"I can finally leave this hellish place, hahaha..."

Li Mu shouted happily, stepped on the accelerator hard, and the car rushed out with a whoosh.

In the back seat, the young detective team looked at Li Mu with dead eyes, no one dared to say anything.

Li Mu is really scary. He can knock people away with one fist, which is really scary.

On the other hand, Hui Yuan Ai, who was sitting in the passenger seat next to him, stared at Li Mu, his eyes wandering, not knowing what he was thinking.

An hour later, Tokyo.

After Li Mu sent the little devils home, he sighed and said,"Sure enough, you shouldn't be with the Death Detective Team. It's too troublesome."

Conan glared at Li Mu, not knowing what Li Mu was talking about. who.

In the eyes of Li Mu and even others, Conan is just a death student, and all this is Li Mu's fault.

Every time he thought of this, Conan felt very unhappy.

At the Maori Detective Agency, Xiaolan is already waiting outside.

As soon as she saw Li Mu's car, Xiaolan quickly stepped forward and opened the door for Li Mu.

"Brother Li, are you okay? I have already heard that you actually met a gangster."

Looking at Xiaolan's concerned tone and eyes, Conan became even more dissatisfied.

Xiaolan is mine.

Li Mu ignored Conan, rubbed Xiaolan's head and said,"Xiaolan, I'm fine, and you care about me. , how could something happen to me."

Xiaolan's face turned red instantly and she lowered her head shyly.

"plum...Brother Li, don’t do this"

"Sister Xiaolan, Brother Li and I haven't eaten for a long time. Let's go eat something first."

Conan jumped out quickly, interrupting the intimacy between the two.

"I'm so sorry. I'm going to cook for you right now."

Xiao Lan also reacted and ran away shyly.

Li Mu glanced at Conan dissatisfied, then opened the car door, looked at Haiyuan Ai and said:"Xiao Ai, come down, let's go up and have a meal together."

Except for Xiao Ai and the other two, all the other little ghosts were sent away by Li Mu.

Xiao Ai glanced at Li Mu, slowly stretched out his hand, put it on Li Mu's hand, and walked upstairs with Li Mu.

Upstairs, Little Maoli Wulang was so excited that he was very happy.

When he saw Li Mu arriving, he directly said hello without looking back:"I'm back. How was your time? How are you?""

"It's not good at all. I've seen it in the past and there's nothing good about it."

Li Mu sat on the sofa, complaining dissatisfied.

He originally thought it was a happy vacation for the two of them, but a team of death detectives were dispatched together, ruining his rare vacation.

"Really? Then you are really pitiful."

Mouri Kogoro also looked at Li Mu with pity, and then continued to start his horse racing event.

After having lunch together, Li Mu and Xiaolan said hello, and then left together.

In the car, only Li Mu and Xiao Lan Haiyuan Ai and the two of them.

Haiyuan Ai leaned on the car door and looked at the passing vehicles outside the window.

"What's wrong? Why have you been unhappy these past two days?"

"Of course I'm not happy, isn't it the agreement between the two of us? How come it turned into a vacation for a few people? No, not a vacation, but a boring reasoning activity."

It was rare that there was no one else, so Li Mu complained dissatisfiedly.

Haiyuan Ai raised the corners of his mouth and smiled:"But, when did I say (bgdf) that there were only two people?"

Li Mu's body trembled, and he realized that Hui Yuan Ai did not say two people, but he thought they were two people.

Thinking of this, Li Mu felt even more unhappy.

"Xiao Ai, you must make it up to me today, otherwise I will be rude, do you understand? Hui

Yuan Ai blushed and said angrily:"Baga, you guy, what are you thinking in your head?""

Li Mulian was happy and looked at Hui Yuan Ai with great interest.

"Xiao Ai, I didn't say how to make up for it. I originally wanted you to treat me to a meal, but I didn't expect you to think of that kind of thing. But if you insist, I can only reluctantly agree."

Haiyuan Ai's face turned even redder and he became even more shy.


Li Mu saw that Hui Yuan Ai had stopped talking, so he stopped teasing him.

After driving like this for a long time, Hui Yuan Ai looked at the buildings outside and was slightly startled.

"This is not the way to Dr. Ali's house. Where are you going? Li

Mu raised the corners of his mouth and smiled:"Of course you are going to one of my villas. Didn't you say you wanted to compensate me?" Go for it now."

Hui Yuan Ai's face instantly turned red, but he didn't refuse. He just grabbed the corner of his clothes.

Not long after, Li Mu came to the outside of a villa.

Outside the villa, Hui Yuan Ai looked at the strange villa and held the murderer in his arms.

"Is this your villa? I didn’t expect that you are quite rich and have so many villas. I have never seen this villa before."

"Well, my villa is not yours yet, and if it is not yours, it is mine, right, dear Shiho."

Li Mu hugged Hui Yuan Ai and walked into the villa.

Hai Yuan Ai did not refuse, and there was still a hint of joy in her heart. Especially when Li Mu called her 'Zhibao', her heart was filled with warmth.

After entering the villa, Li Mu Hui Yuan Ai sat on the sofa beside him, then closed his eyes and lay there.

Hui Yuan Ai was lying in Li Mu's arms, looking very peaceful.

He didn't sleep all night last night, and it was so early in the morning. Just drive, so Li Mu and Haiyuan Ai were very sleepy, and fell into sleep in the blink of an eye. The

Invincible Spirit of the Invincible Halberd-eating Concubine of the Great Voyage begins!

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