"Cough cough cough..."

Hui Yuan Ai also noticed the abnormality of everyone, and quickly recovered, becoming her proud self again.

"Okay, let's go now."

Li Mu looked at Hui Yuan Ai, glanced at Xiao Lan, and walked towards a circle of light.

There were five games in total. Li Mu naturally wanted to go to the game he was more familiar with, The Undead on Baker Street. It was about a hundred years ago, ten years ago. London at the end of the 19th century was a world full of demons.

Among them, the most famous was Jack the Ripper, a famous murderer at the end of the 19th century.

Conan saw Li Mu's goal and quickly followed Li Mu.

Of course he was also right Holmes is interested, and in this matter, he may get information about real-world murder cases.

"What's wrong, do you also want to enter this game? -Don't get in our way."

A few naughty teenagers who were obviously rich second generation looked at Conan provocatively.

Li Mu ignored these people directly. After all, it was not him who was provoking. Why should he find a place for the little devils?

He entered the circle of light. After that, Li Mu sensed the change in the surrounding environment for the first time.

The originally dark world suddenly burst into light. Although the surroundings were still dark, it was not as dark as it was at the beginning.


Li Mu and others had just come out, and the sound in their ears There was a burst of shrill screams.

Turning around, Li Mu saw a corpse lying on the ground. Next to the corpse, there was another person standing with a bloody knife in his hand.

"It's Jack the Ripper, don't run."

Conan ran out quickly, pressed the button on his shoes, and then kicked the can on the ground.

The can rushed out, but it did not have as much power as expected.

Instead, it rolled on the ground several times.

It was opened. Hand Jack also took advantage of this opportunity and fled the scene.

"Damn it, it looks like the doctor's tools are not here, and the tracking glasses don't seem to be useful either."Conan complained dissatisfied.

Tracking glasses?

Li Mu suddenly remembered the bugs that were often installed on him. He reacted and quickly looked at Conan.

"Conan, these are tracking glasses, so the bugs that are often installed on me are your fault, right?"

Conan's expression changed suddenly and his body froze.

He did this all to monitor Li Mu and Xiaolan to see if they did anything extraordinary.

Although he often failed, Conan never gave up.

Li Mu didn't pay attention before. He didn't catch it either, so he didn't say anything.

Now that he had found the opportunity, how could Li Mu teach Conan a lesson?

Next to him, Xiaolan frowned slightly, and her handsome little face was slightly red.

Because she often had sex with Li Mu, she also knew Some, although resentful, did not think of Conan.

"Conan, is this true? It must be something boring like Hiroshi Agasa. I will strictly prohibit him from giving you this kind of thing when I go back."

"this...this..."Conan was also anxious and quickly waved his hand and said,"I didn't do it. I really didn't do it.""

"Don't deny it, I have long used the equipment to detect that it is someone from the Maori Detective Agency, but I don't think you will do this. Now it seems that you used Dr. A Li's equipment to eavesdrop.

Also, it is impossible for me to eavesdrop on myself. It is difficult for Xiaolan and Mouri Kogoro to get this thing, so the only one is Dr. Agasa."

Li Mu looked at Conan angrily, with an expression that said,"I have seen through everything."

Outside the game, everyone watching in the control room focused their attention on Dr. Agasa.

Kogoro Mouri frowned and said,"Dr. Agasa" , there should be a bug in our house, right?"

On the other side, Officer Memu also glanced at Dr. Ali and said coldly:"Dr. Ali, after this incident is over, you should also go to the police station to talk."

Fortunately, Dr. Agasa has a good character and often helps Officer Megure solve cases.

Otherwise, Dr. Agasa might have been treated as a commercial espionage just because he provided Conan with bugs.

Dr. Agasa touched it awkwardly. Touching the back of his shiny head, he smiled awkwardly

"I'm so sorry, Officer Megure, Detective Mori, I will never give Conan anything like this again."

······Asking for flowers·······

I can only imagine what Dr. A Li is thinking. Anyway, he has already scolded Conan.

He gave this to Conan to investigate the case and use it to monitor the black organization in the future, but Conan used it to eavesdrop on Li Mu.

No wonder Conan's listening devices were not enough during this period. They were all used against Li Mu. How could they be used?

In the game, Conan was rendered speechless by Li Mu.

After all, Li Mu's identity and background meant that he still had an instrument to locate the eavesdropping location.

In this way, through elimination, we knew that Conan was the final murderer. At the same time, he was also annoyed about why he was putting on a show.

Next to him, a young man named Morohoshi smiled and said:"Everyone, now is not the time to discuss the matter of eavesdropping. We should also investigate the case."


As if he had grasped a life-saving straw, Conan quickly pointed at the arriving police and said,"Brother Li, Sister Xiaolan, let's hurry up. We can't forget the purpose of the game."

Xiaolan glanced to the side and clicked. He nodded and said:"Okay, let's forget it this time. When we go back, we must have a good talk with Dr. Ali."

Conan was happy at first, then grimaced.

He could imagine that not only Xiaolan would cause trouble for him after returning, but even Dr. A Li would also cause trouble for him.

Next to him, Haiyuan Ai passed by Conan, looked at Conan with disdain, and sneered.

Damn it, this girl.

Conan was certain that Haihara Ai was definitely mocking him intentionally.

Finally, the members of the Young Detective Team passed by Conan and stopped in a tacit understanding.

"Conan, it's not good to eavesdrop on them."

"Yes, Conan, my mother said that eavesdropping is against the law."

"That's right, you should repent well in the future."

Conan listened to everyone's education, his face drooped, and he said in a low voice:"Hey, I know, I don't dare to do it anymore."

After everyone left, Conan said with a grimace:"It's over now, we have to think of a good way, otherwise how will I explain to Dr. A Li when I go back."

While thinking, Conan followed Li Mu and came to the side of the police, listening to the police's conversation.

The Invincible God-Slayer of The Great Voyage began with!_

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