Li Mu and Miwako entered the room, they immediately attracted Shinobu Sato's attention.

It was really hard not to see it, after all, Li Mu had already hugged her daughter.

But Shinobu Sato didn't care, instead he was very happy, with a bright smile on his face.

"Great, our Miwako has finally found a boyfriend. I guess his father will be very happy."

Miwako's face turned red instantly and she waved her little hand excitedly.

"I...I didn't, don't talk nonsense, we...We are just ordinary friends. Sato couldn't bear to speak, but looked at Miwako's waist with a smile on his face.

At this moment, Miwako was still being hugged by Li Mu, looking so intimate.

Miwako also reacted and quickly broke away.

"Mom, I said, we are ordinary friends. Li Mu has to leave later, so I won’t disturb him."


Li Mule was shocked. How could he leave? He still had very important things to do, so it was naturally impossible.Then leave here.

Yes, something very important.

Before Li Mu could speak, Sato Shinobu took the lead and said:"Why go? He wants to eat here today and will stay here in the evening.""

"However, Li Mu..."

"Auntie, since it is your request, how could I refuse? I decided to cancel the company meeting tonight and stay here with you."Li Muyi said righteously.

Miwako's head was full of black threads. Li Mu had a company meeting. How could she not know about it? But now that she had already said it, she was naturally embarrassed to continue driving Li Mu away.

"Okay, Miwako, let’s not talk anymore, let’s go eat."

Sato Shinobu ordered, Miwako had no choice but to obey, and sat at the dining table with Li Mu one behind the other.

"Come on, Miwako, eat more. I bought this specially to replenish your health."

Li Mu always felt that something was wrong. Why did these words sound so strange? He always felt that he revealed something important.

Miwako didn't think about it for a while, so he didn't say anything and ate happily.

Sato Shinobu paid attention to Miwako. She asked secretly:"Miwako, how are you? Are you feeling well? Do you still feel any pain? But it doesn't matter. You will be fine in a short time.""

This was okay at first, but later on, Li Mu listened.

Sato Shinobu must have thought that Miwako had lost her virginity after being together yesterday.

Although this was not the case, Miwako was still very shy, and her white face was covered with blushed

"Mom, what did you say?"

Sato Shinobu immediately saw Miwako's lie.

She has taken care of Miwako her whole life, and Miwako is so shy, everyone can tell whether this is true or not.

"Okay, Miwako, I won’t say anything anymore, you’d better replenish your body."

Miwako blushed slightly, but did not refuse.

Sato Shinobu picked up another bowl and handed the contents to Li Mu

"Come on, Li Mu, here are the big kidneys I bought. Eat some, and you should also replenish your body."

Li Mu:"……"

Please, who is he? Does he need to take supplements for his body?

But Li Mu still ate it, because Sato Shinobu personally chose it for him.

After finishing the dinner, Sato Shinobu smiled and said:"Li Mu, come with me, I will take you to your room for tonight."

Li Mu stood up and followed Sato Shinobu.

Miwako looked in the direction of Sato Shinobu, feeling a little familiar in her heart, and quickly followed Sato Shinobu.

Not long after, Shinobi Sato stood outside a room and said:"Li Mu, this is Miwako's room, will you stay here tonight?""

"this...Not so good?"

Although he had already eaten Miwako, Li Mu still acted very 'humble'.

Miwako choked and said dissatisfied:"Mom, this is my room, can you let other people live in it?" And, where will I live tonight?"

"You can go with Li Mu."Sato Shinobu said matter-of-factly.


Miwako exclaimed and looked at Shinobu Sato in disbelief.

Is there such a person in this world who would send his daughter into a 'pit of fire'?

"By the way, Miwako, come here."Sato Shinobu pulled Miwako to his side and leaned against her ears.

Miwako's face suddenly turned red and she looked at Sato Shinobi with embarrassment.

Li Mu was also happy, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

If he had just drank water, he would have It was sprayed on the faces of the two of them.

Shinobu Sato wanted Miwako to get married and have children so much that he actually taught her daughter this.

But thinking about it more carefully, this seems to be good, and it is a very good suggestion for Li Mu..

Li Mu subconsciously touched his chin and thought.

"Okay, Miwako, you can go and rest, I will leave this place to you."

Sato Shinobu directly pushed Miwako and Li Mu into the room, and closed the door. The

Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Shokugeki Spirit begins!_Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Favorites, Recommendations

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