very serious.

In the room, Li Mu looked at everyone with black lines on his head.

These little devils had already held a tea party in his room, and they were here openly and openly.

"Hey, little devil, can you go back to your room? This is my room."

"What does it matter, we have nothing to do here, and you want us kids in the same room at this time?"

"Yes, there might be a murderer, so of course we have to be in your room."

The members of the Young Detective Team sang in harmony, leaving Li Mu speechless.

This situation is indeed particularly dangerous. Li Mu is really worried about throwing them in the same room.

"Forget it, little devil, don't disturb me in your meeting, otherwise I will be angry."

Li Mu asked, and then lay down on the side. The people from the Young Detective Team were discussing who was the real murderer.

Haihara Ai sat quietly next to Li Mu.

I don't know how long it took. , Mitsuhiko and others who went out to use the toilet came back

"Sorry, something big happened. I just watched. Miss Nonomiya Etsuko, Mr. Futagawa, and Boss Tentu, they are not in their rooms."

"What? Didn't I let them be in the room?"

Conan complained, and then ran out without hesitation.

The other people did not hesitate and followed Nan.

"These little devils who are not afraid of death can't feel at ease."

Li Mu stood up dissatisfied. If he was afraid that something would happen to Conan and the others and they would not be able to do business when they returned, Li Mu would definitely not follow them.

"Okay, just think of it as a trip, this is also a different kind of trip."

Hui Yuan Ai was so sad that he was not angry, but was very happy.

Just like this, Conan and others were running in front, and Li Mu and Hui Yuan Ai were running behind.

After a long time, Li Mu looked at a small cliff in the distance and picked up Hui Yuan Ai. Yuan Ai

"Xiao Ai, why don't we go there and take a look, maybe there are some clues there. Hui

Yuan Ai's face turned red and she said shyly:"Go up, just go up. Why are you holding me? Let me go quickly.""

"Okay, stop struggling, what if you fall if I don’t hold you tight, so I can only hold you."

Li Mu found a reason for himself, then hugged Hui Yuan Ai and ran quickly towards the cliff.

Not long after, Li Mu reached the top of the cliff.

Looking at the night scene below, Li Mu hugged Hui Yuan Ai tightly and stared at stars above

"It's so beautiful. I haven't seen such a beautiful sky in a long time."

Hui Yuan Ai didn't say anything, and stayed silently in Li Mu's arms, also looking at the sky.

The stars were very beautiful, and both Li Mu and Hui Yuan Ai were fascinated by them.

"Okay, let's go down."

After a while, Li Mu was about to go down when he suddenly felt he touched something.

He looked down and saw a mobile phone at his feet.

"It looks like this is a new mobile phone, who must have dropped it."

Li Mu turned on his phone and was stunned.

······Asking for flowers·······

"What's wrong? What happened?"Hui Yuan Ai asked quickly

"Nothing, very interesting stuff."

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, and without explaining too much, he picked up Hui Yuan Ai and walked down.

Hui Yuan Ai didn't ask any questions and was silently held by Li Mu.

When he came to the hotel again, Boss Tiantu, Etsuko Nonomiya and Mr. Heihachi Gogami have returned here.

Even Conan is here.

At this moment, Conan is holding a few cigarettes and talking to everyone in the hotel.

After Conan saw Li Mu, he also said quickly:"Brother Li, I just saw the body of Mr. Erchuan, and there were seven cigarettes on him. He should have been killed."


Mr. Gogami kept cursing in his heart.

Originally, he killed Mr. Futakawa and left a suicide note. However, Mr. Futakawa was even more ruthless and actually left a death message, making his suicide note useless.

"Now, just in time, I got his cell phone here first, and there was his suicide note on it, but now it seems that it was left by the murderer."

Li Mu threw the phone in his hand to Conan, and Conan quickly looked at it.

"Everyone, I am Erchuan……"

It was a very ordinary suicide note with nothing special about it. If Mr. Futakawa hadn't left a suicide note, this suicide note would still be very useful.

After Conan finished reading, he paid attention to everyone's expressions, but their expressions did not change, and they did not feel strange at all.

"Everyone, can you let me see your salute? I think you don’t want to be with the murderer, right?"

"Check our salute?"Everyone's expressions changed slightly, but they did not refuse.

After all, if they refused, it would mean that there was something wrong in their hearts, so everyone accepted it silently.

However, although Conan checked very carefully, he did not find anything useful, let alone this. This is a clue.

Unable to find any useful clues, Conan had no choice but to say to everyone:"Everyone, I think the general will just rest at 1 o'clock tonight. Maybe the prisoner will commit another crime."

This time, no one refused, for fear that they would be killed accidentally.

The spirit of the invincible Halberd-Shiking Spirit of The Great Voyage's Beloved Concubine began with!

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