In the hotel, Li Mu sat on a stool and looked around from time to time.

All around, everyone was doing their own thing, as if what happened today had nothing to do with them.

After a long time like this, Li Mu looked at Boss Tiantu who was showing off the registration book and subconsciously touched his chin.

Boss Tiantu looked so solemnly, obviously he had discovered something, otherwise he wouldn't have looked so seriously.

Not long after, Boss Tiantu left, and Li Mu stepped forward and took a look at the passenger registration book.

Looking at the name above, Li Mu smiled.

Conan also noticed Li Mu's expression and quickly came over and took a sneak peek.

The next moment, Conan also smiled, because he also knew who the murderer was.

Haiyuan Ai also noticed the expressions of Lin Fei and the two, and immediately knew that they had found the murderer.

Conan immediately jumped next to Haiyuan Ai and said softly:"Haiyuan, I already know who the murderer is, can you do me a favor?"

Li Mu listened to the conversation between the two and went directly to the boss of Tiantu 16 beside

"Boss Tiantu, if I remember correctly, the phone line is on your side. That letter was also written by you to someone else, right?"

Boss Tiantu was stunned, but he still said quickly:"No....I didn't do it, I don't know what you said."

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, turned around, and faced Boss Tiantu with his back.

"Boss Tiantu, stop pretending. You have been following me today just to let us find the body before you. And you ran away when you saw the body today. How could you know there were six cigarettes there."

Conan saw that Li Mu was faster than him, so he quickly took a step forward.

"Yes, there is only one possibility, that is, you have already discovered this body."

Boss Tiantu didn't speak, lowered his head and acquiesced.

Nonomiya Etsuko was startled and said in surprise:"So Asao was also killed by you?"

Gogami Heihachi also took a step back.

"So Erchuan was also killed by you, why did you do this?"

Li Mu sneered and explained for Boss Tiantu:"No, he didn't kill the person. If he did, he would have been dealt with long ago. How could he tell you."

Everyone thinks about it. The letter was sent to them by Boss Tiantu. If it was Boss Tiantu who killed him, it would be impossible for him to do this.

"Then the murderer is her, it must be her, right?"

Gentai pointed at Nonomiya Etsuko, looking very sure.

Li Mu:"...……"

If Yuan Tai becomes a policeman or detective, many unjust, false, and wrongful convictions will definitely occur.

"no. Li Mu refused without hesitation, turned to point at Gogami Heihachi and said,"You are the murderer. I'm sorry, Mr. Gogami Heihachi." Gogami

Heihachi was also shocked, but he remained calm on the surface:"I don't know what you said, but I didn't kill anyone. And do you have any evidence?""

"Of course there is. First of all, the six cigarettes left by Kono Ma represent your surname Gogami. Because he does not know your full name, he can only refer to your surname specifically.

Secondly, Mr. Futakawa also knew this, so he deliberately left the cigarette to represent your Heihachi."Li Mu confidently said.

Gogami Heihachi was also trembling in his heart, but he still pretended to be calm and said:"What you said does make sense, but where is the evidence? Do you have evidence that I killed someone?"

"Of course there is evidence."

Conan walked down from the second floor with a backpack in his arms, and then slowly opened the backpack.

"The weapon you used to kill Mr. Futokawa should be here, inside the telescope. How about you take out the contents? There should be Mr. Futokawa's blood in it."

Conan knocked on the telescope, his eyes flashing with light.

Gogami Heihachi knew that he had been exposed.

But at this time, Gogami Heihachi became calmer and calmer

"Of course, and there is indeed Erchuan's blood in it. After all, I hit him on the head myself."

Gogami Heihachi said while flipping through his backpack and taking out the contents.

"However, this is not a steel rod;……"


Gogami Heihachi pulled the bolt of the gun, and then the barrel of the gun was pointed at Li Mu

"Shotgun? Mitsuhiko exclaimed, and his body trembled slightly.

He was still a primary school student after all, and he became scared when he saw a shotgun.

Only Li Mu and Conan were very calm. Li Mu looked at Gogami Heihachi with interest, and Conan put on his shoes casually.

Gogami Heihachi looked at Li Mu and the two of them and said with great interest:"What's wrong, aren't you two scared?"

"Of course I'm not afraid, I just want to be with you forever."

Conan calmly put on his shoes, and then looked sharply at Gogami Heihachi.

Li Mu calmly rubbed his fists and shook his head.

"Sorry, I'm not scared of you either, I'm just excited to find a way to blow off some steam."

Li Mu was very unhappy today. He thought he was romantically involved with Hui Yuan Ai, but he ended up running into so many creeps. What made Li Mu most unhappy was that he ran into trouble as soon as he came over, and he didn't have time to have close contact with Hui Yuan Ai..Goshang

Heihachi was also happy, he picked up the barrel of the gun and pointed it at Li Mu

"Yeah? You want me to give you a gun?……"


Before Gogami Heihachi finished speaking, Li Mu rushed to 097's side and punched him in the abdomen. boom!

A gunshot rang out, and Heihachi Gogami's body trembled slightly, then flew out directly and hit the wall heavily.

A big hole appeared in the wall, and Gogami Heihachi got stuck in the hole.

Conan was about to kick the ball, but when he saw Heihachi Ogami being knocked away, he stumbled and fell to the ground, and the football turned into rubber again.

After standing up, Conan looked at Li Mu with fear

"This monster."

Being able to drive the enemy into the wall shows Li Mu's terror. He knew Li Mu's terror before, but he never thought that Li Mu could be so terrifying.


Li Mu clapped his hands and took a deep breath. Said:"I finally vented my anger, and I feel much better today."


Everyone swallowed their saliva. They have never seen such a handsome and gentle person be so violent.

If it hits them, the scene will be a bit scary just thinking about it.

"Hey, Boss Tiantu, call the police."


Boss Tiantu reacted, quickly took out the phone line, and called the police.

Not long after, the police came and took Gogami Heihachi away. The

Great Voyage: The Beloved Concubine Invincible Shokugeki Spirit begins!

_Feilu reminds you: Reading Three things - collection, recommendation

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