"etc? Li Mu, are you here too?"

Officer Mu Mu also noticed Li Mu at this time and said hello quickly.

Officer Mu Mu is one of the few people who has a good impression of Li Mu, while others regard Li Mu as a love rival.

"I have no choice but to come over and take notes, but so do you. I have already said that I will give all the credit to you and forget about the notes. Li Mu complained

"Hahaha...I'm sorry to trouble you."Officer Memu smiled awkwardly.

"By the way, Mr. Li, why don't you help too and help Miwako solve the case as soon as possible."

Miwako also stared at Li Mu with great expectation.

Li Mu also noticed Miwako's gaze and nodded without hesitation:"Okay, Officer Megure, it is the responsibility of every citizen to be able to help the police. I accepted."

Suddenly, countless people despised Li Mu.

He was complaining about trouble just now, but now he is speaking so righteously.

"Then I leave it to you, Mr. Li. By the way, Chief Officer, Mr. Li is an excellent detective and a good friend of the police. Please cooperate with me."Officer Mu Mu said.

Officer Chang walked out slowly and said politely:"Mr. Li, I'm sorry to bother you today."

"No, I should be the one troubling you097."

Li Mu greeted the chief officer politely, and then left with Miwako.

In the underground parking lot, Miwako waved her hands excitedly and said:"Li Mu, here, come here."

Walking to the red car, Li Mu opened the passenger door.

Just as he opened the door, something suddenly rushed out.

Li Mu quickly reached out and grabbed the thing that came out. After looking carefully, he found that This thing is a toy snake

"Hahaha, Li Mu, you must be scared."Miwako laughed proudly and said

"Of course I'm scared, okay, let's go."

Li Mu didn't say anything and got into the car.

Although Miwako thought Li Mu was a little strange, she didn't think much about it and drove away.

On the road where people were constantly flowing, Li Mu looked at Miwako who was serious and slowly stretched out his hand. Placed it on Miwako's slender thighs

"you...what are you doing? This is the street, you can't just wander around, you will be discovered."Miwako said with a red face (bgdf)

"Well, Miwako, weren't you happy that you just scared me? Why are you scared now? Do you still want to surrender?"

"Li Mu, please let go quickly. I'm still driving. If something happens, it won't be good."

"Okay, I can take my hand back, but...Apologize? After all, you just scared my fragile soul."

Li Mu covered his heart with one hand, looking very painful.

Miwako's head was covered with black lines. She didn't know that Li Mu was lying to her and deceiving her weak heart.

But Miwako had no choice but to click."Okay, I will make it up to you. At the worst, I will be on vacation in a few days. Can I treat you to a meal then?"

If she doesn't 'surrender', Li Mu will get worse.

"okay, I get it."

Miwako's face was slightly red, her beautiful eyes glared at Li Mu, and then she continued to drive.


Ten minutes later, Li Mu and others arrived at the crime scene and inspected it carefully for a while.

But even though Li Mu was very powerful, Li Mu couldn't find any useful clues, not even any news about the murderer.

The only gain is that I know that the deceased was too cool and offended many people. He was the kind of person who would kill everyone on sight.

"Okay, Miwako, let's go investigate these people and we'll find out then."

Li Mu took Miwako and others away from the crime scene and wanted to leave.

"Officer Sato, Officer Takagi."

Suddenly, Li Mu trembled. This familiar voice reminded Li Mu of many people. They were the Death Detective Team. Turning around, Li Mu looked at the smiling Conan and others, covered his head, and looked like he had a headache. No wonder he had a headache.

There are people who can die. Conan is not far away, and his death magnetic field has affected more people.

Conan didn't care about Li Mu and asked directly:"Officer Sato, was the victim killed after seven o'clock in the morning?"

"How did you know?"Officer Takagi said in surprise.

"It's very simple. This morning, the heavy rain just stopped, and we saw a man wearing a black raincoat running out of breath nearby. He should be the murderer."

Li Mu immediately figured it out, touched his chin and said:"I see, it just rained at that time, his raincoat should not be wet, and he was out of breath while running, which means that he did not rest when it rained, which is indeed doubtful."

"By the way, Miwako, show them the photos of the suspects, maybe they will see them."

Li Mu didn't doubt them. Others might be fake, but a few of the Death Detective Team might have seen it.

Who made them the Death?

"Okay, I'll show them right now."

Miwako took out the photo and placed it in front of several people.

Ayumi looked at it seriously, pointed to a photo and said,"It's him. Is he the one I saw today? The victim

's girlfriend walked over and took a look and said in surprise:"It's him. He's also an employee of our company. He also has conflicts with my boyfriend?""

"Do you know where he lives?"Li Mu Taste

"this one? I remember that he doesn’t have a house for the time being, so he should be sitting at a friend’s house nearby, which seems not too far from here."

"So let's go now."The chief officer ordered.

Li Mu and his group followed the chief officer, and behind them, there were a few little gangsters.

But as witnesses, they should be allowed to follow them.

Although everyone did not know the identity of the suspect address, but after police investigation, the suspect’s temporary address was quickly found.……

"Who is it? What's wrong?"

"Hello, I am Officer Sato from the Metropolitan Police Department. Where were you at seven o'clock this morning?"

"police?"The suspect Kato was stunned for a moment, feeling a little nervous.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Halberd-eating Spirit begin!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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