"Okay, Li Mu, it's getting late, let's go rest"

"OK, rest."

Li Mu hugged Miwako, covered her with clothes, then entered his mansion and found a room at random.

Not long after, Li Mu and Miwako fell asleep.

Early the next morning.

Early in the morning, Meiwako -Wakko's cell phone rang.

Miwako took the phone and said in a daze:"Who is it? -What's the matter?"

"Who, Miwako, do you think I am? besides? Look at what time it is now. Why don't you go to work? What's wrong with you? You wouldn't have done this before"

"Who, Miwako, who called you?"

On the other side, Li Mu said in the same confusion.

It was okay that Li Mu didn't speak. As soon as he spoke, Yumi on the other side of the phone was attracted by Li Mu's voice. In just a moment, Yumi knew who was speaking, and her eyes lit up.

"Miwako, why is there someone else over there with a man’s voice?"

Miwako was also shocked and woke up immediately.

"Alas, Yumi, you probably heard it wrong. That’s right, that’s it. I still have something to do, so I’ll leave first."

As soon as she finished speaking, Miwako immediately hung up the phone.

After hanging up, Miwako said angrily:"Li Mu, it's all your fault for talking nonsense. It's fine now. Yumi probably knows it all."

While speaking, Miwako kept slapping Li Mu's chest with her small hands.

Li Mu rolled his eyes. Yumi had known about their relationship for a long time, and Miwako herself was still in the dark.

However, Li Mu still tightened his grip on Miwako.

"Okay, Miwako, don't worry, she won't tell anyone. If you don't admit it, what can she do?"

Miwako thinks about it. The police all need evidence. As long as Yumi doesn't have evidence, that's fine.

"By the way, Li Mu, I have to go to work today, so I won’t disturb you."

"etc."Li Mu suddenly grabbed Miwako and said with a smile:"Miwako, please take a day off, otherwise others will find out."

After hesitating for a moment, Miwako nodded and said,"Okay, I'll take a day off today, and I'll call Officer Megure right now. After saying that

, Miwako called out.

Not long after, Miwako hung up the phone and said angrily:"What on earth are you doing? Do you want me to be discovered by Officer Megure?""

"Okay, don't be angry, I know you are tired."

Miwako smiled, it is rare in the world to be able to massage like this.

"Okay, Miwako, you rest here and I'll make breakfast for you. After breakfast, you rest for a while and I'll take you home."


Miwako didn't refuse. She was already a little hungry.

Not long after, Li Mu brought a bowl of porridge. Miwako drank up all the porridge like a wolf.

Li Mu's lips slightly curled up and he suppressed a smile.

Miwako Naturally, I also noticed Li Mu's smile, which was a little shy and a little angry at the same time. Why did Li Mu make a bowl of porridge so delicious?

"Okay, Miwako, you take a rest and I'll take you home in the evening."


Miwako puffed up her pretty face, picked up the remote control on one side, and turned on the TV


All day long, Li Mu stayed with Miwako.

Especially a young girl like Miwako who has experienced human affairs needs the company of others even more, so Li Mu accompanied her

······Asking for flowers·······

It wasn't until night that Li Mu drove his car and left with Miwako.

At this moment, Miwako's mother Sato Shinobu already knew that Li Mu and Miwako were coming, and was waiting patiently at the gate.

When he saw Li Mu's car, Sato Shinobu was slightly happy and waved his little hand happily.

"Miwako, Li Mu, you are here, hurry up, I have just prepared dinner. Li

Mu opened the car window, showed a charming smile and said,"Hello, Auntie, you are looking younger. You must have some secret recipe for taking care of yourself.""


"No, I haven't used any secret recipe at all. This is natural."

"Yes, my aunt is a natural beauty."

Sato Ren laughed and covered his face happily.

Li Mu also laughed. After taking care of Miwako and her mother, there will be no big problem.

As long as there is no Shura field, the next thing will be much easier to handle. Got it

"Okay, Li Mu, let’s not say any more. Let’s come in. Dinner is already ready."

"Okay, Auntie."

Li Mu drove the car into the parking garage.

After getting out of the car, Miwako took Li Mu's arm.

"Li Mu, let me ask you a question, are you pursuing me or my mother?"

Li Mu looked at Miwako who turned her head and smiled.

"Miwako, look what you said, I am yours, how could I not like you?"


Miwako snorted coldly, and pulled Li Mu away.

However, Li Mu could still see the joy in the corners of her eyes, and he couldn't hide it. The

Invincible Shoji Spirit of The Great Voyage's Beloved Concubine began to fight! _

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