It was raining heavily. In the heavy rain, a car was driving in the heavy rain and came to a nearby restaurant.

Li Mu drove the car, looked at the restaurant in the heavy rain, and said,"Detective Maori, is your classmate's wedding happening here?"

"No, it's not a wedding, it's just a reunion of classmates and a pre-wedding party."

Mouri Kogoro shook his head and looked at the restaurant in front of him.

"By the way, this is it, okay, we can get off the car."

Li Mu stopped the car, then quickly took an umbrella and came to Xiaolan's side.

"Xiaolan, get off the car and I'll take you in."

Xiaolan felt a little shy, so she quickly opened the car door, came to Li Mu's side, and walked into the restaurant surrounded by Li Mu.

"By the way, Detective Mori, you also have an umbrella under the seat of your car. Come over with Conan."

Li Mu did not go to pick up Conan and the two. After bringing Xiaolan in, he directly found a place to sit down.

Outside, in the car, Mouri Kogoro and Conan had black streaks on their heads.

Li Mu actually left them outside like this. In the heavy rain.

As expected, Li Mu was also a person who forgot his loyalty.

Although speechless, the two of them still squeezed an umbrella and entered the hotel together.

"Bianchang, congratulations to you, you have finally entered the most important step in your life."

Moori Kogoro went to say hello to the others, while Li Mu lived with Xiaolan and Conan.

"This guest, what would you like to eat?"

A blond-haired, somewhat handsome guest came to Li Mu and looked at Li Mu with a smile.

Li Mu looked at this man and frowned slightly.

Others didn't know him, but Li Mu knew him. What organization did this guy organize? One of the members is Bourbon.

Of course, his other identity is that of a member of the Public Security Bureau, codenamed Zero.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile:"Waiter, give me a glass of wine and a glass of bourbon."

As soon as the words fell, Bourbon and Conan were shocked at the same time.

Bourbon glanced at Li Mu and confirmed that Li Mu should not know his identity.

"Okay, sir, I'm going to get you a bourbon."

After saying that, Bobon turned and left.

Conan was still thinking at the moment, and he thought of the person who was with his mother, Concubine Yingli.

He still believes that the person with his mother is a person from the organization, codenamed Bob Ben.

Li Mu looked at Conan in a daze, raised the corners of his mouth, and did not mention the matter.

At this moment, Mouri Kogoro came over, and there was a man and a woman behind him.

After Moori Kogoro came over, he pointed at the person behind him. Humanity said:"Li Mu, the classmate here, accompanying me, is his wife Hatsune.

By the way, this is my woman Xiaolan. This is my daughter’s friend Li Mu, who is also a detective second only to me. As for that..."

Speaking of Conan, Mouri Kogoro frowned slightly, trying to explain this person who was eating and drinking in his house.

Finally, Conan touched his head and explained himself:"Uncle, my name is Edogawa Conan, and I am currently staying at Uncle Maori's house."

"Yeah? Maoli, let me ask, could the man named Li Mu be your daughter's boyfriend?"

Banchang looked at Li Mu and joked.

Xiaolan's face suddenly turned red. She shyly covered her cheeks and said with a blushing face:"Uncle Banchang, stop talking nonsense. Brother Li and I really have nothing to do with each other. We are just ordinary people." friend."

Come on, Xiaolan has been completely wiped out and refuses to recognize anyone.

The companion also smiled. As a person who has been here, he can naturally see that Li Mu and Xiaolan are still related.

"By the way, Maoli, why didn't Fei Yingli come? Is she no longer with you?"

Banba covered his mouth and made a joke.

Mouri Kogoro was anxious and said quickly:"She still wants to trick me. Let me tell you, even if I dump her, she can't let her dump me."

Next to me, Li Mu snickered after hearing this.

Poor Maori Kogoro, I'm afraid he doesn't know that Fei Yingli has already been hooking up with Li Mu.

If it weren't for Xiaolan, Fei Yingli had already planned to break up with him. Even if Li Mu leaves one day, Fei Yingli will definitely be taken away by Li Mu.

By then, Mouri Kogoro will be pitiful and can only live a lonely life.

Mr. Banba also smiled and teased Said:"Maoli, please don't lie to me. You just said it. If Yingli really leaves you, you will definitely collapse.""

"Huh, how is this possible?"

Li Mu looked at the two braggarts and didn't bother him. He picked up the bourbon and tasted it carefully.

".Alas, I have heard others say that bourbon tastes good, but I think it tastes too bad. This kind of wine is simply unpalatable."

Next to him, the corner of Bourbon's mouth twitched. Why did he say this as if he was scolding him.

But Bourbon still smiled and said:"Then, sir, do you still want to drink? Or get some other drinks."

While Bourbon was speaking, Mr. Banba in the distance glanced at Bourbon, as if he was looking at a love rival.

"Okay, I don't want the bourbon, I'll give you an absinthe bar instead."

Li Mu thought of absinthe again, which is Belmod.

After hearing this, Conan frowned slightly, thought of the figure of Belmod in his mind, and started thinking again.

"I understand, sir."

Bourbon smiled, turned and left.

"By the way, I have something else to do, so I’ll leave first."

Suddenly, Mr. Banba's wife, Miss Hatsune, said.

Mr. Banba frowned slightly and said with some jealousy:"It's raining so hard, what's the matter with you?"

"Why, are all you men so domineering? Do you like to dominate a woman so much?"

Li Mu thought after hearing this. It is true that any man is domineering, but some people in this country are not so domineering.

For example, they like their women to be with other men, and it is said that they are a little excited.

"Okay, don't worry, I'm going to do a manicure. You wait for me here, and I'll show you a brand new me later."

After saying that, Miss Hatsune gave Mr. Bianchang a big nod on his face.

Xiaolan looked at their actions and blushed instantly.

Li Mu put his hand on Xiaolan's big tui and squeezed it gently. , pinched Xiaolan's face changed greatly, her body trembled slightly, and her heart was pounding. The

Invincible Concubine of the Great Voyage is a different world starting from scratch!_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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