The next day, Li Mu sent the blushing and shy Haihara Ai back to Dr. A Li's home.

After seeing off Haibara Ai, Li Mu went to the Maori Detective Agency.

Outside the door of the office, Conan was holding a book and saying something excitedly.

Li Mu took a step forward, came behind Conan, and looked at the book in Conan's hand.

Detective Conan.

Li Mulu is so happy that Conan actually likes to read the famous novel Detective Conan.

"Conan, how's it going? Do you like my books so much? If you tell me earlier, I can give you an autograph, my autograph, and then you can take it out and show it off."

Conan's head was covered with black lines. He turned around mechanically and looked at Li Mu behind him.

"No need, big brother, I know you so well, there’s no need for you."

If it were someone else, such as Conan Doyle or any famous mystery novelist, Conan would want an autograph, but only Li Mu's, he didn't want it.

"Okay, let's go in."

Li Mu carried Conan, opened the door, and entered the Maori Detective Agency.

"Brother Li""Little ghost head."

The sudden sound made Li Mu look up.

Kazuha and Hattori Heiji appeared in front of him at some unknown time.

"Heye, why are you here? Really, if you don't tell me in advance, I can pick you up and take you to have a delicious meal."

Li Mu directly ignored Hattori Heiji and came to Kazuha's side.

Hattori Heiji also had black lines on his head. He also ignored Li Mu and came to Conan's side and pulled Conan up.

"Little Guitou, how about it? Have you ever defeated that guy? You can't lose to him."

"Of course, I've won more than once."Conan said proudly.

They have competed with Li Mu many times, and in terms of reasoning, they have been beaten many times.

But recently he has won many times, while Hattori Heiji has never won once, and he is very proud.

Of course, he does not Kai and Hattori Heiji said that he was able to win because Li Mu was not happy to participate.

"What? You actually won, it's so disgusting."

Hattori Heiji became entangled in his heart.

He neither hoped that no one could defeat Li Mu, nor did he hope that Conan would surpass him and beat Li Mu. In short, he was very entangled.

Li Mu didn't know what the two said, so he said directly:"With Ye , Xiaolan, how are you? Do you want me to treat you to a French dinner? I’ll treat you."

"Okay, mage's feast."

Moori Kogoro suddenly became excited and went to the room on the other side to quickly change his clothes.

"Okay, let's go"

"That's right, let's go have a French dinner together."

He and Ye ignored Hattori and Li Mu and left the Maori Detective Agency together.

"Oh, wait for me."

Hattori Heiji also reacted and hurriedly walked forward.

In a French restaurant, Mouri Kogoro excitedly ordered a lot of high-end dishes, very excited.

Next to him, Xiaolan kicked Moori Kogoro in embarrassment , shyly said:"Dad, you should pay more attention to me. You ordered so many, but they are very expensive.""

"It doesn't matter, it's Li Mu who paid anyway, what does it have to do with me, and I've wanted to eat these big meals for a long time, right, Li Mu."Mouri Kogoro said nonchalantly.

Li Mu drank tea calmly and said with a smile:"It doesn't matter, it's just a few million. When the time comes, let Detective Mouri work here to pay off the debt, such as washing hundreds of dishes a day."

Mouri Kogoro froze. If it costs several million, he can still afford it.

But that is Xiaolan's dowry, so he naturally can't do it casually.

"Okay, just kidding."Li Mu patted Maori Kogoro on the shoulder. Maori Kogoro relaxed.

Li Mu did not continue teasing, turned to look at He Ye and said:"He Ye, what are you doing here today?"

"Oh, that's it. We came over and wanted to invite you to Osaka. I've chosen the place and we're going to watch a musical."He Ye said excitedly

"What? Musical? Hattori Heiji's expression changed slightly and he quickly said:"What, you said you wanted to watch a musical, didn't you mean to watch the finals at Koshien?""

"What's Koshien? What's there to see? It's better to go see a musical."

······Asking for flowers·······

"No, I want to see Koshien."

The two of them, Hattori Heiji, started arguing excitedly in the French restaurant.

Fortunately, the sound was not too loud, otherwise they might have been kicked out. After arguing for a while, Heiye turned to look at Li Muchao:"Li Mu, Xiaolan, tell me, should you go see the musical?"

"What about you, little ghost head? What have you decided to see? The boys should go to see Koshien, right?" Hattori Heiji also said sharply

"this..."Conan hesitated.

Li Mu's eyes lit up and he said quickly:"He Ye, don't worry, I will definitely accompany you to watch the musical. As for Jiaziyuan, I am not interested at all."


Li Mu has never been interested in sports. With this free time, Li Mu might as well have fun with He and Ye.

"Well, when they go to see Jiaziyuan, Brother Li, Xiaolan, let’s watch the musical together."

Conan's face changed slightly. Once Li Mu and Xiaolan go together, what if something happens?...It’s scary to think about it

"Sister Xiaolan, I have decided. I will also accompany you to watch the musical. You can watch the broadcast in Jiaziyuan."

"What? Little devil, you..."

Hattori Heiji was about to say something, but Conan took the lead and said:"Hattori, let's go to the musical. You can't let the two of them go with Li Mu. Li Mu is a veteran of flowers. When the time comes,……"

"Right. Hattori Heiji also felt that something was wrong with Kazuha, and touched his chin and thought for a moment.

After a moment, Hattori Heiji nodded and said:"Little devil, you are right, we really can't let them be alone together, otherwise it will be too dangerous.". After saying that

, Hattori Heiji turned his head and said:"Xiaolan, Kazuye, you are right, forget about Koshien, let's go watch the musical together.""

At this time, it was Kazuya's turn to be stunned. She remembered that Hattori Heiji never compromised, but he actually compromised today.

However, Kazuya didn't think much, and nodded directly:"I understand, let's go together then."

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Halberd-eating Spirit begin with!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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