"Okay, I'm leaving, just wait for me here."

Xiaolan looked at Miss Hatsune leaving, her face turned red, and she quickly stood up.

"I...I still have something to do, go to the bathroom, you...You guys wait for me here"

"I have to go to the bathroom too."

Conan also walked out quickly and followed Xiaolan.

Li Mu's eyes flickered and he also followed Xiaolan.

Not far away, Bourbon looked at Li Mu and others, and then focused on Xiao Maoli. Goro.

Now he only suspects the relationship between Mouri Kogoro and Shirley, and has not yet suspected Conan and Li Mu.

But with Conan’s personality, it won’t take long for him to be exposed.

Li Mu followed Xiaolan and took advantage of everyone Without even paying attention, he pulled Xiaolan into the unattended back door.

Xiaolan's face turned red, and she followed Li Mu shyly.

"Brother Li, what's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"Xiaolan, do you think there is anything wrong with me bringing you here at this time?"

Xiaolan blushed, grabbed the corner of her clothes with her little hands, and gently poked

"plum...Brother Li, isn't it good here?"

"By the way, Xiaolan, come with me, let’s go somewhere.

Li Mu took Xiaolan, found an excuse, and took Xiaolan to the parking lot.

"Xiaolan, go in."

Xiaolan glanced at Li Mu and remembered what Yuanzi once said.

"plum...Brother Li, could it be here?"

"Okay, Xiaolan, stop talking."

On the other side, in the restaurant, after Conan came out, he looked around, but did not find Xiaolan, and he felt a bad feeling in his heart.

"Where are Uncle Maoli, Sister Xiaolan and Brother Li? Where are they now?"

"Oh, they went out to buy some stuff and should be back soon, you don't have to worry."

Conan looked at the indifferent Mouri Kogoro, and for some reason, he suddenly felt a very bad feeling in his heart.

But Conan didn't think too much and found a place to rest.

A car drove over and stopped the car. Not far away.

The person who got off the car was none other than Kogoro Mori’s friend, Miss Hatsune.

After Miss Hatsune got off the car, she was about to say that she saw Li Mu’s car.

I still didn’t know what Li Mu was doing.

"Today's young people are so big.

Miss Hatsune did not go over to look, she turned around and left.

Just as he was about to leave, Miss Hatsune's phone suddenly rang, and Miss Hatsune quickly answered the call.

After a moment, Miss Hatsune's expression suddenly changed, and she dropped her cell phone on the ground. She clutched her body tightly with her left hand, her nails digging into her flesh, but she didn't feel anything at all.

Then Miss Hatsune started crying loudly. She didn't know how long she cried, but she cried very sadly.

Ten minutes later, there was a loud noise and a huge spark, and Miss Hatsune's car exploded.

The sudden explosion frightened Li Mu.

Xiaolan was also shocked

"Brother Li, I'm really sorry. I was just scared."

"Yes, it was indeed terrible, and I was also frightened."

Li Mu also wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. Fortunately, Li Mu had finished just now, otherwise he would have been so frightened.

Li Mu would definitely get angry and teach the people next to him a lesson.

"Brother Li, no, that car exploded. We'd better hurry up, or we'll be discovered later."

Xiaolan looked at Miss Hatsune's car and quickly put on her clothes.

······Asking for flowers·······

She knew her father's speed. Once the explosion sounded, Mouri Kogoro might come over immediately.

In the distance, Mouri Kogoro and others ran over, and Li Mu also reacted, quickly opened the car door, and arrived at the scene of the exploding car.

After Mouri Kogoro came over, he looked at Li Mu who had arrived and asked quickly:"Li Mu, why are you here? Also, have you seen anyone suspicious?"

Li Mu paid no attention to the outside. Although he knew that Hatsune was there, he was not paying attention. It was just for a moment, and I didn’t keep looking.


"Uncle Maori, he was already here before I came, but it was about seven or eight minutes."

"Seven or eight minutes? Conan frowned slightly and said in confusion:"Brother Li, how do you know it's seven or eight minutes?" Could it be that you are already here?"

"Yes, I did get here for a while, but I didn't find an umbrella, and then I wasted some time. Anyway, the car arrived eight minutes ago."

Li Mu explained while looking at Conan.

This little devil actually doubted Li Mu, which is really unforgivable. I must teach him a lesson in the future.

On the other hand, Maori Kogoro was also dissatisfied and pushed Conan Hitotsubashi hard.

"Boy, what do you mean, are you doubting today?"

"No, no, no, how is this possible? I'm just asking."Conan explained quickly.

Li Mu glanced at Conan and continued:"Xiaolan has called the police, but it was raining, so I asked him to hide in the car."

"Oh, that's good. By the way, has the ambulance been called?"

"Called, everything is ready."

Moori Kogoro nodded and didn't say much.

The Great Voyage: The Invincible Concubine, a different world from scratch and!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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