"By the way, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, I suddenly realized that I had something to do, so I left first."

Li Mu sensed a strange aura, turned around and left. Before

Xiaolan and Yuanzi could speak, Li Mu walked into a small alley on one side.

Shiliang Zhenchun looked at Li Mu's back, full of doubts in his heart, but He didn't say anything.

After Li Mu left, his figure flashed quickly, and then he jumped directly above a building.

At this moment, there was a figure waiting here for a long time on the building. When this figure saw Li Mu, his pupils shrank, and there was a look in his eyes. Full of shock.

After Li Mu safely jumped to the roof, he looked at the figure of"Zero Ninety-Seven" on the roof, and the corners of his mouth raised.

"It turns out it's you. What's wrong? You're interested in me and you actually pay attention to me secretly."

The person who came was none other than Koizumi Anko, the only magician in the Conan world.

Koizumi Anko looked at Li Mu's smile, and her heart was pounding. She didn't know why, but she was a little shy.

"Is this...is this magic?"Koizumi Hongzi touched her chest and murmured to herself.

Li Mu quickly approached Koizumi Hongzi, leaned on her side, and stroked her white skin with his right hand.

"No, this is not magic, this is my amazing charm, you may have fallen in love with me"

"I, I can't, I……"

Koizumi Hongzi quickly took a step back and hesitated for a long time, unable to say a word.

Maybe, I really like him.

Koizumi Hongzi couldn't help but think of this. She found that she found a different feeling in Li Mu.

This feeling was something she had never experienced with Kaitou Kidd, or she had never experienced it before.

Li Mu stroked Koizumi Hongzi, then took a step back and leaned on the fence of the building

"What's the matter, lovely Miss Witch, do you have anything to do with me? Could it be that you are confessing your love to me?"

"for this I……"

Koizumi Anko hesitated for a moment, and suddenly found that she didn't know what to say.

When she came here this time, she originally planned to keep Li Mu away from Kuroba Kaito.

But now it seems that she doesn't know what to say, or what to say to Li Mu.

Li Mu touched his cheek, and when he saw Koizumi Hongzi, he subconsciously released his charm.

However, Koizumi Hongzi is still pretty, and at least she is still happy. After getting Koizumi Hongzi, Li Mu still likes it very much.

"Okay, since our lovely witch didn't speak, I'm leaving. Goodbye, my lovely witch."

Li Mu leaned on Koizumi Hongzi and suddenly slapped Koizumi Hongzi on the mouth.

Koizumi Hongzi didn't react at all, and was directly hit by Li Mu.

"You and I……"

Before Koizumi Hongzi had time to speak, Li Mu suddenly threw something to Koizumi Hongzi.

"Now, this is what I'm giving you, I hope this is useful to you."

After saying that, Li Mu's figure flashed and disappeared.

Koizumi Hongzi looked at the thing in her hand and was stunned.

There was a ruby ​​in her hand, and she could feel a lot of magic power in it.

In this In an era when magic is lacking, the magic power in this ruby ​​is already a huge magic power.

Looking at the basic material in her hand, although it says magic, she can see that it is not magic, but magic.

"This...is this a magic book?"

Koizumi Hongzi was stunned. This is simply a magic book that she treasures very much. Even she has never seen many of the magic books in it........

When she thought that Li Mu actually gave herself such a precious magic book, Koizumi Hongzi's heart was filled with warmth, and she recalled Li Mu's face in her mind.

At this moment, Koizumi Hongzi did not realize that in her heart, the figure of Kuroba Kaito disappeared, replaced by the figure of Li Mu.

After leaving the building, Li Mu came to the place agreed with Black Feather Qianying.

After arriving here, Li Mu took a peek nearby and confirmed that Kuroba Kaito did not follow him this time and entered a room directly.

After entering the room, a figure pounced directly on Li Mu

"Li Mu, can you tell us how you did it, how you made that cow fly in the sky, and how you achieved invisibility."

Li Mu looked at the excited Heiyu Qianying, hugged her, then sat on the sofa on the side, pulled her into his arms, and squeezed her tightly with his little hands.

"Qianying, I am a man, are you sure you want to provoke a man like this? 3.5"

"A beautiful woman like me begs you like this, why don’t you tell me?"

Li Mu looked at Heiyu Qianying seriously.

"How about it, do you want to give it a try?"

Kuroba Qianying proudly selected

"Okay, let's eat. I'll treat you to a luxurious meal."

Li Mu turned his head and changed the topic.

He didn't believe Black Feather Qianying, he was definitely a liar.

"OK, let's go together."

In the end, Kuroba Chikage still didn't ask about the 'magic'.

The Great Voyage: The Invincible Concubine is a different world starting from scratch!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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