Toyama Ginshiro almost fell down.

He wanted to stop Li Mu with his mother Ye, but she actually went to remind him.

For a moment, Toyama Ginshiro was confused.

Not only Toyama Ginshiro, but also Li Mu himself was in a mess.

Where can I find such a good mother-in-law? At least it is difficult for many people to find her in this life.

He Ye's face turned red and said angrily:"Mom, please leave quickly. What did you say?""

"Okay, I get it, you really do too, ugh..."

"By the way, I put that thing here, take it back yourself, be careful not to kill anyone."

Sighing, Heye's mother left.



The next day, Li Mu came out of his room and saw Toyama Ginshiro standing at Kazuya's door, staring at the door with fierce eyes.

As soon as the door opened, Toyama Ginshiro grabbed Li Mu's collar and glared at Li Mu fiercely.

"Kid, tell me, what did you do with He Ye yesterday? Did you do anything to her?"

He should be lucky that he is He Ye's father, otherwise Li Mu will definitely beat him to death. He has done everything he should do.

Li Mu complained in his heart, but still said on the surface:"I didn't, I did absolutely nothing. , I can assure you."

Toyama Ginshiro stared at Li Mu for a moment, and then let go of Li Mu's clothes.

"That's good, if you do anything to He Ye, I will definitely teach you a lesson."

Li Mu shook his head. Toyama Ginshiro clearly knew it, but he still hypnotized his heart and refused to believe it.

After Toyama Ginshiro left, Heye secretly left his room and walked to Li Mu

"Li Mu, how are you? Did my father make things difficult for you? Did you say anything to him? Li

Mu looked at the nervous He Ye and comforted:"Don't worry, I didn't say anything.""

"Really, that’s good."

He Ye patted his chest, looking like I was very relaxed.


At the dining table, Li Mu was eating. Next to him, Toyama Ginjiro was also watching Li Mu while eating breakfast.

Next to me, Mother Ye was eating and talking to Li Mu.

"He Ye, I'll take you to check it out later."


Li Mu and Ye spit out the food in their mouths together.

What did Li Mu say to such a domineering mother?

Heye's face also turned red, and he said angrily:"Mom, what are you talking about?"

"Okay, Heye, don't say that, check it's still fine, let's go, let's set off."

He Ye's mother forced He Ye to leave, leaving only Li Mu and Toyama Ginshiro in the room.

Toyama Ginshiro stared at Li Mu closely, making Li Mu very embarrassed.

"Well, uncle, aren't you going to work today? Aren't you a police officer?"

"It doesn't matter, I've already asked for leave today."

Li Mu:"…………"

"Well, uncle, I still have work to do today, so I’ll leave first and won’t disturb you anymore."


Before Toyama Ginjiro finished speaking, Li Mu left directly.

"Alas, this old man, forget it, for the sake of He Ye, I will spare you today."

Li Mu sighed, took a taxi, got on the Shinkansen, and returned to Tokyo again.


In Tokyo, Li Mu sat in a car and returned directly to the Metropolitan Police Department.

After arriving at the Metropolitan Police Department, Li Mu went directly to the sixteenth floor and searched the floor where the first class was located.

As soon as he entered the 16th floor, Li Mu was warmly welcomed by the police as usual.’

"Li Mu, you're here, and I specially bothered you to come over and take notes today."

In the distance, Miwako walked over and waved happily to Li Mu.

The transcript this time was about the case where the club president was killed last time, which was the case that he and He Ye solved last time.

"Miwako, I have already said that I will give all the credit to you, as long as I don't do the transcripts."Li Mu complained.

If he were a policeman, he would naturally not give up the credit, but he is not a policeman, there is no reward, and he has to make a record, which is really troublesome.

This is also the reason why Li Mu is usually not happy to solve cases. It is really too troublesome. Trouble

".Okay, Li Mu, don’t say any more, I’ll leave it to you today."

Miwako took Li Mu's arm and walked to her desk.

As soon as the other policemen saw Li Mu, they glanced at Li Mu with fierce and sharp eyes, wishing to eat Li Mu.

Li Mu ignored everyone and sat next to Miwako. While taking notes, I was chatting and laughing with Miwako, and the police officers were so angry that they were about to explode.


The door suddenly opened, and Inspector Matsumoto and Officer Megure walked in together.

"What are you still doing? Something happened. A certain man was killed in... place. The first discoverer was his girlfriend. You (De Nuo Zhao) took action immediately."

Chief Inspector Matsumoto was as domineering as ever, and his face was even more frightening.

The policemen were frightened and did not dare to look at Li Mu anymore.

Inspector Matsumoto glanced at everyone, and then looked at Miwako Said:"Officer Sato and Officer Takagi, this matter will be left to you. Officer Megure, you will be responsible for it.""

"Am I responsible?"Officer Memu hesitated for a moment, and then suggested:"Why don't you let the chief officer go? His ability is still good."


Police Chief Matsumoto hesitated for a moment, nodded and said:"Okay, let the chief take charge. I also believe in his ability."

"I see."The chief police officer came out and said.

The Invincible Spirit of the Invincible Halberd-eating Concubine of the Great Voyage begins!

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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